The Name '...' Does Not Exist in the Current Context

Name does not exist in the current context


This is the phyiscal file -> CodeFile="Jobs.aspx.cs"

This is the class which handles the events of the page -> Inherits="Members_Jobs"


This is the partial class which manages the page events -> public partial class Members_Jobs : System.Web.UI.Page

The other part of the partial class should be -> public partial class Members_Jobs this is usually the designer file.

you dont need to have partial classes and could declare your controls all in 1 class and not have a designer file.

EDIT 27/09/2013 11:37

if you are still having issues with this I would do as Bharadwaj suggested and delete the designer file. You can then right-click on the page, in the solution explorer, and there is an option, something like "Convert to Web Application", which will regenerate your designer file

C# The name ' ... ' doesn't exist in the current context

C# has scopes. An item within a scope can see everything in the scopes that contain it, but outer scopes can't see within inner scopes. You can read about scopes here.

Take your example:

if (input == "create: archer")
Archer iArcher = new Archer();
iArcher.setProp(100, 20, 4f, 8f, 3.5f, 25f);

iArcher is in the scope of your if statement, so code outside that if statement can't see it.

To resolve this, move the definition or iArcher outside the if statement:

Archer iArcher = new Archer();
if (input == "create: archer")
iArcher.setProp(100, 20, 4f, 8f, 3.5f, 25f);

if (input == "property: archer")

Note that this now leaves you with another problem: input cannot be both "create: archer" and "property: archer".

One solution might be to move reading user input inside a loop, while keeping iArcher outside that loop:

Archer iArcher = new Archer();
string input = null;

while ((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "exit")
if (input == "create: archer")
iArcher.setProp(100, 20, 4f, 8f, 3.5f, 25f);
else if (input == "property: archer")

To exit the loop simply type "exit" as the input.

The name '...' does not exist in the current context

dogList is local to the method Main. What you want to do instead is to place dogList outside of that scope.

public class Program
static List<Dog> dogList = new List<Dog>();


Alternately you can send the list into your add method.

How to fix the errors,name ' ' does not exist in the current context in c#

You should install NuGet package System.DirectoryEntry and then add a using to System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry and then it should compile.

Regarding UName & Pwd you just need to provide strings that represent your user name and password.

The name 'TXTF' does not exist in the current context

what you have looks rather fine. The ONLY part is you need to set both text boxes postback = true.

This setting for BOTH text boxes:

Sample Image

The only part missing is that you need to set both textboxes to fire a post back.

You could also I suppose put a button on the form, type in the value and hit the calculate button.

But, for both text boxes, you need to set postback = true.

And you code? Well, you could use this:

int TXTC;

TXTC = Int(TextBox1.Text);

TextBox2.Text = (TXTC - 32) * (5 / 9);

And for text box2, this:

int TXTC;

TXTC = Int(TextBox2.Text);

TextBox1.Text = (TXTC) * (9 / 5) + 32;

So the system will "cast" the data types to text for you. In fact, you could even do this, and it will work:

First one:

TextBox2.Text = (TextBox1.Text - 32) * (5 / 9);


TextBox1.Text = TextBox2.Text * (9 / 5) + 32;

So unlike say native c++, .net does a LOT of automatic conversions for you.

And if you set the format of each text box to number (this setting)

Sample Image

Then users can ONLY type in numbers - and thus some additonal type checking is afforded by doing this. (users will ONLY be able to enter numbers - and thus you don't need all that type casting code.

All in all? Your code will and should work. Just missing the auto-post back setting.

The name doesn't exist in the current context - How to resolve?

When you receive The name doesn't exist in the current context, you can check for these options:

  • Maybe you haven't defined a variable or member with that name in the scope.
  • Maybe you misspelled an existing variable or member name.
  • Maybe the namespace that defines that class is missing.
  • Maybe your project needs to add a reference to the dll contains that type.

For more information and example see:

  • The name 'NNNN' does not exist in the current context (C#)

CS0103. The name 'Functions' does not exist in the current context

Your solution doesn't have Functions class but Function class exists.

Change your code like this :

    private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
listBox1.Items.Clear();//Clear Items in the LuaScriptList
Function.PopulateListBox(listBox1, "./Scripts", "*.txt");
Function.PopulateListBox(listBox1, "./Scripts", "*.lua");

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