What Is Causing Notsupportedexception ("The Given Path's Format Is Not Supported") While Using a Valid Path

The given path's format is not supported.

Rather than using str_uploadpath + fileName, try using System.IO.Path.Combine instead:

Path.Combine(str_uploadpath, fileName);

which returns a string.

What is causing NotSupportedException (The given path's format is not supported) while using a valid path?

According to the reference source: http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#mscorlib/system/io/filestream.cs#732

NotSupportedException will be thrown if the index of the : in your path is at the third position or later. (One would expect : to be the second character) Are you sure there are no zero-width combining characters or other similar Unicode shenanigans going on in your source?

the given path's format is not supported. c#

Here you use the correct way of formatting the path in Windows with a Backslash

ofd.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Picture";

And in the next line you divert from it

System.IO.File.Copy(ofd.FileName, "/Resources/SImages/" + lblRNo.Text + ".jpg");

just keep the way you did it in the beginning:

System.IO.File.Copy(ofd.FileName, @"\Resources\SImages\" + lblRNo.Text + ".jpg");

One way of avoiding such irritations is to use System.IO.Path.Combine()

string path = System.IO.Path.Combine("Resources", "SImages");

EDIT: due to the extraordinary observation by Steve I changed lblRNo to lblRNo.Text

The given path's format is not supported (listing files)

Use the the common -ErrorVariable (-ev) parameter parameter in combination with the common -ErrorAction (-ea) parameter:

Get-ChildItem $myPath -Recurse -Force -File -ea SilentlyContinue -ev errs | 
Where-Object {$_.name -match '[?<>|/\\*:"]+'} | select fullname, name

Write-Verbose -vb 'The following paths caused errors:'
  • -ea SilentlyContinue silences error display (and continues execution as long as the errors are non-terminating, which they typically are).

  • -ev errs captures the non-terminating errors in self-chosen variable $errs, which can be inspected later.

The .TargetObject property of the System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord instances collected in $errs contains the source object that triggered the error, which in the case at hand is the full path of the file-system object; $errs.TargetObject lists them all, across all error objects in the collection, courtesy of member-access enumeration.


  • The above doesn't seem to help in the specific case at hand, as seemingly only a single error record is returned that doesn't have .TargetObject filled in and mentions only the starting directory of the recursive enumeration.

  • The Include * approach shown below helped to at least narrow the problem down to individual directories containing offending files.

Adding -Include * to force explicit processing of individual files in each directory may help:

# Tries to find offending file names only, via `$errs`
$null = Get-ChildItem $myPath -Recurse -Force -File -Include * -ea SilentlyContinue -ev errs

Another option, given that you say that passing -Directory doesn't report errors, is to apply Get-Item * -Force to each directory and see if the offending file names can at least be narrowed down to specific directories:

# Tries to find offending file names only, via `$errs`
$null = & { Get-Item $myPath; Get-ChildItem $myPath -Recurse -Force -Directory } |
Get-Item -Path { Join-Path $_.FullName * } -Force -ea SilentlyContinue -ev errs

Why I am getting The given path's format is not supported error

I tried this on another computer but still it didn't work!(Surprising).
I have managed to solve this issue by moving "file.txt" to my project folder.
Now I am using

string oldfilename = "file.txt";
string newfilename = "tree.txt";
System.IO.File.Move(oldfilename, newfilename);

And this Works!
This doesn't seems to be an answer to this question(for me), but It has really worked for me.

Why i'm getting NotSupportedException: The given path's format is not supported?

Your usage of DateTime results in illegal characters for a directory name, as an alternative you can use DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() which is a number representation of the current time (not necessarily unique if you do this concurrently or in a loop).

Strings not working in my function as parameters powershell

You are not correctly calling your function. You use a function as such:

cee 'C:\FAKE' 'C:\zipfile.zip'

Or more fully, by calling parameters by name:

cee -a 'C:\FAKE' -b 'C:\zipfile.zip'

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