How to Marshal a Struct That Contains a Variable-Sized Array to C#

How do I marshal a struct that contains a variable-sized array to C#?

Old question, but I recently had to do this myself and all the existing answers are poor, so...

The best solution for marshaling a variable-length array in a struct is to use a custom marshaler. This lets you control the code that the runtime uses to convert between managed and unmanaged data. Unfortunately, custom marshaling is poorly-documented and has a few bizarre limitations. I'll cover those quickly, then go over the solution.

Annoyingly, you can't use custom marshaling on an array element of a struct or class. There's no documented or logical reason for this limitation, and the compiler won't complain, but you'll get an exception at runtime. Also, there's a function that custom marshalers must implement, int GetNativeDataSize(), which is obviously impossible to implement accurately (it doesn't pass you an instance of the object to ask its size, so you can only go off the type, which is of course variable size!) Fortunately, this function doesn't matter. I've never seen it get called, and it the custom marshaler works fine even if it returns a bogus value (one MSDN example has it return -1).

First of all, here's what I think your native prototype might look like (I'm using P/Invoke here, but it works for COM too):

// Unmanaged C/C++ code prototype (guess)
//void DoThing (ABS_DATA *pData);

// Guess at your managed call with the "marshal one-byte ByValArray" version
//[DllImport("libname.dll")] public extern void DoThing (ref abs_data pData);

Here's the naïve version of how you might have used a custom marshaler (which really ought to have worked). I'll get to the marshaler itself in a bit...

public struct abs_data
// Don't need the length as a separate filed; managed arrays know it.
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef=typeof(ArrayMarshaler<byte>))]
public byte[] Data;

// Now you can just pass the struct but it takes arbitrary sizes!
[DllImport("libname.dll")] public extern void DoThing (ref abs_data pData);

Unfortunately, at runtime, you apparently can't marshal arrays inside data structures as anything except SafeArray or ByValArray. SafeArrays are counted, but they look nothing like the (extremely common) format that you're looking for here. So that won't work. ByValArray, of course, requires that the length be known at compile time, so that doesn't work either (as you ran into). Bizarrely, though, you can use custom marshaling on array parameters, This is annoying because you have to put the MarshalAsAttribute on every parameter that uses this type, instead of just putting it on one field and having that apply everywhere you use the type containing that field, but c'est la vie. It looks like this:

public struct abs_data
// Don't need the length as a separate filed; managed arrays know it.
// This isn't an array anymore; we pass an array of this instead.
public byte Data;

// Now you pass an arbitrary-sized array of the struct
[DllImport("libname.dll")] public extern void DoThing (
// Have to put this huge stupid attribute on every parameter of this type
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef=typeof(ArrayMarshaler<abs_data>))]
// Don't need to use "ref" anymore; arrays are ref types and pass as pointer-to
abs_data[] pData);

In that example, I preserved the abs_data type, in case you want to do something special with it (constructors, static functions, properties, inheritance, whatever). If your array elements consisted of a complex type, you would modify the struct to represent that complex type. However, in this case, abs_data is basically just a renamed byte - it's not even "wrapping" the byte; as far as the native code is concerned it's more like a typedef - so you can just pass an array of bytes and skip the struct entirely:

// Actually, you can just pass an arbitrary-length byte array!
[DllImport("libname.dll")] public extern void DoThing (
// Have to put this huge stupid attribute on every parameter of this type
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef=typeof(ArrayMarshaler<byte>))]
byte[] pData);

OK, so now you can see how to declare the array element type (if needed), and how to pass the array to an unmanaged function. However, we still need that custom marshaler. You should read "Implementing the ICustomMarshaler Interface" but I'll cover this here, with inline comments. Note that I use some shorthand conventions (like Marshal.SizeOf<T>()) that require .NET 4.5.1 or higher.

// The class that does the marshaling. Making it generic is not required, but
// will make it easier to use the same custom marshaler for multiple array types.
public class ArrayMarshaler<T> : ICustomMarshaler
// All custom marshalers require a static factory method with this signature.
public static ICustomMarshaler GetInstance (String cookie)
return new ArrayMarshaler<T>();

// This is the function that builds the managed type - in this case, the managed
// array - from a pointer. You can just return null here if only sending the
// array as an in-parameter.
public Object MarshalNativeToManaged (IntPtr pNativeData)
// First, sanity check...
if (IntPtr.Zero == pNativeData) return null;
// Start by reading the size of the array ("Length" from your ABS_DATA struct)
int length = Marshal.ReadInt32(pNativeData);
// Create the managed array that will be returned
T[] array = new T[length];
// For efficiency, only compute the element size once
int elSiz = Marshal.SizeOf<T>();
// Populate the array
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
array[i] = Marshal.PtrToStructure<T>(pNativeData + sizeof(int) + (elSiz * i));
// Alternate method, for arrays of primitive types only:
// Marshal.Copy(pNativeData + sizeof(int), array, 0, length);
return array;

