How to Return Anonymous Type from C# Method That Uses Linq to SQL

How to return anonymous type from c# method that uses LINQ to SQL

Make the anonymous type into a class...

public class Person
public Person() {

public String Name { get; set; }
public DateTime DOB { get; set; }

Person p =
from person in db.People
where person.Id = 1
select new Person {
Name = person.Name,
DOB = person.DateOfBirth

how to return an anonymous type in linq-to-sql

Here's a blog post on naming anonymous types in .NET using VS 2010's Generate From Usage functionality.

Return anonymous type results?

I tend to go for this pattern:

public class DogWithBreed
public Dog Dog { get; set; }
public string BreedName { get; set; }

public IQueryable<DogWithBreed> GetDogsWithBreedNames()
var db = new DogDataContext(ConnectString);
var result = from d in db.Dogs
join b in db.Breeds on d.BreedId equals b.BreedId
select new DogWithBreed()
Dog = d,
BreedName = b.BreedName
return result;

It means you have an extra class, but it's quick and easy to code, easily extensible, reusable and type-safe.

How to Convert Anonymous Type to List dynamic using Linq to SQL in C#

You can use strongly return type for your method like List<ClassName> instead of List<dynamic>

public List<ClassName> GetScanAudit(object Id, DateTime? fromTime, DateTime? toTime, string type = null, string user = null, Pager pager = null)

Then your query will be

var data = query.Select(x =>
new ClassName
TypeFullName = x.audit.TypeFullName,
UserName = x.audit.UserName,
EventType = x.audit.EventType,
EventDateUTC = x.audit.EventDateUTC,
LogDetails = x.audit.LogDetails.ToList(),
Name = x.entaudits.Name,
Description = x.entaudits.Description
.OrderByDescending(x => x.EventDateUTC)

var list = data.ToList<ClassName>();

And your strongly type class look like

public class ClassName
public string TypeFullName { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string EventType { get; set; }
public DateTime EventDateUTC { get; set; }
public List<LogDetail> LogDetails { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }

Make sure the datatype of each property should match in your .Select clause in query


if (pager != null)
var totalRecords = query.Count();
pager.TotalRecords = totalRecords;
var data = query.Select(x =>
new AuditInfo
TypeFullName = x.audit.TypeFullName,
UserName = x.audit.UserName,
EventType = x.audit.EventType,
EventDateUTC = x.audit.EventDateUTC,
LogDetails = x.audit.LogDetails.ToList(),
Name = x.entaudits.Name,
Description = x.entaudits.Description
.OrderByDescending(x => x.EventDateUTC)
var list1 = data.ToList<AuditInfo>();
catch (Exception e)
var list = data.ToList<AuditInfo>();
pager.RecordCount = list.Count;
return list;
var list = query.Select(x =>
new AuditInfo
TypeFullName = x.audit.TypeFullName,
UserName = x.audit.UserName,
EventType = x.audit.EventType,
EventDateUTC = x.audit.EventDateUTC,
LogDetails = x.audit.LogDetails.ToList(),
Name = x.entaudits.Name,
Description = x.entaudits.Description
.OrderByDescending(x => x.EventDateUTC)
return list;

How to return anonymous type from EF sql query

It appears that EF doesn't support returning any types other than ones that have EF mappings when using the ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery() method.

I ended up using a SqlCommand object and datareader with an anonymous type.

Using Anonymous Type from LINQ to SQL

I'm not saying you should do this, on the contrary, but you can use dynamics to return anonymous types and address their properties later:

public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetReferenceList()
return from r in entity.Reference
join d in entity.Reference_Detail on equals d.refid
select new { ID =, REFNAME = r.Name, DETAIL = d.Name };

And in consuming code:

 var data = GetReferenceList();
foreach (var item in data)
var name = (string)(item.REFNAME);

You'll soon start to hate this approach. You'll keep casting the dynamic types to runtime types, you won't have intellisense (on item. in this case), you won't have compile-time checking, so it's error-prone and susceptible to all kinds of subtle bugs. Do yourself a favor and use named types.

Use anonymous type for LINQ based lists instead of var

If you want to use a tuple type (that's what your (string col1, string col2) is) instead of an anonymous type (that's what your new { col1=x.col1...} is), you need another syntax:

List<(string col1, string col2)> list = context.Table1
.Select( // linq to entities
x => new
col1 = x.col1,
col2 = x.col2
.ToArray() // go on with linq to objects for use of tuple types
.Select(x => (col1: x.col1, col2: x.col2))

ValueTuples aren't supported in Expression trees, so you might need to use a combination of anonymous types and tuple types in your query

See Tuple types,
Choosing between anonymous and tuple types

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