Browser Doesn't Scale Below 400Px

Webpage not resizing - No constraints in code

As state in my comment, the number of tabs in a browser window influence the min width of the window. The browser will keep a minimum width for each tab so it can be clicked and seen as present. As a solution is to try test your site with a window and your site being the only tab there or if you use Chrome, inspect the page, switch to Mobile view(Ctrl + Shift + M) and you can have your own "resizable" window. Same goes with Firefox (Ctrl + Shift + M directly from page).

Use the predefined resolutions or use custom ones that you can create. Hope It helps.

Issue with websites not scaling to fit on a mobile screen

If on mobile device the thing scale its probably due to a media queries that use the screen size because on my browser reddit act the same as your description and the side bar take the whole browser size when i resize it down to the size of a mobile device.
if you want it not to act like reddit does on browser you can eighter; use media queries along with the width of the browser and resize the side bar in these rules or; use some sort of javascript or html5 and css to set the side bar into a button and make it expand to the whole screen when OnClick

wordpress site won't stay centered on desktop browser during width resize

You need to remove the width from body class and margin also need to set margin:0px;

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