// This is the function that marshals your managed array to unmanaged memory.
// If you only ever marshal the array out, not in, you can return IntPtr.Zero
public IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative (Object ManagedObject)
if (null == ManagedObject) return IntPtr.Zero;
T[] array = (T[])ManagedObj;
int elSiz = Marshal.SizeOf<T>();
// Get the total size of unmanaged memory that is needed (length + elements)
int size = sizeof(int) + (elSiz * array.Length);
// Allocate unmanaged space. For COM, use Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem instead.
IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
// Write the "Length" field first
Marshal.WriteInt32(ptr, array.Length);
// Write the array data
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
{ // Newly-allocated space has no existing object, so the last param is false
Marshal.StructureToPtr<T>(array[i], ptr + sizeof(int) + (elSiz * i), false);
// If you're only using arrays of primitive types, you could use this instead:
//Marshal.Copy(array, 0, ptr + sizeof(int), array.Length);
return ptr;

// This function is called after completing the call that required marshaling to
// unmanaged memory. You should use it to free any unmanaged memory you allocated.
// If you never consume unmanaged memory or other resources, do nothing here.
public void CleanUpNativeData (IntPtr pNativeData)
// Free the unmanaged memory. Use Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem if using COM.

// If, after marshaling from unmanaged to managed, you have anything that needs
// to be taken care of when you're done with the object, put it here. Garbage
// collection will free the managed object, so I've left this function empty.
public void CleanUpManagedData (Object ManagedObj)
{ }

// This function is a lie. It looks like it should be impossible to get the right
// value - the whole problem is that the size of each array is variable!
// - but in practice the runtime doesn't rely on this and may not even call it.
// The MSDN example returns -1; I'll try to be a little more realistic.
public int GetNativeDataSize ()
return sizeof(int) + Marshal.SizeOf<T>();

Whew, that was long! Well, there you have it. I hope people see this, because there's a lot of bad answers and misunderstanding out there...

Marshal a C struct containing a variable length array

short answer
you can't marshal variable length array as an array , because Without knowing the size, the interop marshalling service cannot marshal the array elements

but if you know the size it will be like below:

int arr[15]

you will be able to marshal it like this:

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst=15)] int[] arr

if you don't know the length of the array and this is what you want
you can convert it to intprt and deal with inptr but first you need to create 2 structs

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
struct fvec_t1
public uint whatever;

public int[] data;

the other one like below:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
struct fvec_t2{
public uint whatever;

create a function to initialize the array like below

private static int[] ReturnIntArray()
int [] myInt = new int[30];

for (int i = 0; i < myInt.length; i++)
myInt[i] = i + 1;

return myInt;

instantiate the first struct

fvec_t1 instance = new fvec_t1();
instance.whatever=10; ReturnIntArray();

instantiate the second struct

fvec_t2 instance1 = new fvec_t2();

instance1.whatever = instance.whatever

dynamically allocate space for fvec_t2 struct with extended space for data array

IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(fvec_t2)) +;

Transfer the existing field values of fvec_t2 to memory space pointed to by ptr

Marshal.StructureToPtr(instance1, ptr, true);

Calculate the offset of data array field which should be at the end of an fvec_t2

int offset = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(fvec_t2));

get memory address of data array field based on the offset.

IntPtr address = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt32() + offset);

copy data to ptr

Marshal.Copy(, 0, address,;

do the call

bool success = dllfunction(ptr);

ptr = IntPtr.Zero;

Marshalling dynamic size array into struct

Assuming that you want a struct containing a pointer to the array.

Declare the pointer to the array as IntPtr and marshal the array contents manually with Marshal.AllocHGlobal, Marshal.Copy etc.

Assuming that you want a variable sized struct rather than a struct containing a pointer to the array.

You cannot marshal a variable sized struct using p/invoke. You have at least these two options:

  1. Break the struct into two parameters.
  2. Marshal the struct manually with Marshal.AllocHGlobal, Marshal.Copy etc.

How to marshal a variable sized array of structs? C# and C++ interop help

You'll have to do this manually, since there's no way to tell the P/Invoke layer how much data to marshal from your C++ return value.

struct OuterStruct {
int numberStructs;
IntPtr innerStructs;

OuterStruct s = getStructs(); // using DllImport
var structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(InnerStruct));
var innerStructs = new List<InnerStruct>();
var ptr = s.innerStructs;

for (int i = 0; i < s.numberStructs; i++)
ptr = ptr + structSize;

Note that if you want to free the memory for innerStructs from your C# code, you have to use the standard allocator CoTaskMemAlloc in your C++ code--then you can call Marshal.CoTaskMemFree to free innerStructs.

How can I marshal a struct containing strings of variable size?

The CLR demands that struct members are located at fixed offsets. Therefore, there are no variably-sized members.

Probably, you should use a higher level of abstraction anyway. Use protocol buffers to automate all your serialization needs in a convenient and robust way.

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