Passing Arguments to C# Generic New() of Templated Type

Passing arguments to C# generic new() of templated type

In order to create an instance of a generic type in a function you must constrain it with the "new" flag.

public static string GetAllItems<T>(...) where T : new()

However that will only work when you want to call the constructor which has no parameters. Not the case here. Instead you'll have to provide another parameter which allows for the creation of object based on parameters. The easiest is a function.

public static string GetAllItems<T>(..., Func<ListItem,T> del) {
List<T> tabListItems = new List<T>();
foreach (ListItem listItem in listCollection)

You can then call it like so

GetAllItems<Foo>(..., l => new Foo(l));

C# generics problem - newing up the generic type with parameters in the constructor

Jared's answer is still a good way to go - you just need to make the constructor take the Func<PageData, T> and stash it for later:

public class HomepageCarousel<T> : List<T> where T: IHomepageCarouselItem
private readonly Func<PageData, T> factory;

public HomepageCarousel(Func<PageData, T> factory)
this.factory = factory;

private List<T> GetInitialCarouselData()
List<T> carouselItems = new List<T>();

if (jewellerHomepages != null)
foreach (PageData pageData in jewellerHomepages)
T homepageMgmtCarouselItem = factory(pageData);
return carouselItems;

Then you just pass the function into the constructor where you create the new instance of the HomepageCarousel<T>.

(I'd recommend composition instead of inheritance, btw... deriving from List<T> is almost always the wrong way to go.)

Is is possible to make a generic method with two type arguments only infer one of them?

Yes, you always need to specify both types. Type inference only works when you specify all the type arguments.

Yes, the C# compiler cannot infer types based on constraints. It can only infer the types based on the types you pass in as arguments.

On a side note, there is an open issue about improving type inference in this regard, however it doesn't seem to have high priority.

Passing generic type to non generic methods

It is not possible for now.
you should costrain the generic type to something the compiler can narrow down to one of the overloads of the BitConverter.GetBytes(value). The struct you used to constrain is a very larger group than just one of the overloads, so it won't let you proceed.

With c#10 you might have one chance with the feature 'extend everything', but it's not yet released won't have much sense to talk about that now.

Is it possible to access the type generic T without parameters (C#)?

It sounds like you should use

var y = typeof(T).Name; // y is "SomeClass"

or, if you want the namespace too,

var y = typeof(T).FullName; // y is "Namespace.For.SomeClass"


nameof will, as you discovered, return the name of the type parameter (i.e. "T") and not the name of the type that the generic method is invoked with (i.e. "SomeClass").

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