Run Two Winform Windows Simultaneously

Run two winform windows simultaneously

You can create a new ApplicationContext to represent multiple forms:

public class MultiFormContext : ApplicationContext
private int openForms;
public MultiFormContext(params Form[] forms)
openForms = forms.Length;

foreach (var form in forms)
form.FormClosed += (s, args) =>
//When we have closed the last of the "starting" forms,
//end the program.
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref openForms) == 0)


Using that you can now write:

Application.Run(new MultiFormContext(new Form1(), new Form2()));

Having two active windows in a Winform application

Add a form to your project (let's call it Form2). Somewhere within your code (maybe in a button click event) use the following code:

Form2 f = new Form2();

The Show method allows you to interact with the originating form, whereas ShowDialog prevents interaction from the original form.

Display multiple forms when C# application starts

Start the other forms from the Form.Load event of Form1.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form2 form2 = new Form2();

How to run multiple instance of WinForms application

Assuming this is related to Task Scheduler and not your application specifically:

You can configure the behaviour of the Task Scheduler task when the target process is already running. In the UI, this is on the Settings tab, "If the task is already running...". The default is "Do not start a new instance"; what you want is probably "Run a new instance in parallel", though a better option would probably be to have a different executable for handling the background tasks, and queuing the consecutive runs instead.

Running two tasks simultaneously

Elaborating on @BojanB's answer, you can use the traditional WinForms InvokeRequired/Invoke pattern. The InvokeRequired property returns true if it's evaluated on the non-UI thread. If an Invoke call is required, then you just Invoke the same call (marshaling the call onto the UI thread) and it will complete. If you do it this way, then the same function can be called from either the UI thread or any other thread.

First I created these three helper functions:

private void SetTextBoxFromThread(TextBox textBox, string contents)
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke(new Action<TextBox, string>(SetTextBoxFromThread), new object[] { textBox, contents });

textBox.Text = contents;

private string ReadTextBoxFromThread(TextBox textBox)
if (InvokeRequired)
return (string)Invoke(new Func<TextBox, string>(ReadTextBoxFromThread), new[] { textBox });

return textBox.Text;
private void SetLabelFromThread(Label label, string contents)
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke(new Action<Label, string>(SetLabelFromThread), new object[] { label, contents });

label.Text = contents;

With those in hand, I tested them by using this stupid little thread function (that matches an async version of the ThreadStart delegate):

private int isPaused = 0;       //used like a bool, int for clear atomicity

private async void ThreadFunc()
while (isPaused == 0)
var now = DateTime.Now;
var str1 = now.ToString("T");
var str2 = now.ToString("t");
var str3 = now.ToString("s");

SetTextBoxFromThread(textBox1, str1);
SetTextBoxFromThread(textBox2, str2);
SetTextBoxFromThread(textBox3, str3);

await Task.Delay(1500);

SetLabelFromThread(label1, ReadTextBoxFromThread(textBox1));
SetLabelFromThread(label2, ReadTextBoxFromThread(textBox2));
SetLabelFromThread(label3, ReadTextBoxFromThread(textBox3));

Open two forms at the same time

You could try something like this:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form2 frm2 = new Form2();
Form3 frm3 = null;

frm2.Shown += (s, args) =>
frm3 = new Form3();

frm2.FormClosing += (s, args) =>


Form2 is shown using ShowDialog which will prevent Form1 from getting selected. When Form2 is shown, it shows Form3 in its Shown event. If Form2 is closed, it will also close Form3.

Run multiple UI Threads

I don't think that what you ask is really what you want but creating a message pump per thread is easy, you just have to call Application.Run once per thread.

static class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Thread t1 = new Thread(Main_);
Thread t2 = new Thread(Main_);



static void Main_()
Application.Run(new Form1());

Multiple Forms in separate threads

Here's what I think you need to do:

Thread ATM2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));

It calls this method:

private void ThreadProc()
var frm = new ATM();

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