Moq - Non-Overridable Members May Not Be Used in Setup/Verification Expressions

Moq - Non-overridable members may not be used in setup / verification expressions

Moq creates an implementation of the mocked type. If the type is an interface, it creates a class that implements the interface. If the type is a class, it creates an inherited class, and the members of that inherited class call the base class. But in order to do that it has to override the members. If a class has members that can't be overridden (they aren't virtual, abstract) then Moq can't override them to add its own behaviors.

In this case there's no need to mock PagingOptions because it's easy to use a real one. Instead of this:

var mockPagingOptions = new Mock<PagingOptions>();
mockPagingOptions.Setup(po => po.Limit).Returns(25);
mockPagingOptions.Setup(po => po.Offset).Returns(0);

Do this:

var pagingOptions = new PagingOptions { Limit = 25, Offset = 0 };

How do we determine whether or not to mock something? Generally speaking, we mock something if we don't want to include the concrete runtime implementation in our test. We want to test one class not both at the same time.

But in this case PagingOptions is just a class that holds some data. There's really no point in mocking it. It's just as easy to use the real thing.

Non-overridable members may not be used in setup / verification expressions

From the second unit test you tried, when you create instance of SearchViewModel, there is no initialize of _productionOrderService.

if _productionOrderService is created in SearchViewModel it might not be initialized due to lack of their dependencies.

you have to provide _productionOrderService to the SearchViewModel by

  1. make it public and set it when create SearchViewModel
  2. make it private and pass it through constructor when create SearchViewModel

then you can mock _productionOrderService and setup GetListAllAsync() in unit test

Unsupported expression: Non-overridable members (here: ) may not be used in setup / verification expressions

The moq use dynamic proxy to create wrapper around mocked type in order to be able to intercept calls and change the behaviour of the invoked methods.

How proxy is built?

  • If you mocking interface proxy is just an implementation of the interface
  • If you have class the proxy is override of the class

Question: Could you mock sealed class or non virtual(abstract) method?

You guess, no. There is no way to create wrapper around it using dynamic proxy. moq itself suggesting the same, if you look at the error:

Non-overridable members (here:
BlobServiceProvider.GetBlockBlobContainer) may not be used in setup

To answer your question, either you need to extract the interface out of your provider and mock it or mark the method as virtual. Personaly, I do prefer option with the interface but it might requre some refactoring and DI.

Nunit Moq: Unsupported expression: Value Non-overridable members may not be used in setup / verification expressions

I'm unaware of any built-in DataGeneric class, so I assume it is a user-defined class.

The error says

... Value Non-overridable members (here: DataGeneric.get_Value) ...

which means you should not mock the RiskId.Value.

You should try to setup a mock for the RiskId itself:

data.Setup(i => i.RiskId).Returns(new StringData("123"));

I've assumed your StringData has a constructor which can receive its value.

Non-overridable members (here: Login.getInfo) may not be used in setup / verification expressions

Moq is constrained isolation framework. It can mock only virtual methods.

Extract interface from you Login class.

public interface ILogin
List<string> GetInfo(string tableName, string[] columnNames);
// other members

Add this interface to the class definition.

public class Login : ILogin
public List<string> GetInfo(string tableName, string[] columnNames)
using (var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * from [" + tableName + "]", connection))
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
List<string> infoList = new List<string>();
while (reader.Read())
for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length; i++)
return infoList;

Mock this interface instead of class.

var mock = new Mock<ILogin>();

Moq System.NotSupportedException

You have to make the property overridable, so make it virtual:

public virtual int? ProductMaxLenght  { get ...

C#: Moq : Message: System.NotSupportedException : Unsupported expression: item => item.RouteId Non-overridable members

As RouteIdis not virtual, you cannot mock it. But since ContextData is a simple data class without behaviour, there is also no need to mock it. You can do simply:

ContextArbiter.Setup(p => p.GetContextData()).Returns(new ContextData { RouteId = "64" });

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