How to Disable a System Device Programmatically

How do I disable a system device programmatically?

Looks like there were two things in drf's version that were giving you trouble. Your x64 problem was caused by SP_DEVINFO_DATA having a uint where an IntPtr was needed. The second is that the SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW function is Vista+ and won't run on XP.

Here's a version with those two issues corrected. I tested as x86 and AnyCPU on XPx86 and Win7X64.

public static class DisableHardware
const uint DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE = 0x12;
const uint DICS_ENABLE = 1;
const uint DICS_DISABLE = 2; // disable device
const uint DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL = 1; // not profile-specific
const uint DIGCF_ALLCLASSES = 4;
const uint DIGCF_PRESENT = 2;
const uint ERROR_INVALID_DATA = 13;
const uint ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259;
const uint ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND = 1168;

static DEVPROPKEY DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc;
static DEVPROPKEY DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds;

public UInt32 cbSize;
public UInt32 InstallFunction;

public SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER ClassInstallHeader;
public UInt32 StateChange;
public UInt32 Scope;
public UInt32 HwProfile;

public UInt32 cbSize;
public Guid classGuid;
public UInt32 devInst;
public IntPtr reserved; // CHANGE #1 - was UInt32

public Guid fmtid;
public UInt32 pid;

[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr SetupDiGetClassDevsW(
[In] ref Guid ClassGuid,
string Enumerator,
IntPtr parent,
UInt32 flags);

[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(IntPtr handle);

[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
UInt32 memberIndex,
[Out] out SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData);

[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(
IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData,
[In] ref SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS classInstallParams,
UInt32 ClassInstallParamsSize);

[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiChangeState(
IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData);

[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW(
IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
[In] ref DEVPROPKEY propertyKey,
[Out] out UInt32 propertyType,
IntPtr propertyBuffer,
UInt32 propertyBufferSize,
out UInt32 requiredSize,
UInt32 flags);

[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(
IntPtr DeviceInfoSet,
[In] ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
UInt32 Property,
[Out] out UInt32 PropertyRegDataType,
IntPtr PropertyBuffer,
UInt32 PropertyBufferSize,
[In,Out] ref UInt32 RequiredSize

static DisableHardware()
DisableHardware.DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc = new DEVPROPKEY();
DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc.fmtid = new Guid(
0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67,
0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0); = 2;

DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds = new DEVPROPKEY();
DEVPKEY_Device_HardwareIds.fmtid = new Guid(
0xa45c254e, 0xdf1c, 0x4efd, 0x80, 0x20, 0x67,
0xd1, 0x46, 0xa8, 0x50, 0xe0); = 3;

public static void DisableDevice(Func<string, bool> filter, bool disable = true)
IntPtr info = IntPtr.Zero;
Guid NullGuid = Guid.Empty;
info = SetupDiGetClassDevsW(
ref NullGuid,

devdata.cbSize = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(devdata);

// Get first device matching device criterion.
for (uint i = 0; ; i++)
out devdata);
// if no items match filter, throw
if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
CheckError("No device found matching filter.", 0xcffff);

string devicepath = GetStringPropertyForDevice(info,
devdata, 1); // SPDRP_HARDWAREID

// Uncomment to print name/path
// devdata, DEVPKEY_Device_DeviceDesc));
//Console.WriteLine(" {0}", devicepath);
if (devicepath != null && filter(devicepath)) break;


header.cbSize = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(header);
header.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;

propchangeparams.ClassInstallHeader = header;
propchangeparams.StateChange = disable ? DICS_DISABLE : DICS_ENABLE;
propchangeparams.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL;
propchangeparams.HwProfile = 0;

ref devdata,
ref propchangeparams,

ref devdata);
if (info != IntPtr.Zero)
private static void CheckError(string message, int lasterror = -1)

int code = lasterror == -1 ? Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() : lasterror;
if (code != 0)
throw new ApplicationException(
String.Format("Error disabling hardware device (Code {0}): {1}",
code, message));

private static string GetStringPropertyForDevice(IntPtr info, SP_DEVINFO_DATA devdata,
uint propId)
uint proptype, outsize;
IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
uint buflen = 512;
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)buflen);
// CHANGE #2 - Use this instead of SetupDiGetDeviceProperty
ref devdata,
out proptype,
ref outsize);
byte[] lbuffer = new byte[outsize];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, lbuffer, 0, (int)outsize);
int errcode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (errcode == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) return null;
CheckError("SetupDiGetDeviceProperty", errcode);
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(lbuffer);
if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero)


Disable/Enable Windows 10 Devices Programmatically

I haven't messed with this stuff before, but just reading the comment on that other question, it looks like the suggestion is to do this:

private static string GetStringPropertyForDevice(IntPtr info, SP_DEVINFO_DATA devdata, uint propId)
uint proptype, outsize;
IntPtr buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
ref devdata,
out proptype,
ref outsize);

uint buflen = outsize;
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)buflen);
outsize = 0;
ref devdata,
out proptype,
ref outsize);

byte[] lbuffer = new byte[outsize];
Marshal.Copy(buffer, lbuffer, 0, (int)outsize);
int errcode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (errcode == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) return null;
CheckError("SetupDiGetDeviceProperty", errcode);
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(lbuffer);
if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero)

Call SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW with no buffer first, just to get the outsize value, then use that as your buffer size. This avoids creating a buffer of arbitrary length which could be exceeded, at the cost of making the call twice.

Again- I haven't tested this or anything, it just seems like what the person writing that comment was intending. Hopefully it works!

