How Much Faster Is It to Use Inline/Base64 Images for a Web Site Than Just Linking to The Hard File

Is there some performance benefit using base64 encoded images?

The benefit is that you have to make one less HTTP request, since the image is "included" in a file you have made a request for anyway. Quantifying that depends on a whole lot of parameters such as caching, image size, network speed, and latency, so the only way is to measure (and the actual measurement would certainly not apply to everyone everywhere).

I should mention that another common approach to minimizing the number of HTTP requests is by using CSS sprites to put many images into one file. This would arguably be an even more efficient approach, since it also results in less bytes being transferred over (base64 bloats the byte size by a factor of about 1.33).

Of course, you do end up paying a price for this: decreased convenience of modifying your graphics assets.

Advantages and disadvantages of using base64 encoded images

It's only useful for very tiny images. Base64 encoded files are larger than the original. The advantage lies in not having to open another connection and make a HTTP request to the server for the image. This benefit is lost very quickly so there's only an advantage for large numbers of very tiny individual images.

Should I embed images as data/base64 in CSS or HTML

Is this a good practice? Are there some reasons to avoid this?

It's a good practice usually only for very small CSS images that are going to be used together (like CSS sprites) when IE compatibility doesn't matter, and saving the request is more important than cacheability.

It has a number of notable downsides:

  • Doesn't work at all in IE6 and 7.

  • Works for resources only up to 32k in size in IE8. This is the limit that applies after base64 encoding. In other words, no longer than 32768 characters.

  • It saves a request, but bloats the HTML page instead! And makes images uncacheable. They get loaded every time the containing page or style sheet get loaded.

  • Base64 encoding bloats image sizes by 33%.

  • If served in a gzipped resource, data: images are almost certainly going to be a terrible strain on the server's resources! Images are traditionally very CPU intensive to compress, with very little reduction in size.

What is the effect of encoding an image in base64?

It will be approximately 37% larger:

Very roughly, the final size of Base64-encoded binary data is equal to 1.37 times the original data size


Confusions about different ways of displaying images from an external url using JavaScript

Direct Answer

  1. Yes the server can send any kind of data (anything is just a binary consecution of numbers, even text and characters). It is the client which tries to make sense of the content, usually following certain standards.
  2. If you don't need to manipulate the image I suggest you to avoid any request since the browser can handle it for you. Note that only fetch is hardly subjected to CORS because it does not send cross-origin cookies (see MDN - using fetch). If you need more control you can use XMLHTTPRequest. The usage of blob is inherited from old web approaches, those times where ArrayBuffer were not invented, and it was the only wrapper for binary data in the web environments. It is still supported for many reason.
  3. Actually less than you think (just 1)! Check explanation...
  4. Image resources are widely dependent on what kind of processing you need... Just displaying an image? MDN and CSS-tricks are full of tips, you just need to search for them. If you want to process an image instead, you need to take a further look to canvas elements and the usual resources are scarce or almost about game making (for obviously reasons), MDN and something in CSS-tricks for resources.


What is an image?

I think you have a bias toward the concept of a browser displaying an image.

So what a image really is? binary data.

Pratically there is only one way for your browser (or your computer in general) to display an image, that is to have a byte array that is a flatten view of the pixels of your image. So at the end of the day you will ALWAYS need to feed your broswer with binary data that is interpretable as a raw image (usually a set of rgb(a) pixels).

Yes, there is only "ONE" way to display an image on a computer. But there are different ways we can represent that image.


At low level, different computers represent numbers in different ways, so the web standards decided to represent images in so called RGB8 or RGBA8 encoding (Red-Green-Blue(-Alpha)-NumBits, 8 bits = 1 Byte). This means that each pixel is represented by an array of 4 bytes (numbers), each varying from 0 to 255. This array is the only thing your browser see as image.

At the end your image is something like this:

// using color(x, y) to describe the image pixels
[ red(0, 0), green(0, 0), blue(0, 0), alpha(0, 0), red(1, 0), ... ] =
[ 124, 12, 123, 255, 122, ... ]

Now that you can see an image as a linear array of pixels, we can decide how to write it down on a piece of paper (our "code"). The browser (usually and historically) parse every packet sent on the web in an HTML file as plain text, so we must use characters to describe our image, the standard is to ONLY use UTF-8 (character encoding, superset of ASCII). We can write it in JS as an array of numbers for example.

But take a look to the number 255. Each time you send that number on the newtork you are sending 3 characters: '2', '5', '5'. Web comunicates only with characters so... Is there a way to make a compact representation of that number in order to send less bytes as possible (saving those guys who have slow connection!)?

