Disable HTML Escaping in Django's Textfield

Disable HTML escaping in Django's TextField

Just use django's safe filter. In your template you would do something like this:

{{ instance.my_text_field|safe }}

Django Form values without HTML escape

You can use "safe" in the template or "mark_safe" in the view,
turn off autoescaping in the template,
or use Unicode characters instead of HTML entities in your form.

Using mark_safe

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

currencies = ((mark_safe('$'), mark_safe('$')),
(mark_safe('£'), mark_safe('£')),
(mark_safe('€'), mark_safe('€')))

Using autoescape off

As an alternative in your template you can turn off escaping for a block of code.
Everything between tags {% autoescape off %} and {% endautoescape %}
will not be escaped.

Using Unicode characters

When nothing else works try the following. In the file that contains your currencies tuple put the following line as the very first or second line:

# coding=utf-8

and then in your currencies tuple put the actual unicode characters:

currencies = (('$', '$'), 
('£', '£'),
('€', '€'))

Prevent django admin from escaping html

As of Django 1.9, you can use format_html(), format_html_join(), or allow_tags in your method. See the list_display docs for more info.

The code in the question using mark_safe will work. However a better option for methods like these might be format_html, which will escape arguments.

def _get_thumbnail(self, obj):
return format_html(u'<img src="{}" />', obj.admin_thumbnail.url)

In earlier versions of Django, using mark_safe() would not work, and Django would escape the output. The solution was to give the method an allow_tags attribute with the value set to True.

class PhotoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fields = ('title', 'image',)
list_display = ('title', '_get_thumbnail',)

def _get_thumbnail(self, obj):
return u'<img src="%s" />' % obj.admin_thumbnail.url
_get_thumbnail.allow_tags = True

Python Django: Enabling tags in models.TextField()

There are two ways to handle HTML in a Django app. Firstly, since HTML is just text, a TextField is a perfectly straight forward way to store it.

What you are having issue with is entering tags, and displaying them.

Displaying tags in a template is relatively easy. Lets say your string is:

<p><b>My text here</b></p>

If you just enter this in a django template:

{{ blog.text }}

You'll see exactly that on screen, because behind the scenes Django is trying to be helpful by escaping the text to:

>p<>b<My text here>/b<>/p<

What you want is the safe template tag to prevent his behaviour like so:

{{ blog.text|safe }}

As for entry, the simplest way is to just enter HTML tags directly into the admin interface of your blog like that above. Entering <p>A paragraph</p> into the admin interface will store that as is into the database.

For a more user-friendly approach you need to consider a rich text editor for Django, like CKEditor or TinyMCE

How to prevent Django's label_tag function from escaping the label?

There is a comment in the code for label_tag

Wraps the given contents in a <label>, if the field has an ID attribute.
contents should be 'mark_safe'd to avoid HTML escaping. If contents
aren't given, uses the field's HTML-escaped label.



Should work.. I can't see another way around this problem

How to not escape characters in Django Rest Framework

This bit of code helped. I basically had to override to_representation.

def to_representation(self, instance):
ret = super().to_representation(instance)
ret['text'] = html.unescape(ret['text'])
return ret

Django - Store unescaped html in model

You can use the safe filter to present unescaped text, or escape filter to present escaped text. You can also use autoescape tag to set a block. ({% autoescape on %} or {% autoescape off %})

Django template filter escaping

Turns out the problem was much stupider than what I thought it was - I had my <script> tags in the wrong order so I was getting the jQuery-UI tooltip instead of the Bootstrap tooltip, and the jQuery-UI tooltip doesn't support html.

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