Parameterized Query For MySQL With C#

Parameterized Query for MySQL with C#

Try this instead:

private String readCommand = 
"SELECT LEVEL FROM USERS WHERE VAL_1 = @param_val_1 AND VAL_2 = @param_val_2;";

public bool read(string id)
level = -1;
MySqlCommand m = new MySqlCommand(readCommand);
m.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param_val_1", val1);
m.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param_val_2", val2);
level = Convert.ToInt32(m.ExecuteScalar());
return true;

MySQL parameterized query is functioning like it is not parameterized in C# application

You should use the name of the column Gherkin inside the function VALUES() and not the named parameter ?Gherkin:

UPDATE Gherkin = VALUES(Gherkin)

C# Parameterized Query MySQL with `in` clause

You could build up the parametrised query "on the fly" based on the (presumably) variable number of parameters, and iterate over that to pass them in.

So, something like:

List foo; // assuming you have a List of items, in reality, it may be a List<int> or a List<myObject> with an id property, etc.

StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "UPDATE TABLE_1 SET STATUS = ? WHERE ID IN ( ?")
for( int i = 1; i++; i < foo.Count )
{ // Bit naive
query.Append( ", ?" );

query.Append( " );" );

MySqlCommand m = new MySqlCommand(query.ToString());
for( int i = 1; i++; i < foo.Count )
m.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter(...));

c# mysql insert statement. Parameterized query example?

You could try to specify MySQLDbType to match your DB Type and use Add function:

cmd.Parameters.Add("?apellido", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = usuario.apellido;

How to get query with parameters form MySqlCommand

This is not tested and not complete, consider it more psuedo code to give you an idea.

You could write a utility method that takes a command, replaces the parameter placeholders with parameter values, then logs the query.

public static void LogCommand(MySqlCommand cmd)
string cmdText = cmd.CommandText;

foreach(MySqlParameter p in cmd.Parameters)
cmdText = cmdText.Replace(p.ParameterName, p.Value);

Log(cmdText); // <-- or however you are logging....

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