Storing Credit Card Details

Best practices to store CreditCard information into DataBase


There is simply far too much risk involved, and you will typically need to be externally audited to ensure that you're complying with all the relevant local laws and security practises.

There are many third-party companies that do it for you that have already gone through all trouble of making sure their system is secure, that they comply with local laws and so on. An example in the US that I have used in the past is Some banks also have systems that you can hook into to store credit card data and process payments.

I realise the country you're in may not have as strict laws as the U.S., but in my opinion that's no excuse for rolling your own. When you're dealing with other people's money, the risk is just too much to warrant.

Storing Credit Card Number - PCI?

1) Yes, it is allowed but very, very discouraged. Having this information in your database makes you an extremely attractive target for hackers. And if you think you can protect it, think again. Hackers have defeated the security of companies with excellent security. Your security won't be any better.

2) You have to follow the PCI rules outlined in this guide. But you may find this guide easier to understand. Go to page 14 for what you need to know. Basically you can store it but it has to be encrypted according to PCI standards. Your server and network also must be secure. If any piece of the puzzle is not PCI compliant you cannot store the credit card numbers. That rules out most shared hosting companies as a solution.

Storing Credit Card Info

Sadly, there is no easy way to achieve this.

As you are aware, Payment Service Providers will securely store the card details, and return a token id (so that you can reference those details), but they can never return the original card details back to you.

This is because the PSP will have gone through PCI-DSS compliance. Part of that compliance is ensuring that anywhere the card details are passed (such as to other 3rd parties) is also PCI-DSS compliant. If they were to allow card details to be returned from the vault to the client, then they would need to ensure that the client is also PCI-DSS compliant (which would pretty much defeat the point of the client using a Payment Service Provider!).

Your options therefore are:

- Work through PCI-DSS compliance so that you can store the card details securely yourself.

- Store the card details to every Payment Service Provider that you interoperate with, and store the returned tokens from each.

Somebody is storing credit card data - how are they doing it?

If I was storing the number, I would be a giant service provider with a massive database. That database is spread across a highly-redundant storage array consisting of multiple cabinets, in separate rooms or ideally in separate geographical locations, connected by a SAN. My biggest insider threat is the distributed physical plant, the constant stream of worn-out drives, and several daily shifts of technicians, administrators, and engineers. It's a huge threat.

Therefore I would encrypt the data on a physically-isolated computer that connects to the mass storage over a network. The software would be as simple as possible: encryption and number verification. The public interfaces and business logic goes elsewhere. Accesses would be logged to a separate SAN.

Encrypt with something like AES. The raw AES key is only ever stored in RAM. The key is wrapped in a PGP file for each administrator, who has their own passphrase to enable the server. Less-trusted personnel can be given partial passphrases to use in disaster recovery, or passphrases can be stored in a vault somewhere. For encryption, pick a unique initialization vector (IV) for each card number, AES-encrypt the number using that IV, and store the IV and encrypted number to the SAN. Decryption only occurs using a privileged client interface; normal client connections used for purchases can never get a decryption.

Where should I store credit card numbers in Android?

Use a payment gateway that supports tokenization, and store the token instead of the actual card info. If you must store the card info, store it in a SharedPreferences file, encrypted with a PIN that the user must enter for every transaction. Do not store the PIN anywhere; attempt to decrypt the card info as needed using the PIN supplied by the user.

The PCI standard expressly forbids storing the CVV in any manner, so all transactions will have to be run as card-not-present. (Another advantage of tokenization: you may be able to get card-present rates.)

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