"Parameter Not Valid" Exception Loading System.Drawing.Image

Error Parameter is not valid while converting Bytes into Image

try this

public Image byteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
System.Drawing.ImageConverter converter = new System.Drawing.ImageConverter();
Image img = (Image)converter.ConvertFrom(byteArrayIn);

return img;

System.Drawing.Image Parameter Not Valid

Figured it out.

It turns out that the data is backwards...due to FlatBuffers serialization.
The solution is to reverse the order of my for-loop during serialization:

for (var i = message.ImageBytes.Length; i -->0;)

System.Drawing Parameter is not valid

You are calling livePreview.Image.Dispose() in the UI thread, but you're not setting livePreview.Image to null afterwards.

So between the time that you dispose livePreview.Image and the time that you assign a new image to it, livePreview.Image points to a disposed object.

So I think occasionally your picturebox tries to draw itself during this time, and fails when it attempts to access its (disposed) Image property.

The solution would be:

if (livePreview.Image != null)
//Dispose the resources
this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() {
livePreview.Image = null;

Or even better, assign the new image in the same step:

var newFrame = (Bitmap)eventArgs.Frame.Clone();
this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() {
if (livePreview.Image != null)
livePreview.Image = newFrame;

In general, you need to understand what's happening with your various Bitmap objects. Anything that keeps a reference to a Bitmap that has been disposed will be a problem.

Parameter is not valid Exception

Given that it's an ArgumentException it's to do with one of the arguments passed to the FromStream method.

If you open the second of the two links above you'll see from the documentation that an ArgumentException is raised when the stream passed does not represent a valid image format (you can confirm this by checking the exception's ParamName property.

So that means the format of the image that is being uploaded is not supported by the Image class. Either that, or the bytes of the image are being screwed in some way. That would seem to be supported by your own code - where you replace the '+' with ' ' in the base 64 string. Base64 is not intended to have spaces in it - take that line of code out.


Since you say it doesn't work without it - I'm guessing the data is being passed in a manner where an incoming '+' is being interpreted as a space and that's why you're trying to reinstate them. If sent in a request body this shouldn't happen, so since it is I'm guessing the iPhone app and your server need to use Modified base64 for URLs instead.

Parameter is not valid when loading image into picturebox

Dispose current image to prevent the OutOfMemory exception and assign the image loaded with a new instance of the Bitmap class to preserve the Image:

using (var image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs))
pbImage.Image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(image);

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