Soap Client in .Net - References or Examples

SOAP client in .NET referencing existing WSDL

I found the solution to this problem by myself. After lots of trial and error modifications I came to the conclusion that the word "parameters" is not very welcome into .NET environment. So I changed it with "params" and now it is correctly imported by wsdl.exe

So part of my previous WSDL was something like:

<wsdl:message name="isServiceOnline">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="MyElement"></wsdl:part>

The new version of it is:

<wsdl:message name="isServiceOnline">
<wsdl:part name="params" element="MyElement"></wsdl:part>

Client to send SOAP request and receive response

I normally use another way to do the same

using System.Xml;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

public static void CallWebService()
var _url = "http://xxxxxxxxx/Service1.asmx";
var _action = "http://xxxxxxxx/Service1.asmx?op=HelloWorld";

XmlDocument soapEnvelopeXml = CreateSoapEnvelope();
HttpWebRequest webRequest = CreateWebRequest(_url, _action);
InsertSoapEnvelopeIntoWebRequest(soapEnvelopeXml, webRequest);

// begin async call to web request.
IAsyncResult asyncResult = webRequest.BeginGetResponse(null, null);

// suspend this thread until call is complete. You might want to
// do something usefull here like update your UI.

// get the response from the completed web request.
string soapResult;
using (WebResponse webResponse = webRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult))
using (StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()))
soapResult = rd.ReadToEnd();

private static HttpWebRequest CreateWebRequest(string url, string action)
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
webRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", action);
webRequest.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"";
webRequest.Accept = "text/xml";
webRequest.Method = "POST";
return webRequest;

private static XmlDocument CreateSoapEnvelope()
XmlDocument soapEnvelopeDocument = new XmlDocument();
@"<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""""
<HelloWorld xmlns=""""
<int1 xsi:type=""xsd:integer"">12</int1>
<int2 xsi:type=""xsd:integer"">32</int2>
return soapEnvelopeDocument;

private static void InsertSoapEnvelopeIntoWebRequest(XmlDocument soapEnvelopeXml, HttpWebRequest webRequest)
using (Stream stream = webRequest.GetRequestStream())

One service reference/client for web service C# .NET

After some time a found a way how to do that, in my case it was not usable, because we get access to REST, but if somebody need to do it here

How can I call a SOAP Web Service without Adding Web Reference

If for some reason you don't want to create the WSDL file, the example below could be used to manually construct a SOAP HTTP request:

var url = Settings.Default.URL; //'Web service URL'
var action = Settings.Default.SOAPAction; //the SOAP method/action name

var soapEnvelopeXml = CreateSoapEnvelope();
var soapRequest = CreateSoapRequest(url, action);
InsertSoapEnvelopeIntoSoapRequest(soapEnvelopeXml, soapRequest);

using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
using (var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter))

// begin async call to web request.
var asyncResult = soapRequest.BeginGetResponse(null, null);

// suspend this thread until call is complete. You might want to
// do something usefull here like update your UI.
var success = asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

if (!success) return null;

// get the response from the completed web request.
using (var webResponse = soapRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult))
string soapResult;
var responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
if (responseStream == null)
return null;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
soapResult = reader.ReadToEnd();
return soapResult;

private static HttpWebRequest CreateSoapRequest(string url, string action)
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
webRequest.Headers.Add("SOAPAction", action);
webRequest.ContentType = "text/xml;charset=\"utf-8\"";
webRequest.Accept = "text/xml";
webRequest.Method = "POST";
return webRequest;

private static XmlDocument CreateSoapEnvelope()
var soapEnvelope = new XmlDocument();
soapEnvelope.LoadXml(Settings.Default.SOAPEnvelope); //the SOAP envelope to send
return soapEnvelope;

private static void InsertSoapEnvelopeIntoSoapRequest(XmlDocument soapEnvelopeXml, HttpWebRequest webRequest)
using (Stream stream = webRequest.GetRequestStream())

Calling a SOAP service in .net Core

Ok this answer is for those who are trying to connect to a WCF service from a .net Core project.

Here is the solution to my problem, using the new .net Core WCF syntax/library.

BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = null;
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = null;
ChannelFactory<IAService> factory = null;
IAService serviceProxy = null;

basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport);
basicHttpBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(""));
factory = new ChannelFactory<IAService>(basicHttpBinding, endpointAddress);

factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "usrn";
factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = "passw";
serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();

using (var scope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)serviceProxy))
var result = await serviceProxy.getSomethingAsync("id").ConfigureAwait(false);

catch (MessageSecurityException ex)
catch (Exception ex)
// *** ENSURE CLEANUP (this code is at the WCF GitHub page *** \\
CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);


I got the following exception using the code above

This OperationContextScope is being disposed out of order.

Which seems to be something that is broken (or needs addressing) by the WCF team.

So I had to do the following to make it work (based on this GitHub issue)

basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport);
basicHttpBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;

factory = new ChannelFactory<IAService_PortType>(basicHttpBinding, new EndpointAddress(new Uri("")));
factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "usern";
factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = "passw";
serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
var opContext = new OperationContext((IClientChannel)serviceProxy);
var prevOpContext = OperationContext.Current; // Optional if there's no way this might already be set
OperationContext.Current = opContext;

var result = await serviceProxy.getSomethingAsync("id").ConfigureAwait(false);

// cleanup
// *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
OperationContext.Current = prevOpContext; // Or set to null if you didn't capture the previous context

But your requirements will probably be different. So here are the resources you might need to help you connecting to your WCF service are here:

  • WCF .net core at GitHub
  • BasicHttpBinding Tests
  • ClientCredentialType Tests

The tests helped me a lot but they where somewhat hard to find (I had help, thank you Zhenlan for answering my wcf github issue)

Visual Studio SOAP Service References Client: see XML message

If this is for debugging purposes you could configure tracing: Or use Fiddler to capture HTTP traffic.

C# SOAP Web Services client - example that shows how to log all raw SOAP intput and output?

You could use SOAP extensions to get the SOAP content as a string and then log it wherever.

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