How to Convert Ienumerable to Observablecollection

Type casting from IEnumerable to ObservableCollection in C#

While an ObservableCollection<T> is IEnumerable<T> the opposite does not hold. Try a constructor:

new ObservableCollection<SometypeType>(
testObservableList.Where(x => x.IsActiveForBid))

UWP Convert IEnumerable to ObservableCollection (x:Bind)

It's not updated because of how the ObservableCollection works - it notifies only about changes inside the collection but when you are assigning the MessageList in your SetMessages method, you're creating new instance of ObservableCollection and the ListView.Source is pointing to the original bound instance of ObservableCollection.

Also, I see that MessageList is not a property, but field. Fields doesn't work with bindings.

You have four options how to achieve updating of the ListView:

1) You could synchronize the existing MessageList with new data:

private async Task SetMessages()
IEnumerable newData = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(20).Flatten();

// Assuming MessageList is not null here you will sync newData with MessageList

2) If you are not using the MessageList collection anywhere else, you can set the ItemsSource property of ListView directly from code:

private async Task SetMessages()
YourListView.ItemsSource = await channel.GetMessagesAsync(20).Flatten();

3) Since you are using the x:Bind expression, you can call Bindings.Update(); method everytime you want to refresh any binding on the page:

private async Task SetMessages()
MessageList = new ObservableCollection<IMessage>(await channel.GetMessagesAsync(20).Flatten());

4) You could implement INotifyPropertyChanged on the page or create DependencyProperty for the MessageList and then bind it with Mode set to OneWay:

<ListView ItemsSource="{x:Bind MessageList, Mode=OneWay}">

Personally I'd not recommend the fourth option. The best option would be to sync the data since ListView automatically animates adding and removing the ListViewItems.


I think the problem is in these two lines:

messageList.Remove(messageList[NumOfMessages - 1]);

since new items are added at the end of the collection, so you are removing the item you added last time. For deleting the oldest item, you should use messageList.RemoveAt(0); to remove the item at the first position.

Cast IEnumerable into ObservableCollection

If the underlying object is not ObservableCollection, nor any of its descendants, then simply can't do that.

"Casting" an object does one of two things:

  1. A cast, reinterpret the reference to a different type, this only works if the underlying type is that different type, or implement the interface if you're casting to interface.
  2. A conversion, like int a = (int)dbl;

In your case neither will work as there is no such conversion available, and reinterpretation only works if the underlying type is a ObservableCollection, so you're left with what you don't want to do:

You need to create a new ObservableCollection

Cannot convert type IEnumerable to ObservableCollection...are you missing a cast?

ObservableCollection<T> has an overloaded constructor that accepts an IEnumerable<T> as a parameter. Assuming that your Linq statement returns a collection of MasterPartsList items:

public ObservableCollection<MasterPartsList> ParentAssemblyBOM
var enumerable = this._parentAssemblyBOM
.Where(parent => parent.isAssy == true);

return new ObservableCollection<MasterPartsList>(enumerable);

Convert ListT to ObservableCollectionT in WP7

Apparently, your project is targeting Windows Phone 7.0. Unfortunately the constructors that accept IEnumerable<T> or List<T> are not available in WP 7.0, only the parameterless constructor. The other constructors are available in Silverlight 4 and above and WP 7.1 and above, just not in WP 7.0.

I guess your only option is to take your list and add the items into a new instance of an ObservableCollection individually as there are no readily available methods to add them in bulk. Though that's not to stop you from putting this into an extension or static method yourself.

var list = new List<SomeType> { /* ... */ };
var oc = new ObservableCollection<SomeType>();
foreach (var item in list)

But don't do this if you don't have to, if you're targeting framework that provides the overloads, then use them.

Convert a ListT into an ObservableCollectionT

ObservableCollection < T > has a constructor overload
which takes IEnumerable < T >

Example for a List of int:

ObservableCollection<int> myCollection = new ObservableCollection<int>(myList);

One more example for a List of ObjectA:

ObservableCollection<ObjectA> myCollection = new ObservableCollection<ObjectA>(myList as List<ObjectA>);

Cast LINQ result to ObservableCollection

Just use:

ObservableCollection<Foo> x = new ObservableCollection<Foo>(enumerable);

That will do the required copying. There's no way of observing changes to the live query - although the idea of an ObservableQuery<T> is an interesting (though challenging) one.

If you want an extension method to do this, it's simple:

public static ObservableCollection<T> ToObservableCollection<T>
(this IEnumerable<T> source)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
return new ObservableCollection<T>(source);

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