Int to Char in C#

Int to Char in C#


for example:

Console.WriteLine("(char)122 is {0}", (char)122);


(char)122 is z

C#: Convert int to char, but in literal not unicode representation

If I get you correctly, this is what you want

int i1 = 3;
char c = (char)(i1 + '0');


'0' is 48 in ASCII. Adding 3 to 48 is 51 and converting 51 to char is 3.

Convert an int to an ascii char c#

You can use one of these methods to convert number to an ASCII / Unicode / UTF-16 character:

You can use these methods convert the value of the specified 32-bit signed integer to its Unicode character:

char c = (char)65;
char c = Convert.ToChar(65);

But, ASCII.GetString decodes a range of bytes from a byte array into a string:

string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[]{ 65 });

Keep in mind that, ASCIIEncoding does not provide error detection. Any byte greater than hexadecimal 0x7F is decoded as the Unicode question mark ("?").

So, for your solving your problem you can use one of these methods, for example:

word += (char)(i + 96);

int to char array

You're assuming that the char value of '0' is 0. It is not; it is in fact the UTF16 value of '0' which is 48.

So you are adding together the UTF16 values of the characters '3', '8' and '2', i.e. 51, 56 and 50.

Note that if your aim is to add together all the digits of an integer, the best approach is to avoid converting to a string completely, like so:

int num = 382;

// Compute the sum of digits of num

int total = 0;

while (num > 0)
total += num%10;
num /= 10;


However if you just want to know how to get your version working, just subtract '0' from each character before adding the codes together. That will convert '0' to 0, '1' to 1, etc:

for (int i = 0; i < nlst.Length; i++)
output += nlst[i] - '0'; // Subtract '0' here.

Converting an int to a Char c#?

Console.Read() returns the ascii value of the character you entered. (In case of 'M' it's 77)
char.Parse(TempValue) expects TempValue to be a string and that it contains exactly one character. So, this is what you would use to convert the string "M" to the character 'M'. But you don't have the string "M"; you have the int 77.

In this case, you can simply cast it:

char gender = (char)TempValue;

Alternatively, you can use Console.ReadLine(), which returns a string and then take the first character:

string input = Console.ReadLine();
char gender = input[0];

How to cast int digit to char without loosing digit value in c#

Add 48 to your int value before converting to char:

char c = (char)(i + 48);

Or for int[] -> char[] conversion:

var source = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
var results = source.Select(i => (char)(i + 48)).ToArray();

It works, because '0' character in ASCII table has 48 value. But it will work only if your int values is between 0 and 9.

How to store and represent an int value as a char (C#)

Assuming you mean an integer in the range 0 thru 9, then offset the value by the character code for the zero character in ASCII - which happens to be 48, but there's no need to know that here - just use the character itself:

int i = 3;
char id = (char)('0' + i);

If you mean any integer: ToString() is your friend (there isn't a char that can display the value of 42 or -3, for example, since they need multiple characters).

How to convert integer as character in c#?

Numbers does not start from 0 in ASCII characters. they start from 48. Add value to '0' to get the correct char.

Console.WriteLine("char is :" + (char)('0' + Xis));

Or simply cast Xis to int.

 Console.WriteLine("char is :" + (int)Xis);

Converting int to char in C# not working properly

Add 64 back before casting to char and printing it out on console.

Change an int type into char type in C#

For an example I have done the addition and used just string but you could replace it with the logic for list and do the other math on the same way with some changes:

    private const char O = '0';

public static void Main()
var num1 = "55555555555555555555555555555555555555578955555555555555";
var num2 = "55555555555555555555555555";
var result = string.Empty;
var num1Index = num1.Length - 1;
var num2Index = num2.Length - 1;
var temp = 0;

while (true)
if (num1Index >= 0 && num2Index >= 0)
var sum = ((temp + num1[num1Index--] - O) + (num2[num2Index--] - O));
result = sum % 10 + result;
temp = sum / 10;
else if (num1Index < 0 && num2Index >= 0)
result = temp + (num2[num2Index--] - O) + result;
temp = 0;
else if (num1Index >= 0 && num2Index < 0)
result = temp + (num1[num1Index--] - O) + result;
temp = 0;


the first if statement do the actual math the rest just appends the rest of the numbers case they are with different length.

and the outpud produced by the script:
Sample Image

and int to char again you can convert by adding for example

(char)([some digit hier] + '0')

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