Ruby on Rails: How to Render a String as HTML

Ruby on Rails: how to render a string as HTML?


For security reasons, it is recommended to use sanitize instead of html_safe.

<%= sanitize @str %>

What's happening is that, as a security measure, Rails is escaping your string for you because it might have malicious code embedded in it. But if you tell Rails that your string is html_safe, it'll pass it right through.

@str = "<b>Hi</b>".html_safe
<%= @str %>


@str = "<b>Hi</b>"
<%= @str.html_safe %>

Using raw works fine, but all it's doing is converting the string to a string, and then calling html_safe. When I know I have a string, I prefer calling html_safe directly, because it skips an unnecessary step and makes clearer what's going on. Details about string-escaping and XSS protection are in this Asciicast.

How render HTML Link from String with Rails?

the plain text can be converted to html by called html_safe method on string.
Like '<a href="http//">http//</a>'.html_safe

Can I render a text string as a partial in Rails 3?

Looks like I just need to:

render :text => myTextFromS3, :layout => true

And it works!

Update: Since 2013 rails changed

There is 3 different ways:

render html: '<strong>HTML String</strong>' # render with `text/html` MIME type

render plain: 'plain text' # render with `text/plain` MIME type

render body: 'raw body' # render raw content, does not set content type, inherits
# default content type, which currently is `text/html`


Rails: Render HTML directly from controller.

You need to tell rails to render it as html content using .html_safe method. Try doing it like so:

render html: @htmldoc.html_safe

Render %= % as a String in an .html.erb View?

You should double the % symbols as follow:

<h3><%%= rating_color %></h3>

Edit for source:

In erb.rb line 50, we see that <%% is a special tag that is replaced by <% we can also see that on line 650.

dynamically render strings as html

You need to mark the string as 'html safe' in one of two ways:

<%= raw @string %>

... or by explicitly marking the string as html_safe:

<%= @string.html_safe %>

However: Please bear in mind that if this input comes from untrusted users (i.e. anyone other than you!), then this could be a risky strategy, as it will allow cross site scripting attacks. Make sure you read the rails security guide for more information on this risk and how to effectively mitigate it.

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