Row_Number Over (Partition by Xxx) in Linq

Row_number over (Partition by xxx) in Linq?


I know this is old. But why isn't the solution simply?

var o = beatles.GroupBy(x => x.inst)
.SelectMany(g =>
g.Select((j, i) => new { j.inst,, rn = i + 1 })

Solution for complex LINQ query with ROW_NUMBER() and PARTITION BY

This was my solution:

After a long search, I found the next (magical) solution. Works like hell for me:

public IEnumerable<Showtime> MovieNext(){

return _context.Showtime
FROM myDb."Showtime"
WHERE "StartAt" > now()) tbl
JOIN myDb."Movie" M ON "MovieId" = M."Id"
WHERE tbl.row = 1 ORDER BY "HallId"");

Row_number over (Partition by yyy) in Linq?

@Adil Mammadov right, it's becouse of LINQ can't translate method to SQL.

To avoid this problem you have several solutions:

  1. Specify MS SQL computed column and just grab it with LINQ
  2. Write your ows translation to SQL
  3. How @Matt Burland says - get result and then process it

I suppose in your situation problem can be solved like this:

var q = ctx.tblPrices.OrderByDescending(x => x.Cost)
.GroupBy(x => x.ItemID)
.Select(g => new {g, count = g.Count()})
.SelectMany(t => t.g.Select(b => b).Zip(Enumerable.Range(1, t.count), (j, i) => new {j.WebPrice, j.PriceID, j.ItemID}));

Or even like this:

var q = ctx.tblPrices.OrderByDescending(x => x.Cost)
.GroupBy(x => x.ItemID)
.Select(g => new {g, count = g.Count()})
.SelectMany(t => t.g.Select(b => b).Zip(Enumerable.Range(1, t.count), (j, i) => new {j.WebPrice, j.PriceID, j.ItemID}));

You also can check this my answer.

Multiple Row_number in LINQ

Try to use another way to get the result with LINQ. Get the previous record with ID < the current Id and check if all fields the same:

  var Res = Tooling.Where(x=>{ var r = Tooling.Where(y=>y.Id<x.Id).OrderByDescending(y=>y.Id).FirstOrDefault();
if (r==null) return true;
return !((r.Name==x.Name) && (r.Status==x.Status) && (r.DateFinished==x.DateFinished));
.OrderBy( x => x.Id)

UPD: Here is a test routine:

public class TollingRecord

public int Id;
public String Name;
public int Status;
public DateTime? DateFinished;



private static void TestT1()
TollingRecord[] Tooling = new TollingRecord[]{ new TollingRecord() {Id=1, Name="Large", Status=0, DateFinished=null },
new TollingRecord() {Id=2, Name="Large", Status=1, DateFinished=null},
new TollingRecord() {Id=3, Name="Small", Status=0, DateFinished=null},
new TollingRecord() {Id=4, Name="Large", Status=2, DateFinished=null},
new TollingRecord() {Id=5, Name="Large", Status=2, DateFinished=null},
new TollingRecord() {Id=6, Name="Large", Status=1, DateFinished=null},
new TollingRecord() {Id=7, Name="Large", Status=1, DateFinished=null},
new TollingRecord() {Id=8, Name="Small", Status=1, DateFinished=DateTime.Now},

var Res = Tooling.Where(x=>{ var r = Tooling.Where(y=>y.Id<x.Id).OrderByDescending(y=>y.Id).FirstOrDefault();
if (r==null) return true;
return !((r.Name==x.Name) && (r.Status==x.Status) && (r.DateFinished==x.DateFinished));
.OrderBy( x => x.Id)

foreach (var a in Res)
Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}/{2}", a.Id,a.Name,a.Status);




LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method (Partition/Rownumber)

Basically, it is unable to convert the Zip to SQL.

All you need to do is execute the query before using that method

IQueryable<Checksum> iQ2 = iQ.GroupBy(x => x.LastUpdateTimeStamp)
.Select(g => new { g, count = g.Count() })
.ToList() // Executes the Query
.SelectMany(t => t.g.Select(b => b).Zip(Enumerable.Range(1, t.count), (j, i) => new Checksum { SortColumn = j.LastUpdateTimeStamp, Identifier = j.SigninId, Seqnum = i }));

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