How to Override Inline !Important

Can I override inline !important?

Let me begin by saying that generally inline styles can be overridden:

.override {color:red !important;}
<p style="color:blue;">I will be blue</p>
<p style="color:blue;" class="override">But I will be red</p>

External CSS !important overriding inline !important

You have apparently confused inline style origin that originates from physical HTML attribute (<el style="[css declarations]">) with in-page style sheet that has "author" level origin specificity and originates either from <style>[css rules]</style> or <link rel="stylesheet" href="[css file url]">.

Style and link elements in page are origin-wise equal, attribute is more origin-wise specific.

It is not possible to beat !important rules from inline origin level (attribute) with !important rule from author level origin.

How can I override inline styles with external CSS?

The only way to override inline style is by using !important keyword beside the CSS rule. The following is an example of it.

div {
color: blue !important;
/* Adding !important will give this rule more precedence over inline style */
<div style="font-size: 18px; color: red;">
Hello, World. How can I change this to blue?

Override inline CSS from CSS file without !important

If we think about this differently considering that you want to override width/height then yes you can do it with min-width/min-height:

#my_component {  min-width:200px;  min-height:200px;  background:red;}
<div id="my_component" class="class_1" style="width: 40px; height: 40px;"></div>

How can I override !important inline css?

You can hide the background image by adding the CSS background-size: 0; and try to put a background image to ul.list-inline > li > a[target=_blank]


rather use ul.list-inline > li > a[target] or it wont work

How to override inline styles with !important using jquery?

Your code is correct, you can do it exactly like you suggested. Even though there is an inline style rule already on the element, once the document is ready, it will replace that rule with what you've written, see here.


If for some reason, you want more assurance, you can clear the inline styling before you apply the new styling with the removeAttr() jquery method (but it's a bit of a waste of code).