Linq Where List Contains Any in List

linq where list contains any in list

Sounds like you want:

var movies = _db.Movies.Where(p => p.Genres.Intersect(listOfGenres).Any());

LINQ query to find if items in a list are contained in another list

var test2NotInTest1 = test2.Where(t2 => test1.Count(t1 => t2.Contains(t1))==0);

Faster version as per Tim's suggestion:

var test2NotInTest1 = test2.Where(t2 => !test1.Any(t1 => t2.Contains(t1)));

Linq Where list Contains item in another list

You can use Any + Contains:

var query = workOrderItems
.Where(item => item.Jobs.Any(j => longList.Contains(j.ResultElement.Id)));

( presuming that the class Element has an Id property since you've stated ResultElementid )

Where list contains any in List

Ok, can you do:

var thelist = _context.Products.Where(n => ListProducts.Contains(n.ProductId)).Select(n => new ProductVM
Name = n.Name,
Quantity = n.Quantity

Use LINQ where list of items contains any component in a list of components

It should be the other way around: first the Any and then the Contains. You would like to get all items that have any of there components contained in the components list.

Also don't use the Select if you'd like to get a list of Item back:

var result = items.Where(i => i.Components.Any(c => components.Contains(c.Name)));

Check if text contains any string item from list of string c# linq

I'm not sure this is possible in a single statement like this. It's too complicated for the poor parsing stuff to work out.

However, you can get an IQueryable(), then iterate over your filters append these as individual WHERE clauses, then these should get added to the SQL properly later.

Something like this:

//this just gets a reference the DbSet, which implements IQueryable<User>
var queryable = _dbContext.Users;

//iterate over the filters and add each as a separate WHERE clause
foreach(var f in filters)
//this just adds to the existing expression tree..
queryable = queryable.Where(u=>u.Name.Contains(f));
//this will actually hit the database.
var results = queryable.ToList();

This should generate something like this in SQL (entirely pseudo-code)

users u
(u.username like "%Sue%")
or (u.username like "%Bob%")

Hope this helps...

Check if listt contains any of another list

You could use a nested Any() for this check which is available on any Enumerable:

bool hasMatch = myStrings.Any(x => parameters.Any(y => y.source == x));

Faster performing on larger collections would be to project parameters to source and then use Intersect which internally uses a HashSet<T> so instead of O(n^2) for the first approach (the equivalent of two nested loops) you can do the check in O(n) :

bool hasMatch = parameters.Select(x => x.source)

Also as a side comment you should capitalize your class names and property names to conform with the C# style guidelines.

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