Base64 is the most famous encoding used to describe that linear array in the most compact way, because it compress the 255 characters into just 1 or 2 characters (depending on the sequence). Instead of representing number in base of 10, we can take rid of some characters we usually use as letters to represent more digits. So '11' become 'a', '12' => 'b', '13' => 'c', ..., '32' => 'a', ..., '63' => 'Z', '64' => '10', '65' => '11', ..., '128' => '20', and so on. Furthermore this algorithm exploit more low level representation to encode more digits in one single character (that's why u will see some '=' at the end sometimes).

Take a look on different representation of the same image:

// JavaScript Array
[ /* pixel 1 */ 124, 12, 123, 255, /* pixel 2 */ 122, 12, 56, 255 ] // 67 characters
// (30 without spaces and comments)

// Base64
fAx7w796DDjDvw== // 16 characters
// Base32
3sc3r7v3qc1o7vAb== // 18 characters (always >= Base64)

It's easy to see why they choose base64 as common algorithm (and this example counts just for 2 pixels).

(Base32 image example)


Now imagine to send a 4K image on the web, which has a dimension of 3'656 × 2'664. This means that you are sending on the internet 9'739'584 of pixels, with 4 bytes each, for a grand total of 38'958'336 bytes (~39MB). Furthermore imagine what a waste if the image is completely black (we can describe the whole image just with one pixel)... That's too much (especially for low connections), for this reason they invented some algorithms which can describe the image in a more compact way, we call them image format. PNG and JPEG/JPG are example of formats which compress the image (jpg 4k image ~8MB, png 4k image can vary from ~2MB to ~22MB depending on certain parameters and the image itself).

Someone keep the compression thing to a further level, enstabilishing the gzip compression standard format (a generic compression algorithm over an already compressed image, or any other kind of file).

Drawing on the Browser

At the end of this journey you have just two different ways browsers allow you to draw content: URI and ArrayBuffer.

  • URI: you can use it with <img> and css, by setting src property of the element or by setting any style property which can get an image URL as input.
  • ArrayBuffer: by manipulating the <canvas>.context buffer (that is just the linear array we discussed above)

Obviously browsers allow also to convert or switch between the two ways.


URI are the way we define a certain content, that can be a stored resource (URL - all protocols but data, for example http(s)://, ws(s):// or file://) or a properly buffer described by a string (the data protocol).

When you ask for an image, by setting the src property, your browser parses the URL and, if it is a remote content, makes a request to retrieve it and parse the content in the proper way (format & encoding). In the same way, when you make a fetch call you are asking the browser to request the remote content; the fetch function has the possibility to get the response in different ways:

  • textual, just a bunch of characters (usually used to parse JSON/DOM/XML)
  • binary data, divided in:
    • ArrayBuffer, which is a representation of the linear array of the image, we discussed above
    • Blob, which is an abstract representation of a generic file-like object (which also encapsulate an internal ArrayBuffer). The Blob is something like a pointer to a file-like entity in the browser cache, so you don't need to download/request the same file multiple times.
// ArrayBuffer from fetch:
fetch(myRequest).then(function(response) {
return response.arrayBuffer();
// Blob from fetch
fetch(myRequest).then(function(response) {
return response.blob();
// ArrayBuffer from Blob

So now you have to tell to the browser how to make sense of the content you get back from the response. You need to convert the data to a parsable url:

var encodedURI = `data:${format};${encoding},` + encodeBuffer(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
image.src = encodedURI

// for base64 encoding
var encodeBuffer = function(buffer) { return window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buffer)); }

// for blobs
image.src = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);

Note that browsers supports other encodings than just base64, also base32 is available but, as we saw above, is not so convinient to use. Also there is no builtin function like btoa to encode a buffer in base32.

Note also that the format value can be any kind of MIME type such as image/png|jpg|gif|svg or text/plain|html|xml, application/octet, etc.. Obviously only image types are then shown as images.

When the resource is not requested from a remote server (with a file:// or data protocol) the image is usually loaded syncronously, so as soon you set the URL, the browser will read, decode and put the buffer to display in your image. This has two consequences:

  1. The data is managed locally (no internet connection requirements)
  2. The data is treated synchronously, so if the image is big your computer will stuck into the processing until the end (see why it is a bad practice to use data protocol for videos or huge data in the special section, at the end)


URI is a generic identifier for a resource, URL is an identifier for a location where to retrieve the resource. Usually in a browser context are almost an overlapped concept, I found this image explain better than thousand words:

The data is pratically an URI, every request with a protocol is actually an URL

Side Note

In your question you write this as an alternative method by "setting the image element url":

const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
document.querySelector("#myImage").src = objectUrl; // <-- setting url!

