How to Bevel the Corner of a Block Div

How to bevel the corner of a block div?

Until CSS4 border-corner-shape property is in danger! and it's not implemented, This can be done by using CSS3 transforms (to keep border property free for further usage):


<div class="box">
Text Content


.box {
width: 200px;
height: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
padding: 0 5px;
background-color: #ccc;
padding-right: 20px;
border: solid 1px black;
border-right: 0;
position: relative;

.box:after {
content: "";
display: block;
background-color: #ccc;
border: solid 1px black;
border-left: 0;
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
top: -1px; /* pull it up because of 1px border */
right: -17.5px; /* 35px / 2 */
transform: skew(-45deg);
-o-transform: skew(-45deg);
-moz-transform: skew(-45deg);
-webkit-transform: skew(-45deg);

Here is JSBin Demo.

NOTE: There's another div in example above has class attribute of box2, which implemented without using CSS3 declarations that you might consider using it ;)

Creating beveled corners

I ended up using a background image on a div that overlaid the menu, and changed the class of both the last tab and the div with JavaScript when the last tab was selected.

I would have liked to do this purely through CSS, and the use of :before and :after pseudo elements that were offset came very close, but it was too difficult to get a pixel-perfect layout working across all browsers.

Here's my code for the curious.


if($('.tabs .tab-right').hasClass('selected')){
$(".tab .angle").addClass('angle-selected');
$(".tab .angle").removeClass('angle-selected');


.tabs .tab-right {
padding: 8px 28px 8px 12px;
.tabs .angle {
background: url("../img/angle-noborder.png") no-repeat transparent;
height: 35px;
width: 28px;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
right: 28px;
.tabs .angle.angle-selected {
background: url("../img/angle-border.png") no-repeat transparent;

Bevel corners, background not rounded

Since you are using multiple background you can add more using radial-gradiant to create the corner (I removed the vendor prefixes to simplify the code)

.test-block {  height: 480px;  padding: 4px;  color: #ffffff;  background-color: transparent;  background-image:   radial-gradient(circle at top left, transparent 40%, #1698d9 0%),   radial-gradient(circle at bottom left, transparent 40%, #1698d9 0%),   radial-gradient(circle at top right, transparent 40%, #1698d9 0%),   linear-gradient(180deg, #1698d9, #1698d9),   linear-gradient(225deg, #1698d9, #1698d9),   linear-gradient(0deg, #1698d9, #1698d9),   linear-gradient(90deg, #1698d9, #1698d9),   linear-gradient(135deg, transparent 28px, #1698d9 28px, #1698d9 32px, transparent 10px);  background-position:   bottom right,   top right,   bottom left,   top right,   top right,   bottom left,   bottom left,   top left;  background-size:   10px 10px, 10px 10px, 10px 10px,   calc(100% - 40px) 4px,   4px 100%,   100% 4px,   4px calc(100% - 40px),   100% 100%;  background-repeat: no-repeat;  border-radius: 10px;  width: 320px;}body { background-image:linear-gradient(30deg, pink, yellow);}
<div class="test-block"> </div>

Removing the Bevel Effect on the Corner of Borders

That's the way borders work, I believe there's no way to change this without an extra element.

Instead of empty divs, you can use wrapper divs.

<div class="outer">
<div class="inner">test</div>
.inner {
padding : 5px;
border : 15px solid red;
border-top: 0;
.outer {
border-top : 15px solid teal;


There's another way to do it with :before/:after psuedo elements but it's a little messier, however it requires no extra markup:


div {
padding : 5px;
border : 15px solid red;
border-top: 0;
padding-top: 20px; /* border width plus desired padding */
div:before {
content:' ';
background: teal;
padding:0 15px; /* border width plus div padding */
top: 0;
left:-15px; /* border width plus div padding */

You can write the CSS in a number of different ways to achieve the same effect. Demo:

Cut Corners using CSS

If the parent element has a solid color background, you can use pseudo-elements to create the effect:

div {    height: 300px;    background: red;    position: relative;}
div:before { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border-top: 80px solid white; border-left: 80px solid red; width: 0;}

Angled corners on CSS with Transparency

You can consider multiple background to achieve this and you are almost good with your linear-gradient(-220deg, transparent 10px, #ad1c1c 10px). Simply adjust the size and position:

h1 {  color: #fff;  text-align: center;  padding:10px;  background:    linear-gradient(-225deg,transparent 10px,#ad1c1c 0) left /50.5% 100%,    linear-gradient( 225deg,transparent 10px,#ad1c1c 0) right/50.5% 100%;  background-repeat:no-repeat;}
body { background:pink;}
<h1 >Test</h1>

Create border arround special beveled css shape?

You can achieve using clip-path and multiple background:

.box {
--d:30px; /* control the clip-path */
--b:4px; /* the border length */
--c:orange; /* the color */

--gc:var(--c) calc(50% + var(--b)*0.707),#0000 0;
--gl:var(--c), #0000 40% 60%,var(--c);

clip-path:polygon(var(--d) 0,calc(100% - var(--d)) 0,100% var(--d),100% calc(100% - var(--d)),calc(100% - var(--d)) 100%, var(--d) 100%, 0 calc(100% - var(--d)),0 var(--d));

/* the corners */
linear-gradient( 135deg, var(--gc)) 0 0 /var(--d) var(--d),
linear-gradient( 45deg, var(--gc)) 0 100%/var(--d) var(--d),
linear-gradient( -45deg, var(--gc)) 100% 100%/var(--d) var(--d),
linear-gradient(-135deg, var(--gc)) 100% 0 /var(--d) var(--d),

/* the lines */
linear-gradient(90deg, var(--gl)) top /100% var(--b),
linear-gradient(90deg, var(--gl)) bottom/100% var(--b),
linear-gradient( 0deg, var(--gl)) left /var(--b) 100%,
linear-gradient( 0deg, var(--gl)) right /var(--b) 100%;
<div class="box">


How to add an offsetted outline to a CSS shape?

Here is an idea based on this previous answer. Simply adjust the different variables to get the result you want:

.box {
--c:10px; /* the corner */
--b:3px; /* border thickness*/
--o:-10px,-15px; /* offset*/

width: 200px;
height: 100px;

clip-path: polygon(var(--c) 0%, calc(100% - var(--c)) 0%, 100% var(--c), 100% calc(100% - var(--c)), calc(100% - var(--c)) 100%, var(--c) 100%, 0% calc(100% - var(--c)), 0% var(--c));

.box:after {
--grad:transparent 49.5%,var(--border-color) 50%;
linear-gradient(to top right ,var(--grad)) top right,
linear-gradient(to top left ,var(--grad)) top left,
linear-gradient(to bottom right,var(--grad)) bottom right,
linear-gradient(to bottom left ,var(--grad)) bottom left;
background-size:calc(var(--c) - var(--b)) calc(var(--c) - var(--b));
border: var(--b) solid var(--border-color);
<div class='box'></div>

<div class='box' style="--c:40px;--b:2px;--o:10px,-20px;--border-color:blue;--bg-color:orange"></div>

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