Dropdownlistfor Will Not Show The Correct Selection

Dropdownlistfor will not show the correct selection

If you want to set the selected value that is coming in Model. You need to do it like this:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => oProfile.BodyTypeShoulderId, 
new SelectList(Model.BodyTypeShoulders,
new { @class = "form-control input-sm-select" })

The above code will set the dropdown selected value to whatever is in the current Model object BodyTypeShoulderId

The first argument of DropDownListFor tells that on form post drop down selected value will be mapped with the Model property which is set there (we are passing m => oProfile.BodyTypeShoulderId) but this not sets selected Value.

For setting selected value you have to pass SelectList fourth parameter using this overload of SelectList class which is object selectedValue

DropDownListFor Not Selecting Value

After researching for an hour, I found the problem that is causing the selected to not get set to DropDownListFor. The reason is you are using ViewBag's name the same as the model's property.


public  class employee_insignia
public int id{get;set;}
public string name{get;set;}
public int insignia{get;set;}//This property will store insignia id

// If your ViewBag's name same as your property name
ViewBag.Insignia = new SelectList(db.MtInsignia.AsEnumerable(), "id", "description", 1);


 @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.insignia, (SelectList)ViewBag.Insignia, "Please select value")

The selected option will not set to dropdownlist, BUT When you change ViewBag's name to different name the selected option will show correct.


ViewBag.InsigniaList = new SelectList(db.MtInsignia.AsEnumerable(), "id", "description", 1);


 @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.insignia, (SelectList)ViewBag.InsigniaList , "Please select value")

Html.DropdownListFor selected value not being set

Your code has some conceptual issues:


@Html.DropDownListFor(n => n.OrderTemplates, new SelectList(Model.OrderTemplates, "OrderTemplateId", "OrderTemplateName", 1), "Please select an order template")

When using DropDownListFor, the first parameter is the property where your selected value is stored once you submit the form. So, in your case, you should have a SelectedOrderId as part of your model or something like that, in order to use it in this way:

@Html.DropDownListFor(n => n.SelectedOrderId, new SelectList(Model.OrderTemplates, "OrderTemplateId", "OrderTemplateName", 1), "Please select an order template")


Aside from using ViewBag, that is not wrong but there are better ways (put that information in the ViewModel instead), there is a "little bug" (or an unspected behavior) when your ViewBag property, where you are holding the SelectList, is the same name of the property where you put the selected value. To avoid this, just use another name when naming the property holding the list of items.

Some code I would use if I were you to avoid this issues and write better MVC code:


public class MyViewModel{
public int SelectedOrderId {get; set;}
public SelectList OrderTemplates {get; set;}

// Other properties you need in your view


public ActionResult MyAction(){
var model = new MyViewModel();
model.OrderTemplates = new SelectList(db.OrderTemplates, "OrderTemplateId", "OrderTemplateName", 1);
//Other initialization code

return View(model);

In your View:

@Html.DropDownListFor(n => n.SelectedOrderId, Model.OrderTemplates, "Please select an order template")

DropDownListFor not respecting Selected property of SelectList

This tends to stump people a lot - apparently the roadmap for MVC 5 includes more intuitive DropDownList helpers.

When you do:

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.TimeOption ...)

... the HTML helper will do everything in its power not to use the value you set to Selected = true in your SelectList. It will:

  • Try to get it from ModelState - which it won't get on the GET request
  • Try to get it from ViewData - which it will get, because you have a TimeOption property on your model.

Only if both of those attempts fail, will it succumb, and use what you asked it to use.

So, in your case, it will use the current value of TimeOption on your model as the selected value. Which should be fine, because that's what you asked for in your SelectList anyway ((int)Model.TimeOption), right?

Wrong. Because it will not cast your property (enum?) to int like you do. It will convert it to a string. For an enum that yields the enumeration's name - e.g. PastMonth. If TimeOption is a custom class of yours, it will be the result of ToString().

Then, when it doesn't find that string as one of your <select> values (because they're all integers), it decides not to make anything selected.

In short: SelectListItem.Selected has no effect on the helper. If your helper call specifies a name (either literally or through a lambda expression), the helper will use anything in ModelState or ViewData with that name, and convert it to a string.

In most cases this happens with enumerations. The easiest way to get around it is to use the enumeration's name, rather than its int representation, as the value for the SelectListItem.

MVC DropDownListFor not selecting value from model

I found the answer! Thanks to all for your help. When I change my code to the following, it works. The code simply specifies the selected value:

model => Model.adjusterLanguages[i].languageID,
new SelectList(
ViewBag.ForeignLanguages, "Value", "Text",

ASP.NET MVC DropDownListFor does not honour SelectListItem.Selected

Try like this:

var selectList = sortedEntries.Select(entry => new SelectListItem
Text = entry.Value,
Value = entry.Id

return View(new DropDownListModel
// The drop down list is bound to ListId so simply set its value
// to some element value in the list and it will get automatically
// preselected
ListId = selectedValue,
SelectList = selectList,
OptionLabel = "Click to Select"

and in the view:

<%= Html.DropDownListFor(
m => m.ListId,
new SelectList(Model.SelectList, "Value", "Text"),
new { @class = "someClass" }
) %>

There could be one more gotcha: you are trying to change the selected value in a POST action. For example you rendered a form, the user selected some value in the dropdown, submitted the form and in your POST action you do some processing on this selected value and when you redisplay the view you want the drop down list to have some other value selected. In this case you will have to remove the initial selection which is contained in the ModelState or the Html helper will ignore the selected value in the model:

// do this before returning the view and only if your scenario
// corresponds to what I described above

DropDownListFor not showing selected value

@Html.DropDownList("FormType", null, "Select", htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control" })

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