But watch out: you actually setting an image element source URL!


The <canvas> element gives you the full control over an image buffer, also to further process it. You can literally draw your array in it:

var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
// or offline canvas:
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = myWidth;
canvas.height = myHeight;

var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

// exemple from array buffer
var arrayBuffer = /* from fetch or Blob.arrayBuffer() or also with new ArrayBuffer(size) */
var buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(arrayBuffer);
var imageData = new ImageData(buffer, width, height);
context.putImageData(iData, 0, 0);

// example image from array (2 pixels)
var data = [
// R G B A
255, 255, 255, 255, // white pixel
255, 0, 0, 255 // red pixel
var buffer = new Uint8ClampedArray(data);
var imageData = new ImageData(buffer, 2, 1);
context.putImageData(iData, 0, 0);

(Note ImageData wants a RGBA array)

To get back the ArrayBuffer (which you can also plug back in the image.src after) you can do:

var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.heigth);
var buffer =; // Uint8ClampedArray
var arrayBuffer = buffer.buffer; // ArrayBuffer

This is an example on how to process an image:

// reading image
var image = document.getElementById('myimage');
image.onload = function() {
// load image in canvas
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

// process your image
context.fillRect(20, 20, 150, 100);
var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);[0] = 255;

// converting back to base64 url
var resultUrl = window.btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null,;

// setting image url and disabling onload
image.onload = null;
image.src = resultUrl;

// note src setted after onload
image.src = 'ANY-URL';

For this part I suggest you to take a look to Canvas Tutorial - MDN


Audio and Video are treated in the same way, but you must encode and format also the time and sound dimension in some way. You can load a audio/video from base64 string (not so good idea for videos) or display a video on a canvas

Why use data URI scheme?

According to Wikipedia:


  • HTTP request and header traffic is not required for embedded data, so
    data URIs consume less bandwidth whenever the overhead of encoding
    the inline content as a data URI is smaller than the HTTP overhead.
    For example, the required base64 encoding for an image 600 bytes long
    would be 800 bytes, so if an HTTP request required more than 200
    bytes of overhead, the data URI would be more efficient.

  • For transferring many small files (less than a few kilobytes each), this can be faster. TCP transfers tend to start slowly. If each file requires a new TCP connection, the transfer speed is limited by the round-trip time rather than the available bandwidth. Using HTTP keep-alive improves the situation, but may not entirely alleviate the bottleneck.

  • When browsing a secure HTTPS web site, web browsers commonly require that all elements of a web page be downloaded over secure connections, or the user will be notified of reduced security due to a mixture of secure and insecure elements. On badly configured servers, HTTPS requests have significant overhead over common HTTP requests, so embedding data in data URIs may improve speed in this case.

  • Web browsers are usually configured to make only a certain number
    (often two) of concurrent HTTP connections to a domain, so inline
    data frees up a download connection for other content.

  • Environments with limited or restricted access to external resources
    may embed content when it is disallowed or impractical to reference
    it externally. For example, an advanced HTML editing field could
    accept a pasted or inserted image and convert it to a data URI to
    hide the complexity of external resources from the user.
    Alternatively, a browser can convert (encode) image based data from
    the clipboard to a data URI and paste it in a HTML editing field.
    Mozilla Firefox 4 supports this functionality.

  • It is possible to manage a multimedia page as a single file. Email
    message templates can contain images (for backgrounds or signatures)
    without the image appearing to be an "attachment".


  • Data URIs are not separately cached from their containing documents
    (e.g. CSS or HTML files) so data is downloaded every time the
    containing documents are redownloaded. Content must be re-encoded and
    re-embedded every time a change is made.

  • Internet Explorer through version 7 (approximately 15% of the market as of January 2011), lacks support. However this can be overcome by serving browser specific content.
    Internet Explorer 8 limits data URIs to a maximum length of 32 KB.

  • Data is included as a simple stream, and many processing environments (such as web browsers) may not support using containers (such as multipart/alternative or message/rfc822) to provide greater complexity such as metadata, data compression, or content negotiation.

  • Base64-encoded data URIs are 1/3 larger in size than their binary
    equivalent. (However, this overhead is reduced to 2-3% if the HTTP
    server compresses the response using gzip) Data URIs make it more
    difficult for security software to filter content.

According to other sources
- Data URLs are significantly slower on mobile browsers.

Hard Code Markdown Images

You should write the document in markdown and then convert it to PDF using a tool like pandoc

However your base64 solution would work. See this

![Hello World]()

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