Internal VS Public in C#

internal vs public in C#

public is visible from wherever.

internal is visible only within an assembly.

You tend to use internal only to protect internal APIs. For example, you could expose several overloads of a method:

public int Add(int x, int y)
public int Add(int x,int y, int z)

Both of which call the internal method:

internal int Add(int[] numbers)

You can then put a lot of sophistication on a method, but "protect" it using facade methods that may help the programmer to call the method correctly. (The implementation method with the array parameter may have an arbitrary limit of values, for example.)

Also worth noting that using Reflection, any and all methods are callable regardless of their visibility. Another "hack" to control/gain access to internally hidden APIs.

What is the difference between an internal and a public class in c#?

Internal is only available within the assembly it resides in.

Public is available to any assembly referencing the one it resides in.

If you can access the internal class from another assembly you either have "InternalsVisibleTo" set up, or you're not referencing the class you think you are.

Should I use internal or public visibility by default?

I believe in blackboxes where possible. As a programmer, I want a well defined blackbox which I can easily drop into my systems, and have it work. I give it values, call the appropriate methods, and then get my results back out of it.

To that end, give me only the functionality that the class needs to expose to work.

Consider an elevator. To get it to go to a floor, I push a button. That's the public interface to the black box which activates all the functions needed to get the elevator to the desired floor.

Why use a public method in an internal class?

UPDATE: This question was the subject of my blog in September 2014. Thanks for the great question!

There is considerable debate on this question even within the compiler team itself.

First off, it's wise to understand the rules. A public member of a class or struct is a member that is accessible to anything that can access the containing type. So a public member of an internal class is effectively internal.

So now, given an internal class, should its members that you wish to access in the assembly be marked as public or internal?

My opinion is: mark such members as public.

I use "public" to mean "this member is not an implementation detail". A protected member is an implementation detail; there is something about it that is going to be needed to make a derived class work. An internal member is an implementation detail; something else internal to this assembly needs the member in order to work correctly. A public member says "this member represents the key, documented functionality provided by this object."

Basically, my attitude is: suppose I decided to make this internal class into a public class. In order to do that, I want to change exactly one thing: the accessibility of the class. If turning an internal class into a public class means that I have to also turn an internal member into a public member, then that member was part of the public surface area of the class, and it should have been public in the first place.

Other people disagree. There is a contingent that says that they want to be able to glance at the declaration of a member and immediately know whether it is going to be called only from internal code.

Unfortunately, that doesn't always work out nicely; for example, an internal class that implements an internal interface still has to have the implementing members marked as public, because they are part of the public surface of the class.

In C#, what is the difference between public, private, protected, and having no access modifier?

Access modifiers



The type or member can be accessed by any other code in the same assembly or another assembly that references it.


The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class or struct.


The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class or struct, or in a derived class.

private protected (added in C# 7.2)

The type or member can only be accessed by code in the same class or struct, or in a derived class from the same assembly, but not from another assembly.


The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, but not from another assembly.

protected internal

The type or member can be accessed by any code in the same assembly, or by any derived class in another assembly.

When no access modifier is set, a default access modifier is used. So there is always some form of access modifier even if it's not set.

static modifier

The static modifier on a class means that the class cannot be instantiated, and that all of its members are static. A static member has one version regardless of how many instances of its enclosing type are created.

A static class is basically the same as a non-static class, but there is one difference: a static class cannot be externally instantiated. In other words, you cannot use the new keyword to create a variable of the class type. Because there is no instance variable, you access the members of a static class by using the class name itself.

However, there is a such thing as a static constructor. Any class can have one of these, including static classes. They cannot be called directly & cannot have parameters (other than any type parameters on the class itself). A static constructor is called automatically to initialize the class before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced. Looks like this:

static class Foo()
static Foo()
Bar = "fubar";

public static string Bar { get; set; }

Static classes are often used as services, you can use them like so:


What is the difference between static, internal and public constructors?

The static constructor will be called the first time an object of the type is instantiated or a static method is called. And will only run once

The public constructor is accessible to all other types

The internal constructor is only accessible to types in the same assembly

On top of these three there's also protected which is only accessible to types derived from the enclosing type

and protected internal which is only accessible to types in the same assembly or those that derives from the enclosing type

and private which is only accessible from the type itself and any nested types

Should methods in a web app be public or internal?

In general public should be limited to externally visible methods - this includes public API and methods that must be exposed dues to technical restrictions (i.e. classes for ASP.Net pages).

In case of web application there is generally no "public API" as such libraries generally are not expected to be consumed by external users.

So mostly there is no practical differences between internal and public for web application development. You gain some minor convenience for using only public as you no longer need to have InternalsVisibleTo attributes for unit tests.

More discussions: public vs. internal methods on an internal class, internal vs public in c#

Side note: ASP.Net MVC web site is a class library - so all discussions about access modifiers related to class libraries applies to ASP.Net MVC/WebAPI sites.

public vs. internal methods on an internal class

The internal class Foo declaration will override the accessibility of the public void Fee() method, effectively making it internal.

In this case, using internal vs. public on the methods will have the same effect. The only reason I would choose public methods vs. internal methods in a case like this would be to ease transitioning to a public class in a future version, should you choose to do so.

Public and Internal members in an Internal class?

Consider this case:

public interface IBar { void Bar(); }
internal class C : IBar
public void Bar() { }

Here C.Bar cannot be marked as internal; doing so is an error because C.Bar can be accessed by a caller of D.GetBar():

public class D
public static IBar GetBar() { return new C(); }

A commenter asked a follow-up question: is an explicit implementation of an interface method considered to be public, or private? (C# does not allow you to put an access modifier on an explicit implementation.)

Take a step back and think about what exactly is "public" or "private" about a member: people think wrong things like "private means that a method cannot be called from outside the class", but that's not true; the class could make a delegate to a private method, pass it to anyone, and they can then call a private method.

Rather, accessibility determines where the name of a thing can be used! Explicit interface implementations do not add a name to the class declaration space in the first place; they can only be referred to by name via the interface, not the class. It really doesn't make sense to think of explicit interface implementations as public or private because they don't have a name you can refer to.

Internal vs. Private Access Modifiers

internal is for assembly scope (i.e. only accessible from code in the same .exe or .dll)

private is for class scope (i.e. accessible only from code in the same class).

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