Preventing SQL Injection on ASP.NET Web Application

How can I avoid SQL injection attacks in my ASP.NET application?

Even though your question is very generic, a few rules always apply:

  • Use parameterized queries (SqlCommand with SqlParameter) and put user input into parameters.
  • Don't build SQL strings out of unchecked user input.
  • Don't assume you can build a sanitizing routine that can check user input for every kind of malformedness. Edge cases are easily forgotten. Checking numeric input may be simple enough to get you on the safe side, but for string input just use parameters.
  • Check for second-level vulnerabilites - don't build SQL query strings out of SQL table values if these values consist of user input.
  • Use stored procedures to encapsulate database operations.

how to prevent SQL Injection in a website

A regex is unrelated to SQL injection (blacklisting etc is never the strongest approach); however, the use of the parameter @Email means (assuming it remains parameterised) that is not susceptible to SQL injection.

SQL injection relates to inappropriate concatenation of input; the main tool to fight it is parameters, which has already happened here.

For example, if you did:

var sql = "SELECT ...snip... WHERE Email='" + email + "'"; // BAD!!!!!

then that is heavily susceptible to SQL injection. By using a parameter, the value is not treated as part of the query, so the attacker does not have at attack vector.

C# How can I prevent SQL Injection with ASP.NET?

But as I noticed, this application is very vulnerable for SQL Injection.

No, it is not. You cannot tamper with the actual SQL statement since you use parameters already. There is no SQL injection vulnerability in your code.

Are there global setting prevent the sql injection and XSS ? (ASP.NET)

The best way to prevent SQL injection is: use parameters. Anything else is just a "maybe it'll prevent some attacks" arms race against people who can simply reflect (disassemble) the implementation to see what might make it past.

Xss is likewise best prevented by correctly encoding your outputs. Both aspx and razor make this easy.

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