Pass Array into ASP.NET Core Route Query String

Pass Array into ASP.NET Core Route Query String

In the end, I just passed in a single delimited string, then used string.Split to separate on the server side. Not the prettiest solution, but it works. Until someone comes up with a better answer, this is all I got. I should reiterate that I'm using .NET Core, and these query strings are framework specific.

Update: An (arguable) benefit of this approach is that you pass the values together (e.g. arr=value1,value2) instead of repeating the key (arr=value1&arr=value2).

How to pass an array of objects through a query string and read them in Controller

You have to add from [FromQuery]

public IActionResult GetInvoiceNum(            
[FromQuery] string xDateTime,
[FromQuery] string BuyerName,
[FromQuery] double TotalBillAmount,
[FromQuery] InvItem[] items

and convert fields to properties by adding getters/setters

public class InvItem
public string ItemCode { get; set; }
public double Quantity { get; set; }
public double SaleValue { get; set; }

ASP.NET Core Web API : route by query parameter

You are trying to differentiate API calls using query params. this is not the way to do this. if you want to separate the calls you should probably use path params instead.

Read more about Routing in ASP.NET Core -

pass a json object in query string for a web api?

The first way, you can pass query string like below:https://localhost:portNumber/WeatherForecast?fundcodes=aaa&fundcodes=bbb&fromDate=2021-04-01&toDate=2021-05-01.


public class TestModel
public string[] FundCodes { get; set; }
public string FromDate { get; set; }
public string ToDate { get; set; }


public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase

public IActionResult Get([FromQuery]TestModel model)
return Ok(model);

The result you will get:

Sample Image

The second way, you can pass query string in browser like below:https://localhost:portNumber/WeatherForecast?json={"FundCodes":["0DFOY"],"FromDate":"2021-04-01","ToDate":"2021-05-01"}. The browser will dynamic encode this url and pass to backend.

If you want to send encoded url manually, the url should be: https://localhost:portNumber/WeatherForecast?json={%22FundCodes%22:[%220DFOY%22],%22FromDate%22:%222021-04-01%22,%22ToDate%22:%222021-05-01%22} or https://localhost:portNumber/WeatherForecast?json=%7B%22FundCodes%22%3A%5B%220DFOY%22%5D%2C%22FromDate%22%3A%222021-04-01%22%2C%22ToDate%22%3A%222021-05-01%22%7D.


public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult Get([FromQuery]string json)
var model = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TestModel>(json);
return Ok(model);

how we can design .net core api controller to accept an array value of strings

You can take advantage of the FromQuery attribute here, specifying the Name property as str[]:

public IActionResult Values([FromQuery(Name = "str[]")] List<string> strValues)

If you also want to strip out the "s for each value, you can use a Select. Here's a an example:

public IActionResult Values([FromQuery(Name = "str[]")] List<string> strValues)
var strValuesWithoutQuotes = strValues.Select(x => x.Trim('"'));


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