Does C# Support a Variable Number of Arguments, and How

Does C# support a variable number of arguments, and how?

Yes. The classic example wourld be the params object[] args:

//Allows to pass in any number and types of parameters
public static void Program(params object[] args)

A typical usecase would be passing parameters in a command line environment to a program, where you pass them in as strings. The program has then to validate and assign them correctly.


  • Only one params keyword is permitted per method
  • It has to be the last parameter.

EDIT: After I read your edits, I made mine. The part below also covers methods to achieve variable numbers of arguments, but I think you really were looking for the params way.

Also one of the more classic ones, is called method overloading. You've probably used them already a lot:

//both methods have the same name and depending on wether you pass in a parameter
//or not, the first or the second is used.
public static void SayHello() {
public static void SayHello(string message) {

Last but not least the most exiting one: Optional Arguments

//this time we specify a default value for the parameter message
//you now can call both, the method with parameter and the method without.
public static void SayHello(string message = "Hello") {

Function with variable number of arguments

Yes you can write something like this:

void PrintReport(string header, params int[] numbers)
foreach (int number in numbers)

Can I make a method in C# accept a variable number of arguments and then process these

You can use params like so from the documentation

public static void UseParams(params int[] list)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
Console.Write(list[i] + " ");

C# function with variable number of arguments causes confusion when multiple overloads available

The problem you are seeing is caused because the first item in your method call is a string and therefore will alway match the second method call. You can do 1 of the following to get around the problem:

If the order of the args is not important you could simply make sure that the first item is not a string:

this.GetErrorMessage(5, "Ticket Count");

Or you can cast the string to an object:

this.GetErrorMessage((object)"Ticket Count", 5);

You could always make this call however it does break the whole purpose of using params:

this.GetErrorMessage(new object[] {"Ticket Count", 5 });

How do I write a C# method that takes a variable number of arguments?

You would do this as:

string ConcatString(params string[] arguments)
// Do work here

This can be called as:

string result = ConcatString("Foo", "Bar", "Baz");

For details, see params (C# Reference).

FYI - There is already a String.Concat(params object[] args) - it will concatenate any set of objects by calling ToString() on each. So for this specific example, this is probably not really that useful.

.Net - passing variable number of arguments

Using this tutorial I came up with the following code:

System::Reflection::Emit::DynamicMethod ^CreateHandler()
// Get event handler type
auto delegateType = _event->EventHandlerType;

auto invoke = delegateType->GetMethod("Invoke");

// Get return type
auto returnType = invoke->ReturnType;

// Get parameters list
auto delegateParameters = GetParameterTypes(invoke);

// First parameter should be a pointer to my handler class
auto parameters = gcnew array<System::Type ^> (delegateParameters->Length + 1);
parameters[0] = MyHandlerClass::typeid;
delegateParameters->CopyTo(parameters, 1);

// Create dynanic method for my handler class
auto handler = gcnew System::Reflection::Emit::DynamicMethod(
_event->Name + "Handler",

// This method should be called
auto method = MyHandlerClass::typeid->GetMethod("GeneralEventHandler");

// Add method body
auto codeGen = handler->GetILGenerator();

// Get type of 'object[]'
auto arrayType = System::Object::typeid->MakeArrayType();

// Create local variable 'args' (at index 0) of type 'object[]'
auto localArgs = codeGen->DeclareLocal(arrayType);

// Create an array of arguments of required size
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Ldc_I4, delegateParameters->Length); // Array size
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Newarr, System::Object::typeid); // Creating array
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Stloc_0); // Store to local variable at index 0 ('args')

// Fill array
for (int i = 0; i < delegateParameters->Length; i++)
// Store (i + 1) argument to array at index i
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Ldloc_0); // Refer to array
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Ldc_I4, i); // Move to index i
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Ldarg_S, i + 1); // Refer to (i + 1) argument

// Is argument of simple type?
if (delegateParameters[i]->IsValueType)
// Pack argument
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Box, delegateParameters[i]);

// Store element to array

// Now we put everything on stack:
// 'this' pointer

// Nane of event (for identification)
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Ldstr, _event->Name);

// Array of arguments

// Now call the method
codeGen->Emit(System::Reflection::Emit::OpCodes::Call, method);

// And return

return handler;

The handler class looks like this:

ref class MyHandlerClass

void GeneralEventHandler(System::String ^name, array<System::Object ^> ^params);

And then I just use this dynamic method to connect to the event:

System::Delegate ^Connect(System::Object ^instance, MyHandlerClass ^handler)
auto method = CreateHandler();

// Создадим делегат
auto delegate = method->CreateDelegate(_event->EventHandlerType, handler);

// Добавим в список обработчиков
_event->AddEventHandler(instance, delegate);

return delegate;

The code is written in C++/CLI but it's fairly easy to convert in to C#.

The idea is the same as in my initial post, I just added the array of objects generation code.

Passing Variable Number of Arguments

I would recommend building a struct and then passing those in as params. In my example, your struct represents a score of some kind:

public struct RaceScore
public bool FinishedRace;
public int Points;

Your method signature would then be:

public void SaveScores(params RaceScore[] scores)

Here's an example of calling SaveScores:

RaceScore score = new RaceScore() { FinishedRace = true, Points = 20 };
RaceScore score2 = new RaceScore() { FinishedRace = false, Points = 15 };
SaveScores(score, score2);

Passing variable number of parameters in class constructor C#

I believe you're missing the [] on the List declaration in your method signature in order to declare it as a parameter array.

Try public EvoObject(Object _id, params List<Int32>[] _args)

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