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Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

The error is quite literal: The Adapter needs a valid SQL Update statement. Dataset designers and CommandBuilders will generate these for you, but there is nothing wrong with hand-crafting a bit of SQL either.

Anyway, you'll have to verify (debugger) that the Update statement is still configured and what it actually is. It could be more of a SQL than a C# problem.

Edit: the Command Builder tools will only handle straight, single table, Select statements. Use a Join or anything fancy and you're on your own.

Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows.'

  • Right click on your tableadapter (on the header, not the Fill command), and choose Configure

enter image description here

  • Click Advanced Options and verify that "Generate I/U/D" is ticked

enter image description here

When this isn't ticked, the resulting TA doesn't have any DML statements built:

enter image description here

If your SELECT statement doesn't select the column that is set as the primary key in the database, then this Generate IUD tickbox may be greyed out, or it will be ticked but the DML statements won't generate. Pay attention to the final page of the wizard. Here is what happened when I made a table "Other" that had no primary key:

enter image description here

INSERT generates, because it's easy to generate an insert on a keyless table, but update and delete cannot be generated

If you don't select the PK column you get a warning:

enter image description here

It's important that your DB tables have a PK; it's not the same thing to declare some datacolumns of a datatable in a dataset to be a primary key. A Dataset is not a database; it may have more or fewer tables/columns and the presentation and datatypes of row data do not have to match the DB. I can see that your dataset screenshot shows some tables have PKs declared in the DataSet side, but this is not a statement that they are definitely PKs on the DB side

Feel free to delete the DataTable; it will delete the TableAdapter too. You can then recreate that one TA by right click, new, tableadapter.. SELECT * FROM table

If you hadn't already realized, remember that you can (and should) declare more queries per tableadapter than just keeping with the basic Fill, which appears to be a SELECT * FROM without a WHERE clause in your case. Personally I always make my first query SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = @id because it's really rare that you want to download a whole table.. You can leave the default as a WHEREless query, but consider adding others, such as SELECT * FROM Twix WHERE Location = @location and naming the query FillByLocation. In code you can then fill just the locations you want, rather than downloading 10000 Twixes into the app just to show some of them (with a rowfilter, i guess)

Error : Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

You have Created the OleDbDataAdapter with a Select command only:

adp1 = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd1);

OleDbDataAdapter requires valid Update, Insert, Delete commands to be used to save the data like this:

adp1.Update(dt);//here I am getting error

You just need to use a OleDbCommandBuilder that will generate the commands for you:

adp1 = new OleDbDataAdapter();
adp1.SelectCommand = cmd1; // cmd1 is your SELECT command
OleDbCommandBuilder cb = new OleDbCommandBuilder(adp1);


Since you change the Select command of the OleDbDataAdapter at runtime for paging, what your need is to initialize each time you save data:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
adp1.SelectCommand = cmd1; // cmd1 is your SELECT command
OleDbCommandBuilder cb = new OleDbCommandBuilder(adp1);
adp1.Update(dt); //here I hope you won't get error :-)
catch (Exception err)


Visual Studio VB Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

When you create a typed DataSet from a database, the wizard generates a DataTable and a table adapter for each database table. The DataTable schema is based on the table schema, as is the SQL in the commands of the table adapter.

The SelectCommand contains a SELECT statement that will retrieve all columns of all rows and is executed when you call Fill. The InsertCommand, UpdateCommand and DeleteCommand contain INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements respectively and are executed as required when you call Update.

The SelectCommand and InsertCommand can always be generated because all they need to know is the name and data type of each column. UPDATE and DELETE statements need to be able to identify the specific record to update or delete and they do that by specifying the primary key value in the WHERE clause. If your database table has no primary key then that SQL cannot be generated and your table adapter will have no UpdateCommand or DeleteCommand.

What you need to do is to make sure that all your database tables have a primary key. It can be valid to have a table without a PK but it is very rare. Once your table has a PK, you can re-run the Data Source wizard to update your typed DataSet. There is a button on the toolbar in the Data Sources window to do that.

sqlCeDataAdapter.update, Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

You need to do what it says, and set the UpdateCommand Property of the DataAdapter with your SQL UPDATE statement.

SqlDataAdaptor.UpdateCommand property

SqlCommand updateCmd = new SqlCommand();
updateCmd.CommandText = "UPDATE table SET col=@val";

connexion.da.UpdateCommand = updateCmd;

Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

The error is quite literal and clear, the problem is with your Adapter, it is missing an UPDATE SQL statement.

Apparently you are using a generated adapter. Try re-configuring it. But be aware, the slightest deviation from the normal SELECT x, y FROM t pattern and the tools will fail. But you can always write the UPDATE (and you probably need DELETE, INSERT as well) statements yourself.

Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows

You must define an InsertCommand for you DataAdapter

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