Random Slot Algorithm

Random slot algorithm

Using the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm as mentioned before (in O(n) time)

int X = 3;  int Y = 4;
int[] array = new int[X * Y];

for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) array[i] = i;

var randomSlots = array.Select((i,j) => new {x=array[j]%X , y=array[j]/X })

public static void FisherYatesShuffle<T>(T[] array)
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = array.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
int j = r.Next(0, i + 1);
T temp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = temp;

What Type of Random Number Generator is Used in the Casino Gaming Industry?

For a casino gaming applications, I think the seeding of the algorithm is the most important part to make sure all games "booted" up don't run through the same sequence or some small set of predictable sequences. That is, the source of entropy leading to the seed for the starting position is the critical thing. Beyond that, any good quality random number generator where each bit position as has a ~50/50 probability of being 1/0 and the period is relatively long would be sufficient. For example, something like the Mersenne twister PRNG has such properties.

Using cryptographically secure random generators only becomes important when the actual output of the random generator can be viewed directly. For example, if you were monitoring each number actually generated by the number generator - after viewing many numbers in the sequence - with a non-cryptographic generator information about that sequence can lead to establishing information about all the internal state of the generator. At this point, if you know what the algorithm looks like, you would be able to predict future numbers and that would be bad. The cryptographic generator prevents that reverse engineering back to the internal state so that predicting future numbers becomes "impossible".

However, in the case of a casino game, you would (or should) have no visibility to the actual numbers being generated under the hood. Each time a random number is generated - say a 32-bit number - that number will be used then, for example, mod 52 for a deck shuffling algorithm....no where in that process do you have any idea what numbers were being generated by the algorithm to shuffle that deck. That is, most of the bits of "randomness" is just being thrown out and even the ones being used you have no visibility to. Therefore, no way to reverse engineer the state.

Getting back to a true source of entropy to seed the whole process, that is the hard part. See the Wikipedia entry on entropy for some starting points on techniques.

As an aside, if you did want cryptographically sequence random numbers from a "regular" algorithm, a simple approach is to take a few random numbers in sequence, concatenate them together and then run something like MD5 or SHA-1 on them and the result is just as random and also cryptographically secure. That is, you just made your own "secure" random number generator.

Random generator without repeated result

Instead of generating "random" numbers, generate a list of the numbers and shuffle it "randomly" by using something like Fisher-Yates Shuffle:

function getRandomArray(min, max) {
return shuffle([...Array(max - min).keys()].map(i => i + min));

function shuffle(array) {
var m = array.length, t, i;

while (m) {

i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--);

t = array[m];
array[m] = array[i];
array[i] = t;

return array;

var randomArr = getRandomArray(10, 15);

Efficient algorithm to randomly find available places inside a list in Python

If you can't use numpy I'd keep a set of indexes which are known to contain None. Every time None is added or removed this set of indexes will be updated

Random Algorithm with adjustable probability

A simple algorithm to achieve it is:

  1. Create an auexillary array where sum[i] = p1 + p2 + ... + pi. This is done only once.
  2. When you draw a number, draw a number r with uniform distribution over [0,sum[n]), and binary search for the first number higher than the uniformly distributed random number. It can be done using binary search efficiently.

It is easy to see that indeed the probability for r to lay in a certain range [sum[i-1],sum[i]), is indeed sum[i]-sum[i-1] = pi
(In the above, we regard sum[-1]=0, for completeness)

For your cube example:

You have:

p1=p2=....=p5 = 0.1
p6 = 0.5

First, calculate sum array:

sum[1] = 0.1
sum[2] = 0.2
sum[3] = 0.3
sum[4] = 0.4
sum[5] = 0.5
sum[6] = 1

Then, each time you need to draw a number: Draw a random number r in [0,1), and choose the number closest to it, for example:

r1 = 0.45 -> element = 4
r2 = 0.8 -> element = 6
r3 = 0.1 -> element = 2
r4 = 0.09 -> element = 1

What RNG(random number generator) algorithm suits for poker cards shuffle?

8e+67 is a lot big number, but it is not very high in data size. It is only 226 bit in data length. 28 bytes.

You may consider using a CSPRNG, a cryptographically strong pseudorandom generator, i.e. an RNG which generates enough strong randomness to be usable for cryptography.

Sometimes also the CPU has a true random number source, it is fast. Here I describe the CSPRNG.

On Linux, you can simply read out the random bytes from the /dev/urandom character device file.

slot machine payout calculation

Well, the first problem is with the keyword assure, if you are dealing with random, you cannot assure, unless you change the logic of the slot machine.

Consider the following algorithm though. I think this style of thinking is more reliable then plotting graphs of averages to achive 95%;

if(  customer_able_to_win() )

customer_able_to_win() is your data log that says how much intake you have gotten vs how much you have paid out, if you are under 95%, payout, then customer_able_to_win() returns true; in that case, calculate_how_to_win() calculates how much the customer would be able to win based on your %, so, lets choose a sampling period of 24 hours. If over the last 24 hours i've paid out 90% of the money I've taken in, then I can pay out up to 5%.... lets give that 5% a number such as 100$. So calculate_how_to_win says I can pay out up to 100$, so I would find a set of reels that would pay out 100$ or less, and that user could win. You could add a little random to it, but to ensure your 95% you'll have to have some other rules such as a forced max payout if you get below say 80%, and so on.

If you change the algorithm a little by adding random to the mix you will have to have more of these caveats..... So to make it APPEAR random to the user, you could do...

if(  customer_able_to_win() && payout_percent() < 90% )
calculate_how_to_win(); // up to 5% payout

With something like that, it will go on a losing streak after you hit 95% until you reach 90%, then it will go on a winning streak of random increments until you reach 95%.

This isn't a full algorithm answer, but more of a direction on how to think about how the slot machine works.

I've always envisioned this is the way slot machines work especially with video poker. Because the no_win() function would calculate how to lose, but make it appear to be 1 card off to tease you to think you were going to win, instead of dealing with a 'fair' game and the random just happens to be like that....

Think of the entire process of.... first thinking if you are going to win, how are you going to win, if you're not going to win, how are you going to lose, instead of random number generators determining if you will win or not.

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