How to Find Default Web Browser Using C#

How to find default web browser using C#?

You can look here for an example, but mainly it can be done like this:

internal string GetSystemDefaultBrowser()
string name = string.Empty;
RegistryKey regKey = null;

//set the registry key we want to open
regKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("HTTP\\shell\\open\\command", false);

//get rid of the enclosing quotes
name = regKey.GetValue(null).ToString().ToLower().Replace("" + (char)34, "");

//check to see if the value ends with .exe (this way we can remove any command line arguments)
if (!name.EndsWith("exe"))
//get rid of all command line arguments (anything after the .exe must go)
name = name.Substring(0, name.LastIndexOf(".exe") + 4);

catch (Exception ex)
name = string.Format("ERROR: An exception of type: {0} occurred in method: {1} in the following module: {2}", ex.GetType(), ex.TargetSite, this.GetType());
//check and see if the key is still open, if so
//then close it
if (regKey != null)
//return the value
return name;


Get the default browser, check if open and send URL


thats all. It checks if default browser is open, run it if not and open the url in new tab and activates it.

How to open in default browser in C#

You can just write


EDIT: The WebBrowser control is an embedded copy of IE.

Therefore, any links inside of it will open in IE.

To change this behavior, you can handle the Navigating event.

C# Launch default browser with a default search query

If you already know how to find the default browser, I would try using Process.Start("browser\path.exe", "\"? searchterm\"");

This seems to work for both IE and Chrome.

How to get icon of default browser in C#?

I have changed the code a bit and here is my version.

using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Namespace
public static class DefaultSystemBrowser
private static bool initialized = false;
private static string path = null;

public static string Path

return path;

public static Icon Icon
get {

return Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon( path );

public static Bitmap Bitmap

return Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon( path ).ToBitmap();

private static void CheckForErrors()
if ( !initialized )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "You can't use DefaultSystemBrowser class before you call Determine()." );
if ( ErrorMessage != null )
throw new InvalidOperationException( "You can't use DefaultSystemBrowser class if call to Determine() resulted in error." );

/// <summary>
/// Null if no error occured, error description otherwise.
/// </summary>
public static string ErrorMessage
private set;

/// <summary>
/// Finds out all information about current default browser. You can call this method every time you want to find out default browser.
/// </summary>
public static void Determine()
path = String.Empty;
initialized = true;

RegistryKey regKey = null;
ErrorMessage = null;

//set the registry key we want to open
regKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey( "HTTP\\shell\\open\\command", false );

//get rid of the enclosing quotes
path = regKey.GetValue( null ).ToString().ToLower().Replace( "" + (char) 34, "" );

//check to see if the value ends with .exe (this way we can remove any command line arguments)
if ( !path.EndsWith( "exe" ) )
//get rid of all command line arguments (anything after the .exe must go)
path = path.Substring( 0, path.LastIndexOf( ".exe" ) + 4 );

initialized = true;
catch ( Exception ex )
ErrorMessage = string.Format( "ERROR: An exception of type: {0} occurred in method: {1} in the following module: {2}", ex.GetType(), ex.TargetSite, typeof( DefaultSystemBrowser ) );
//check and see if the key is still open, if so
//then close it
if ( regKey != null )


Here is how I am using the code:

if ( DefaultSystemBrowser.ErrorMessage == null )
btnOpenInBrowser.Image = DefaultSystemBrowser.Bitmap;
btnOpenInBrowser.Image = Properties.Resources.firefox_24_noshadow;

How to set the default browser home page (IE) with C#?

Set it in this registry setting:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page

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