How to Download a Nuget Package Without Nuget.Exe or Visual Studio Extension

How to download a Nuget package without nuget.exe or Visual Studio extension?

Although building the URL or using tools is still possible, it is not needed anymore. currently has a download link named "Download package", that is available even if you don't have an account on the site.

(at the bottom of the right column).

Example of EntityFramework's detail page:
(Updated after comment of kwitee.)

Example of EntityFramework's detail page

Download Nuget Packages Without VS/NuGet Package Manager

How to download NuGet Package without Visual Studio or Nuget Package Manager:

  1. Search your desired package at NuGet Official Site.

  2. Copy the end of the URL of the package page.
    For Example: => Package Name is "EntityFramework"

  3. Enter the URL:{Package Name}
    For Example:

How to install Nuget Package without Visual Studio?

After download the NuGet package, please unzip it to local folder, which will list all content of this package. Then add the dlls in the unzipped folder into your project through Add Reference.

For example, I download EntityFramework package from site. It will show as entityframework.6.1.3.nupkg. I unzip this .nupkg file to local folder and there has a lib folder in this unzipped folder. Then I find the EntityFramework.dll and EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll in that folder. I add these dlls as reference into my project.

Another way install packages without Visual Studio is using nuget.exe. Please download it from

Then open command prompt windows to run nuget.exe and use the command line to install the packages that you want. The detailed command line for nuget, please refer to:

Add nuget package into project file without Visual Studio

This should be possible using Nuget.exe and the install-package etc. Powershell cmdlets. See the blog post Installing NuGet Packages outside of Visual Studio for details!

Is there a way to download packages from then do an offline installation into Visual Studio?

  1. First, download the .nupkg file:

    • Follow the instructions at How to download a Nuget package without nuget.exe or Visual Studio extension?

    • Or use my Google Chrome extension NuTake

  2. Secondly, install the .nupkg file into your project

    • Follow instructions at How to install a Nuget Package .nupkg file locally?

Is there a way to download nuget.exe and then do an offline upgradation into the Visual Studio?

Is there a way to download nuget.exe and then do an offline upgradation into the Visual Studio?

The answer is yes. But if you want to upgrade the NuGet Manager in Visual Studio 2015, you should download the NuGet extension for Visual Studio instead of nuget.exe:

Visual Studio 2015:

Before upgrade the extension, you should uninstall the old version by Tools->Extension and Updates...->Installed->NuGet Package Manager for Visual Studio, then restart Visual Studio, install that extension.

If you are using Visual Studio 2017, you should download the upgrade Visual Studio instead of nuget.exe.


NuGet Package Manager 4.x (PM UI and PM Console) are included with
Visual Studio 2017 (all 15.x versions). Latest NuGet releases are
delivered as part of Visual Studio updates.

Note: nuget.exe itself is not included with any version of Visual


Since you are using Visual Studio 2010 with nuget manager 2.0.3 and you do not have the internet connection on that machine, you can try to uninstall that nuget manager, download the latest version from other machine, then install it. Or you can install that extension directly.

Source: NuGet Package Manager

Since I do not use such version Visual Studio, I am not sure if you can uninstall it or update it directly. If not, I am afraid you have to download the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate version, then install it on that machine.

Hope this helps.

How do I install a NuGet package .nupkg file locally?

Menu ToolsOptionsPackage Manager

Sample Image

Give a name and folder location. Click OK. Drop your NuGet package files in that folder.

Go to your Project in Solution Explorer, right click and select "Manage NuGet Packages". Select your new package source.

Sample Image

Here is the documentation.

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