How to Use Interface as a C# Generic Type Constraint

How can I use interface as a C# generic type constraint?

The closest you can do (except for your base-interface approach) is "where T : class", meaning reference-type. There is no syntax to mean "any interface".

This ("where T : class") is used, for example, in WCF to limit clients to service contracts (interfaces).

How to put an interface constraint on a generic method in C# 3.5?

C# and the CLR don't support overall interface constraints, although you can constrain it to a particular interface (see other answers). The closest you can get is 'class' and check the type using reflection at runtime I'm afraid. Why would you want an interface constraint in the first place?

C# generic constraint for base class and interface

This is how you fix this object model:

interface IComponent { }

abstract class Component : IComponent { }

interface IA : IComponent { }
interface IB : IComponent { }

interface IAB : IA, IB { }

class ComponentA : Component, IA { }
class ComponentB : Component, IB { }
class ComponentAB : Component, IAB { }

abstract class Collection<T1> where T1 : IComponent
protected List<T1> Items;

class CollectionA : Collection<IA> { }
class CollectionB : Collection<IB> { }
class CollectionAB : Collection<IAB> { }

C#: How to force a generic type to be an interface?

A constraint that specified that T could be cast as M would also suffice in my specific circumstance.

It is possible to make a constraint where T must be derived from the type specified by another argument.

where T : M

c# extension method for a generic class with interface as type constraint

Yes, this can be done by making the method generic and adding a generic type constraint to the method, as follows:

public static void SomeMethod<T>(
this SomeClass<T> obj, ISomeInterface objParam)
where T : ISomeInterface // <-- generic type constraint

Implementing an interface with a generic constraint

For more corrective, implement interface explicitly:

public class Class1<T> : IInterface
where T : Test2
public T Test { get; private set; }

Test2 IInterface.Test
get { ... }

Then you can avoid compiled error.

Why to use generic with interface constraint?

The two interfaces are very different, because List<T> and List<IBase> are very different. Let's suppose there is a class A that implements IBase. This, for one, does not compile:

IGeneric noTypeParameter = ... = new List<A>();

But this does:

IGeneric<A> hasTypeParameter = ... = new List<A>();

This is because List is not covariant on T. In fact it is invariant. See also: Convert List<DerivedClass> to List<BaseClass>

If you use IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerable<IBase> , then both of the above code snippets will compile, but the two IGeneric interfaces are still different, because:

IGeneric noTypeParameter = ...
IEnumerable<A> enumerable =; // does not compile

IGeneric<A> hasTypeParameter = ...
IEnumerable<A> enumerable =; //does compile

So basically, with the generic parameter, you are able to pass specific types of List to the interface, and get specific types of List out. However, you can't "store a property of any IBase implementation". Without a type parameter, you are able to store a property of any IBase implementation, but you can't get specific types out of/into IGeneric.

C# generic method with interface type constraint

You should just create dedicated methods. The sample code with the if shows that your current method doesn't do one thing. It does multiple.

Just go with:


public IEntity GetEntity(long id)
return EntityDao.Get(id);

public IValue GetValue(long id)
return ValueDao.Get(id);

This is a lot cleaner on all layers:

  1. GetEntity vs. Get<IEntity>
  2. You clearly communicate what is possible. You don't have any runtime exceptions.
  3. Your get methods don't need any type switching.

If this will result in too many similar methods on your service, it is time to break out new classes, e.g. one for Entity and one for Value.
Then you could give your service properties that return the new classes. That's the same I am doing when implementing my query objects. It could then look like this: service.Values.Get(13) and service.Entities.Get(42)

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