Create a Strongly Typed C# Object from Json Object With Id as the Name

Create a strongly typed c# object from json object with ID as the name

Make your root object be a dictionary:

var dictionary = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, SessionPerformanceStats>>(theJsonResponse);

Json.NET serializes a dictionary from and to a JSON object, with the keys being converted to the property names. In your case, the ID numbers will be deserialized as the dictionary keys. If you are sure they will always be numbers, you could declare them as such:

var dictionary = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<long, SessionPerformanceStats>>(theJsonResponse);

See Serialize a Dictionary and Deserialize a Dictionary

create POCO when id property in json acts like object

I would define some "Event" class like this with


Then, I would try to deserialize events as a Dictionary<int, Event>.

After that, you can always map this to another EventWithId class similar to the Event class with an additional id field, using some LINQ query on the resulting Dictionary.

JSON to C# Class Invalid Type Object with Inconsistent Numerical Names

You're 99.99% there. Use the JsonProperty attribute to tell it that UserProperties is called user in the JSON, and JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(USER) returns a valid User.

[JsonObject(Description = "user")]
public class User
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "user")]
public Dictionary<string, UserProperties> UserPropererties { get; set; }

You could also just rename User.UserProperties to User.user, but I assume you'd rather have some control over the process.

You could make that Dictionary<int, UserProperties>, too. Works for me.

How to convert JSON to Objects with changing Keys

You can use below class structure to deserialize your json.

class Rooot
public Dictionary<string, BankDetail> Result { get; set; }

public class BankDetail
public string BANK { get; set; }
public string IFSC { get; set; }
public string BRANCH { get; set; }
public string ADDRESS { get; set; }
public object CONTACT { get; set; }
public string CITY { get; set; }
public string DISTRICT { get; set; }
public string STATE { get; set; }


string json = File.ReadAllText(IFSCCodeFile);

Rooot rooot = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rooot>(json);

foreach (var item in rooot.Result)
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.BANK ?? "NULL");
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.IFSC ?? "NULL");
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.BRANCH ?? "NULL");
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.ADDRESS ?? "NULL");
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.CONTACT ?? "NULL");
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.CITY ?? "NULL");
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.DISTRICT ?? "NULL");
Console.WriteLine(item.Value.STATE ?? "NULL");



Sample Image

Deserialize JSON Object to C# class after API call

Your biggest issue is that your model doesn't match your json string. You can use a dictionary to represent your data and your model would look something like this:

        public void Deserialize()
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json);

private string json = @"{""status"": ""ok"",
""meta"": {
""count"": 1,
""hidden"": null
""data"": {
""111111111"": [
""ship_id"": 4180588496
""ship_id"": 4284430032
""ship_id"": 3767482320

public class RootObject
public string Status { get; set; }
public MetaData Meta { get; set; }
public IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<Ship>> Data { get; set; }

public class MetaData
public int Count { get; set; }
public string Hidden { get; set; }

public class Ship
public long Ship_Id { get; set; }

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