Monitor VS Mutex in C#

What is the difference between lock and Mutex?

A lock is specific to the AppDomain, while Mutex to the Operating System allowing you to perform inter-process locking and synchronization (IPC).

How to synchronize TPL Tasks, by using Monitor / Mutex / Semaphore? Or should one use something else entirely?

Your question pushes the limits of broadness for Stack Overflow. Moving from plain Thread implementations to something based on Task and other TPL features involves a wide variety of considerations. Taken individually, each concern has almost certainly been addressed in a prior Stack Overflow Q&A, and taken in aggregate there are too many considerations to address competently and comprehensively in a single Stack Overflow Q&A.

So, with that said, let's look just at the specific issues you've asked about here.

  1. TPL Task is an abstraction, which does not even guarantee that the code will run on a separate thread. In my example, if the producer control method runs synchronously, the infinite loop will cause the consumer to never even start. According to MSDN, providing a TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning parameter when running the task should hint the TaskScheduler to run the method appropriately, however I didn't find any way to ensure that it does. Supposedly TPL is smart enough to run tasks the way the programmer intended, but that just seems like a bit of magic to me. And I don't like magic in programming.

It is true that the Task object itself does not guarantee asynchronous behavior. For example, an async method which returns a Task object could contain no asynchronous operations at all, and could run for an extended period of time before returning an already-completed Task object.

On the other hand, Task.Run() is guaranteed to operate asynchronously. It is documented as such:

Queues the specified work to run on the ThreadPool and returns a task or Task<TResult> handle for that work

While the Task object itself abstracts the idea of a "future" or "promise" (to use synonymous terms found in programming), the specific implementation is very much tied to the thread pool. When used correctly, you can be assured of asynchronous operation.

  1. If I understand how this works correctly, a TPL Task is not guaranteed to resume on the same thread as it started. If it does, in this case it would try to release a lock it doesn't own while the other thread holds the lock forever, resulting in a deadlock. I remember a while ago Eric Lippert writing that it's the reason why await is not allowed in a lock block. Going back to my example, I'm not even sure how to go about solving this issue.

Only some synchronization objects are thread-specific. For example, Monitor is. But Semaphore is not. Whether this is useful to you or not depends on what you are trying to implement. For example, you can implement the producer/consumer pattern with a long running thread that uses BlockingCollection<T>, without needing to call any explicit synchronization objects at all. If you did want to use TPL techniques, you could use SemaphoreSlim and its WaitAsync() method.

Of course, you could also use the Dataflow API. For some scenarios this would be preferable. For very simple producer/consumer, it would probably be overkill. :)

Also, this made me think, is using the classical approach of synchronizing via Monitor, Mutex or Semaphore even the right way to do TPL code? Perhaps I'm missing something that I should be using instead?

IMHO, this is the crux of the matter. Moving from Thread-based programming to the TPL is not simply a matter of a straight-forward mapping from one construct to another. In some cases, doing so would be inefficient, and in other cases it simply won't work.

Indeed, I would say a key feature of TPL and especially of async/await is that synchronization of threads is much less necessary. The general idea is to perform operations asynchronously, with minimal interaction between threads. Data flows between threads only at well-defined points (i.e. retrieved from the completed Task objects), reducing or even eliminating the need for explicit synchronization.

It's impossible to suggest specific techniques, as how best to implement something will depend on what exactly the goal is. But the short version is to understand that when using TPL, very often it is simply unnecessary to use synchronization primitives such as what you're used to using with the lower-level API. You should strive to develop enough experience with the TPL idioms that you can recognize which ones apply to which programming problems, so that you apply them directly rather than trying to mentally map your old knowledge.

In a way, this is (I think) analogous to learning a new human language. At first, one spends a lot of time mentally translating literally, possibly remapping to adjust to grammar, idioms, etc. But ideally at some point, one internalizes the language and is able to express oneself in that language directly. Personally, I've never gotten to that point when it comes to human languages, but I understand the concept in theory :). And I can tell you firsthand, it works quite well in the context of programming languages.

By the way, if you are interested in seeing how TPL ideas taken to extremes work out, you might like to read through Joe Duffy's recent blog articles on the topic. Indeed, the most recent version of .NET and associated languages have borrowed heavily from concepts developed in the Midori project he's describing.

C++ Mutex replacement in C sharp

C++ has no Mutex class. It has std::mutex, which provides .lock() and .unlock().

So, in C++ you have,

std::mutex mtx;

void thr_fnc(){
// CS

To achieve same functionality in C#, you can do

Mutex mtx = new Mutex();

void thr_fnc(){
// CS

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