Pick Images of Root Folder from Sub-Folder

Pick images of root folder from sub-folder

You can reference the image using relative path:

<img src="../images/logo.png">
__ ______ ________
| | |
| | |___ 3. Get the file named "logo.png"
| |
| |___ 2. Go inside "images/" subdirectory
|____ 1. Go one level up

Or you can use absolute path: / means that this is an absolute path on the server, So if your server is at https://example.org/, referencing /images/logo.png from any page would point to https://example.org/images/logo.png

<img src="/images/logo.png">
|______ ________
| | |
| | |___ 3. Get the file named "logo.png"
| |
| |___ 2. Go inside "images/" subdirectory
|____ 1. Go to the root folder

ASP - Pick Images of Root Folder into Sub Folder

If you make your <img> tag a server control by adding runat="server" you can simply do the following and it will always resolve the url correctly, regardless of where the user controls is referenced:

<img id="image" src='<%=ResolveClientUrl("~/images/abc.jpg")' />

The ResolveClientUrl method will automatically resolve the correct path starting off from the root of the app (~/)

Copy first image file from subfolders into parent and rename

You're mistakenly getting the $image in your $root-directory since you are using the get-childitem without any -Path parameter. For your purpose you need Foreach $Fld (folder) seperately:

$Root = (Get-Item -Path '.\' -Verbose).FullName                                        #'

$Folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $Root -Directory

Foreach($Fld in $Folders)
$Image = Get-ChildItem -Path $Fld -Name -Filter *.* | Select-Object -First 1

Copy-Item -Path "$($Fld.FullName)\$Image" -Destination "$Root\$($Fld.Name).jpeg"

Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

Here is you code a little shortened:

$Folders = Get-ChildItem -Directory # Without -path you are in the current working directory

Foreach($Fld in $Folders)
$Image = Get-ChildItem -Path $Fld -Filter *.* | Select-Object -First 1 # Without the -name you get the whole fileinfo

Copy-Item -Path $Image.FullName -Destination "$PWD\$($Fld.Name)$($Image.Extension)" # $PWD is a systemvariable for the current working directory

Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

You could be even bolder as the FullName of the folder contains the path:

Copy-Item -Path $Image.FullName -Destination "$($Fld.FullName)$($Image.Extension)"

Getting images from subfolder and title of folder

This might help you. getDirContents will return all the folders with images.

function getDirContents($dir){
$files = scandir($dir);

foreach($files as $key => $value){
$path = realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$value);
if(!is_dir($path)) {
$results[] = $value;
} else if($value != "." && $value != "..") {
$results[$value] = getDirContents($path);
return $results;

I have just provided the iteration of all directories, you need to add your div structure according to your need.

$directories = getDirContents('sub-directory'); // specify your sub-directory here as a parameter

if (!empty($directories)) {
foreach ($directories as $directory => $images) {
// this will be the parent folder of images
echo $directory;
if (!empty($images)) {
foreach ($images as $image) {
// add img tag here with valid url
echo $image;

how to load images from different folders and subfolders in python

os.walk() is what you are looking for.

import os

# traverse root directory, and list directories as dirs and files as files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
path = root.split(os.sep)
print((len(path) - 1) * '---', os.path.basename(root))
for file in files:
print(len(path) * '---', file)

This code will allow you to parse recursively all folders and subfolders. You get the name of the subfolder(labels in your case) and all files in the file variable.

The next work for you is then to maybe create a dictionnary (or numpy multi-dimensional array) to store for each label (or subfolder) the features of your image.

Show images from subfolders in tkinter

I've found out what to do in this case:

You have to give the path like this:


This mounts the cwd as "." and lets me acces all files in the subfolders(actually, there was just a point missing!!!)

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