How to Force Fully Download Txt File on Link

How to save a text as .txt file via a downloadable link?

I reckon I have found a solution to your problem. Though I can't be entirely sure, it has two causes. The first one lies in the href attribute of the download link. The problem here is the " (double quotes) in the to_save variables data. The html, for what I could test with the by you provided data, renders it as follows:

<a href="data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8,b"UNA:+.? 'UNB+UNOC:3+9978715000006:14+9978715000006:14+200529:1139+50582307060_WP?+_200101_200201++TL'UNH+1+MSCONS:D:04B:UN:2.3'BGM+7+50582307060_WP?+_200101_200201-1+9'DTM+137:202005291139:203'RFF+Z13:13008'NAD+MS+9978715000006::9'CTA+IC+:Michael Jordan''NAD+MR+9978715000006::9'"" download=filename.txt>Download File</a>

As you can see the value of the href attribute isn't all in the blue color (here in the stackoverflow code container above). That is because of the " that interrupt the string, it closes the earlier opened " after href=". In order to prevent this behaviour, you should replace the " in to_save with ". To the user this will look the same as " but the browser will treat it like a normal string.

You should add the following line of code to your python script to make that happen

to_save = abc.serialize().encode("ascii", "ignore")
#add this line:
to_save = to_save.replace('"','"')

Next the download attribute doesn't have any double quotes around it's value. It should, formally, look like this: download="filename.txt". Then again, for safety replace any possible"with"`.

The full python code should now look like this:

reference = 50582307060_WP+_200101_200201
reference = reference.replace('"','"')

to_save = abc.serialize().encode("ascii", "ignore")
to_save = to_save.replace('"','"')

href = f'<a href="data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8,{to_save}" download="{reference}.txt">Download File</a> (right-click and save as {reference}.txt)'
st.markdown(href, unsafe_allow_html=True)

Hope this helps! If not, please comment.

Force download of 'data:text/plain' URL

As of now, it has been made possible to use <a download> in Chrome. Using dispatchEvent, you can download any string as file (even with a custom filename) whenever you want. Here's a utility function to use it:

var downloadFile = function(filename, content) {
var blob = new Blob([content]);
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
$("<a>", {
download: filename,
href: webkitURL.createObjectURL(blob)


downloadFile("foo.txt", "bar");

It uses jQuery and the webkit prefix, but both can be avoided.

How to create downloadable link to text file?

Add the following lines to your .htaccess file.

<Files "backup.sql">
ForceType applicaton/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment

Force download of a .txt file with button

If you use Apache as a web server add .htaccess to the folder with the following content:

<Files *.txt>
ForceType applicaton/octet-stream

How to force a Download File prompt instead of displaying it in-browser with HTML?

This is something that you cannot absolutely control with HTML itself.

If the user is having a browser with PDF reading capabilities (or a plugin) and the corresponding settings to open PDF files in-browser, the PDF will open like that.

The PDF opens in a new tab simple because of your target="_blank", which has nothing to do with a download prompt.

If you are using HTML5 you can use the download attribute:

<a href="sample.pdf" download="sample.pdf">Download</a>

If you have a back-end service which you can control or you feel like fiddling with your Web Server, you can always look for setting the right Content-Disposition. See this SO question for some nice discussion on Content-Disposition.

How to force text file to download instead of opening in browser in jsp

Your server needs to add a header to the response:

Content-disposition: attachment

How to download .txt files on hyperlink click?

Answer to your question might be in this StackOverflow article:
how to force a download file prompt instead of displaying it in browser

For non HTML5 approahc you will have to trick the browser by changing the headers (from your app side or directly at server lever) see this article for more details:

How to download a text file on link click in codeigniter

You can do it like this, it won't redirect you and also works good for larger files.

In your controller "Controller.php"

function downloadFile(){
$yourFile = "Sample-CSV-Format.txt";
$file = @fopen($yourFile, "rb");

header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=TheNameYouWant.txt');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($yourFile));
while (!feof($file)) {
print(@fread($file, 1024 * 8));

In your view "view.php"

<a href="<?=base_url("Controller/downloadFile")?>">Download</a>

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