What Does the '=>' Syntax in C# Mean

What does the '= ' syntax in C# mean?

It's the lambda operator.

From C# 3 to C# 5, this was only used for lambda expressions. These are basically a shorter form of the anonymous methods introduced in C# 2, but can also be converted into expression trees.

As an example:

Func<Person, string> nameProjection = p => p.Name;

is equivalent to:

Func<Person, string> nameProjection = delegate (Person p) { return p.Name; };

In both cases you're creating a delegate with a Person parameter, returning that person's name (as a string).

In C# 6 the same syntax is used for expression-bodied members, e.g.

// Expression-bodied property
public int IsValid => name != null && id != -1;

// Expression-bodied method
public int GetHashCode() => id.GetHashCode();

See also:

  • What's the difference between anonymous methods (C# 2.0) and lambda expressions (C# 3.0)
  • What is a Lambda?
  • C# Lambda expression, why should I use this?

(And indeed many similar questions - try the lambda and lambda-expressions tags.)

What does 'is { }' syntax mean in c#?

In the more general sense, this is member-based pattern matching - for example:

if (foo is { Id: 42, Name: "abc"})


tests whether foo has Id 42 and Name "abc". In this case, you are testing zero properties, so it effectively becomes the same as is object (i.e. a not null test, or a no-op true for non-nullable value-types).

To compare against what you have in the question (if (someObj == null)) - it is the opposite of that, noting that it will also not use an overloaded == operator for the null test (which == null will).

What does C# syntax ;; mean?

; means empty statement. It does nothing.

In some cases (for example robotic programming), it is useful to instruct the program to continuously pool environment condition and do nothing until the condition fulfilled.


// turn motor on so robot is going forward

// Do nothing (means motor is still on and robot is still going forward) until there is obstacle in front of the robot.
while(!ThereIsObstacle()) ;

// turn motor off so robot is stopped.

What is the @ syntax in C#

The prefix "@" enables the use of keywords as identifiers, which is
useful when interfacing with other programming languages. The
character @ is not actually part of the identifier, so the identifier
might be seen in other languages as a normal identifier, without the
prefix. An identifier with an @ prefix is called a verbatim


class @class
public static void @static(bool @bool) {
if (@bool)

See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa664670.aspx

What does T represent in C# syntax?

The remaining bits - Execute<T> ... where T : new() is strange and new to me.

So, Execute is method name. <T> is generic parameter T (See Generics (C# Programming Guide)) and where T : new() is generic constraint, which requires T to have parameterless constructor.

Possibly related, but what does the following actually return? (as in; does it return a function or an object or a reference to something?)

return Execute<Call>(request);

Because Execute<T> returns T and you call is with T = Call this one will return Call class instance (or possible null if only Call is class, not struct).

what does this syntax int* mean?

int* declares pointer to int type. C# supports pointer in unsafe context. We can use the unsafe keyword in two different ways. It can be used as a modifier to a method, property, and constructor etc. For example:

using System;
class MyClass
public unsafe void Method()
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
int *ptr1 = &x;
int *ptr2 = &y;
class MyClient
public static void Main()
MyClass mc = new MyClass();

The keyword unsafe can also be used to mark a group of statements as unsafe as shown below:

using System;
class MyClass
public void Method()
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
int *ptr1 = &x;
int *ptr2 = &y;
class MyClient
public static void Main()
MyClass mc = new MyClass();

Reference: Pointers in C#

what does this syntax mean? new { }

This is an anonymous type. It will basically work like a class:

class anonymous
public readonly type var1; // "type" is the type of somevalue
public readonly type var2; // "type" is the type of anothervalue

which is instantiated with

var data = new anonymous { var1 = somevalue, var2 = anothervalue };

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