Color For Unicode Emoji

Color for Unicode Emoji

Yes, you can color them!

div {  color: transparent;    text-shadow: 0 0 0 red;}

How to write color Unicode emoji in the IE

Actually, I strongly suggest leaving IE alone, since there is no propper support on it anymore. But if you insist on doing this on IE, Microsoft provided a way to deal with this issue. It may seem tricky but AFAIK, it is the only way to make the emojis work as expected. So apparently, Microsoft polished emoji live in a specific system font named Segoe UI Emoji. In order to use it, you just have to define a class or something and then assign it to your specific elements with emojis.

So Your final code should be something like this:

.emoji {  font-family: "Segoe UI Emoji";}
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">
<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"></head>

<body> <span class="emoji">lt;/span></body>

Grey out emoji characters (HTML / CSS)

If you're looking to just change the Emoji colour to grey, you can do so using filter: grayscale:

<button style="filter: grayscale(100%);" disabled>🎨_myText</button>
<p style="color:grey; filter: grayscale(100%);">👎_myText2</p>

How to style a unicode character?

You can try with filter

.red {  color: red;  background-color: yellow;}.red > span {   filter: hue-rotate(180deg) saturate(10);}
<span class="red">DROPLET <span>lt;/span></span>

How to display a colored emoji

Some characters can be displayed "as text" or "as emoji", and a
"Unicode VARIATION SELECTOR" can be used to control the presentation.

print("text presentation:  \u{2049}  \u{25B6}")
print("emoji presentation: \u{2049}\u{FE0F} \u{25B6}\u{FE0F}")


Sample Image

For more information, see 1.4.3 Emoji and Text Presentation Sequences:

ED-8. text presentation selector — The character U+FE0E VARIATION SELECTOR-15, used to request a text presentation for an emoji character. (Also known as text variation selector in prior versions of this specification.)

ED-9. emoji presentation selector — The character U+FE0F VARIATION SELECTOR-16, used to request an emoji presentation for an emoji character. (Also known as emoji variation selector in prior versions of this specification.)

or Variation Selector-16:

An invisible codepoint which specifies that the preceding character should be displayed with emoji presentation. Only required if the preceding character defaults to text presentation.

How would I change the color of an emoji?

The following answer explains why you can't change the color of Emoji characters. The glyphs are essentially images.

If you want to be able to use a heart symbol that you can color, try using one of the non-Emoji heart characters like ♥︎.

Or ensure the label's font isn't using the Apple Color Emoji font.

Display emojis with skin color variation in a textfield via unicode

I am unsure on how to convert the 2 unicode characters into a char

You don't convert the two characters into a single character; you keep them as a string, and the layout engine displays them as a single emoji.

The String constructor takes a string in the UTF-16 encoding form, and UTF-16 will represent supplementary-plane characters (U+10000 or higher) using a surrogate pair, which is a sequence of two chars. To construct a String for an emoji with skin-tone modifier, you need to pass in the UTF-16 char sequence. For instance, for a string comprised of the Unicode character sequence < U+1F91A, U+1F3FC >, the constructor needs an array of 4 chars, which are the UTF-16 representation for that sequence, [0xD83E, 0xDD1A, 0xD83C, 0xDFFC].

A Character.toChars() call will generate a UTF-16 representation for a Unicode code point. If the code point is a supplementary-plane character, toChars() will generate the surrogate pair for that character. But your case requires two separate Unicode characters, which can't be handled in a single toChars() call. Two separate toChars() calls could be used for the two Unicode characters in the sequence, but you want a string that has the combined array of four chars.

I'm not proficient with Java or Android classes, so can't give you the most efficient way to do this. I'm sure you could use StringBuilder, constructing with the first character then appending the second. But there may be a more-direct way.

How to change color of unicode character in TextView?

To make it RED you have to set it's textColor RED. Like this way ->

TextView tv=(TextView)findViewById(;
tv.setTextColor(Color.RED); // Set color here

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