How to Scroll to Element in Uwp

How to scroll to element in UWP

A better solution is to use ChangeView instead of ScrollToVerticalOffset/ScrollToHorizontalOffset since the latter is obsolete in Windows 10.

MyScrollView.ChangeView(null, abosulatePosition.Y, null, true);

You can even enable scrolling animation by setting the last parameter to false.


For the sake of completion, I've created an extension method for this.

public static void ScrollToElement(this ScrollViewer scrollViewer, UIElement element, 
bool isVerticalScrolling = true, bool smoothScrolling = true, float? zoomFactor = null)
var transform = element.TransformToVisual((UIElement)scrollViewer.Content);
var position = transform.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));

if (isVerticalScrolling)
scrollViewer.ChangeView(null, position.Y, zoomFactor, !smoothScrolling);
scrollViewer.ChangeView(position.X, null, zoomFactor, !smoothScrolling);

So in this case, just need to call


Scroll to new item in ListView for UWP

As of Windows 10, version 1607 you can use ItemsStackPanel.ItemsUpdatingScrollMode with the value KeepLastItemInView, which seems like the most natural fit for the job.

There is an "Inverted Lists" example in MS UWP docs (2017-2-8) that would boil down to this XAML:

<ListView Source="{Binding Messages}">

On a side note, yes, I'd agree that you may want to get rid of a ScrollViewer as it's redundant as a ListView wrapper.


KeepLastItemInView is not available for applications that target Windows 10 prior to the "Anniversary Edition". If that's the case, one way to make sure that a list always displays the last item after item collection is changed is to override OnItemsChanged and call ScrollIntoView. A basic implementation would look like this:

using System.Linq;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;

public class ChatListView : ListView
protected override void OnItemsChanged(object e)
if(Items.Count > 0) ScrollIntoView(Items.Last());

UWP ScrollViewer not scrolling

Try this. This should work perfectly.

<ScrollViewer Grid.Row="1" 
<!--If the elements don't exceed the size of the box, the scrollbar won't be visible-->
<!--Use your BG color-->
<Border Background="White"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" >
<!--Use SPanel or grid or RPanel to include more than one element-->
<StackPanel Margin="10">
<TextBlock x:Name="editor"
Text="Custom Text more that the screen or the box size"/>

MasterDetailView UWP - Access the ListView (or make it scroll)

You can use a FindChildOfType implementation to get the ListView through VisualTreeHelper, as indicated in this answer:
Windows UWP - How to programmatically scroll ListView in ContentTemplate

uwp - scrollviewer doesn't keep scroll position when content is updated

There are two ways I can think of right away that use the ScrollViewer.

All methods below assume you know the index of the item you want to bring into view. If you don't know this you can use the current scrolllocation or selected item (in case of a ListView) to obtain this index.

The first method is by using ScrollViewer.ChangeView():

After you have added a new item to StackItems you can add this line of code:

StackItems.Padding.Left +
.Sum(u => u.ActualSize.X),

If the width of all items are equal you can instead just write of course:

Scroller.ChangeView(StackItems.Padding.Left + itemWidth * indexToBringIntoView, null, null);

The second method is by using UIElement.StartBringIntoView():

This method is easier than the first method, however I have noticed some strange behaviour of the ScrollViewer when using this.

After adding your new item to the StackItems you can use the following the bring you previous item into view:


Another way of achieving your goal is to use a horizontal ListView

You can set this up following the accepted answer from this SO thread.

Then if you have the index of the item you want to bring into view you can use ListView.ScrollIntoView(object item) like so:


I have included this method as well since this is a very solid working method and I never had a problem with it.

If this is not what you are looking for, let me know and I'll adjust my answer.

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