Image Wont Render on My Aspx Page After Adding Master Page..If Not Changed Id ..What Else Could Be The Reason

Image won't display in user control

This answer is from Image from usercontrol won't display on webform

Since you found out the id change is
what caused the problem, the only
solution is to use classes to style
your html markups:


//some people don't know this but you can also put the style directly
into the control event if
visual studio doesn't support it in
the intellisense
<asp:Label id="label1" CssClass="test" style="color:blue;"
runat="server" />


.test { color:red; }

If you still want to use the id to
style your code, then you can either
put the long generated id into your
css code or upgrade to 4 which
gives control over your ids,
for example:

<asp:Label id="label1" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server"


There are 3rd party solutions to give
your control over the ids for
3.5 and below but they are not out of the box and needs some fiddling.

Image from usercontrol won't display on webform

As @Michael suggested first test if the rendered html (view source code in your browser) has changed any of the ids that you are trying to style. The controls will have their ids changed when you are using usercontrols and masterpages

Also check (in your browser) if he image does exists by putting the full path of that image. So if you know the image is in and your page (doesn't matter if you use usercontrols) then you know you should do this:

background-image: url(../images/myImage.jpg);

If nothing works, then just do this:

background-image: url(;

Good luck!


Since you found out the id change is what caused the problem, the only solution is to use classes to style your html markups:


//some people don't know this but you can also put the style directly into the
// control event if visual studio doesn't support it in the intellisense
<asp:Label id="label1" CssClass="test" style="color:blue;" runat="server" />


.test { color:red; }

If you still want to use the id to style your code, then you can either put the long generated id into your css code or upgrade to 4 which gives control over your ids, for example:

<asp:Label id="label1" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" />

There are 3rd party solutions to give your control over the ids for 3.5 and below but they are not out of the box and needs some fiddling.

Image from usercontrol won't display on webform

As @Michael suggested first test if the rendered html (view source code in your browser) has changed any of the ids that you are trying to style. The controls will have their ids changed when you are using usercontrols and masterpages

Also check (in your browser) if he image does exists by putting the full path of that image. So if you know the image is in and your page (doesn't matter if you use usercontrols) then you know you should do this:

background-image: url(../images/myImage.jpg);

If nothing works, then just do this:

background-image: url(;

Good luck!


Since you found out the id change is what caused the problem, the only solution is to use classes to style your html markups:


//some people don't know this but you can also put the style directly into the
// control event if visual studio doesn't support it in the intellisense
<asp:Label id="label1" CssClass="test" style="color:blue;" runat="server" />


.test { color:red; }

If you still want to use the id to style your code, then you can either put the long generated id into your css code or upgrade to 4 which gives control over your ids, for example:

<asp:Label id="label1" ClientIDMode="Static" runat="server" />

There are 3rd party solutions to give your control over the ids for 3.5 and below but they are not out of the box and needs some fiddling.

ASP.NET - Image is not showing up

It sounds like you may have a URL mapping issue of some kind... For the ImageURL property try setting it to "~/Images/MyImage.png"...

Rather than storing an image directly in the App_Theme folder, create a folder for images and try to use that instead. The App_Theme directory is handled differently...

master page images not showing on child pages

Kevin's got the essence of the problem right - your URL in your master page is likely relative to the location of the master page, and when it's included in the child page, the relative reference isn't correct anymore. The simplest solution for this sort of thing is to have your master page URLs be relative to the site, not the page. In other words, if you've been doing

<img src="images/picture1.gif">

You need to replace that with

<img src="/images/picture1.gif">

or something similar.

Images Aren't Rendering in Browser - MVC3 razor

You can use the Url.Content helper, assuming your Images folder is at the root of your application it would be something like :

<img id="img" src="@Url.Content("~/Images/img1.jpg")" alt="" />

Any way to prevent master pages from changing element IDs?

The question was already answered in the previous post: Remove MasterPage Generated ID

The solution overrides the Render Event with the following code:

Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
Dim Html As New StringWriter()
Dim Render As New HtmlTextWriter(Html)
writer.Write(Html.ToString().Replace("name=""ctl00$ContentBody$", _
"name=""").Replace("id=""ctl00_ContentBody_", "id="""))
End Sub

CSS is not being applied after changes

Hit the Ctrl-F5 for reloading the page without using the cached contents

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