How to Read and Write Id3 Tags to an Mp3 in C#

How to read and write ID3 tags to an MP3 in C#?

Taglib# is the best. It's direct port of the TagLib C library to C#.

To install TagLib#, run the following command in the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.

PM> Install-Package taglib

The NuGet distribution of taglib-sharp can be found at

The official source code repository is at

Here's an example using the library:

TagLib.File file = TagLib.File.Create("mysong.mp3");
String title = file.Tag.Title;
String album = file.Tag.Album;
String length = file.Properties.Duration.ToString();

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files

Thirding TagLib Sharp.

TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(path);
f.Tag.Album = "New Album Title";

How do I read mp3 tags?

Keep in mind that not all mp3 files will have tags. There is nothing in the mp3 format that supports tag metadata. The most accepted formats for tags are de-facto formats, most notably ID3v1, ID3v2, and APEv2. These tags, if present, are normally embedded at the beginning or end of the file separate from the mp3 header and frame data.

In other words, if a library fails to read tags from a given mp3 file, it may well be that there are none, which is not the fault of the library.

Reading ID3 tags from the web with C#

You would have to download the file locally and then run taglib against the local version.

WebClient Client = new WebClient ();
Client.DownloadFile("", "band1.mp3");

you could use the TagLib.File.IFileAbstraction, but I find downloading the file locally to be a lot simpler.

Write Picture to mp3 File ID3.NET Windows Store Apps

stream.WriteTag(tag, 1, 0, WriteConflictAction.Replace);

1 represents the major and 0 the minor ID3 version. Since media types such as pictures/images are not implemented in version 1, you'll need to use at least version 2. (2.3 being the most popular version used in ID3 tagging libraries and 2.4 being the newest version released in 2000)

stream.WriteTag(tag, 2, 3, WriteConflictAction.Replace);

will resolve your issue. Please note that you also need to create an Idv23Tag when applying the code above:

var tag = new Id3v23Tag();

See for more information.

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