Programmatically enabling/disabling hardware device

Take a look at net-how-do-i-disable-a-system-device.

Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device

You can enable/disable devices from Win32 (and hence from C# via P/Invoke) using the SetupDi APIs but not all devices are "disable-able" in this way.

The problem you'll run into trying to disable your touchpad from Win32 (or WMI or any other API which calls down into the SetupDi* family of functions) is that the default mouse driver which is in most laptops with a touchpad ("PS/2 compatible mouse") doesn't support being disabled using SetupDi API's. I suspect this may be because actual old mice using PS/2 connectors can't be hot-detached without hosing the hardware.

To verify that you can't disable, go into Device Manager and right-click on your mouse driver. If you see a disable option, you can use SetupDi to disable it. If no disable option, you're out of luck... welcome to IOCTL-land!

If you do see a disable option, then the code below (ported to C# from a VB sample I found here) should let you disable and re-enable the device.

Here's the code to call the library:

    public static void EnableMouse(bool enable)
// every type of device has a hard-coded GUID, this is the one for mice
Guid mouseGuid = new Guid("{4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}");

// get this from the properties dialog box of this device in Device Manager
string instancePath = @"ACPI\PNP0F03\4&3688D3F&0";

DeviceHelper.SetDeviceEnabled(mouseGuid, instancePath, enable);

Here's the library itself, adapted from here.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using DisableDevice;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
using System.Management;

namespace DisableDevice

internal enum SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags
Default = 1,
Present = 2,
AllClasses = 4,
Profile = 8,
DeviceInterface = (int)0x10

internal enum DiFunction
SelectDevice = 1,
InstallDevice = 2,
AssignResources = 3,
Properties = 4,
Remove = 5,
FirstTimeSetup = 6,
FoundDevice = 7,
SelectClassDrivers = 8,
ValidateClassDrivers = 9,
InstallClassDrivers = (int)0xa,
CalcDiskSpace = (int)0xb,
DestroyPrivateData = (int)0xc,
ValidateDriver = (int)0xd,
Detect = (int)0xf,
InstallWizard = (int)0x10,
DestroyWizardData = (int)0x11,
PropertyChange = (int)0x12,
EnableClass = (int)0x13,
DetectVerify = (int)0x14,
InstallDeviceFiles = (int)0x15,
UnRemove = (int)0x16,
SelectBestCompatDrv = (int)0x17,
AllowInstall = (int)0x18,
RegisterDevice = (int)0x19,
NewDeviceWizardPreSelect = (int)0x1a,
NewDeviceWizardSelect = (int)0x1b,
NewDeviceWizardPreAnalyze = (int)0x1c,
NewDeviceWizardPostAnalyze = (int)0x1d,
NewDeviceWizardFinishInstall = (int)0x1e,
Unused1 = (int)0x1f,
InstallInterfaces = (int)0x20,
DetectCancel = (int)0x21,
RegisterCoInstallers = (int)0x22,
AddPropertyPageAdvanced = (int)0x23,
AddPropertyPageBasic = (int)0x24,
Reserved1 = (int)0x25,
Troubleshooter = (int)0x26,
PowerMessageWake = (int)0x27,
AddRemotePropertyPageAdvanced = (int)0x28,
UpdateDriverUI = (int)0x29,
Reserved2 = (int)0x30

internal enum StateChangeAction
Enable = 1,
Disable = 2,
PropChange = 3,
Start = 4,
Stop = 5

internal enum Scopes
Global = 1,
ConfigSpecific = 2,
ConfigGeneral = 4

internal enum SetupApiError
NoAssociatedClass = unchecked((int)0xe0000200),
ClassMismatch = unchecked((int)0xe0000201),
DuplicateFound = unchecked((int)0xe0000202),
NoDriverSelected = unchecked((int)0xe0000203),
KeyDoesNotExist = unchecked((int)0xe0000204),
InvalidDevinstName = unchecked((int)0xe0000205),
InvalidClass = unchecked((int)0xe0000206),
DevinstAlreadyExists = unchecked((int)0xe0000207),
DevinfoNotRegistered = unchecked((int)0xe0000208),
InvalidRegProperty = unchecked((int)0xe0000209),
NoInf = unchecked((int)0xe000020a),
NoSuchHDevinst = unchecked((int)0xe000020b),
CantLoadClassIcon = unchecked((int)0xe000020c),
InvalidClassInstaller = unchecked((int)0xe000020d),
DiDoDefault = unchecked((int)0xe000020e),
DiNoFileCopy = unchecked((int)0xe000020f),
InvalidHwProfile = unchecked((int)0xe0000210),
NoDeviceSelected = unchecked((int)0xe0000211),
DevinfolistLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000212),
DevinfodataLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000213),
DiBadPath = unchecked((int)0xe0000214),
NoClassInstallParams = unchecked((int)0xe0000215),
FileQueueLocked = unchecked((int)0xe0000216),
BadServiceInstallSect = unchecked((int)0xe0000217),
NoClassDriverList = unchecked((int)0xe0000218),
NoAssociatedService = unchecked((int)0xe0000219),
NoDefaultDeviceInterface = unchecked((int)0xe000021a),
DeviceInterfaceActive = unchecked((int)0xe000021b),
DeviceInterfaceRemoved = unchecked((int)0xe000021c),
BadInterfaceInstallSect = unchecked((int)0xe000021d),
NoSuchInterfaceClass = unchecked((int)0xe000021e),
InvalidReferenceString = unchecked((int)0xe000021f),
InvalidMachineName = unchecked((int)0xe0000220),
RemoteCommFailure = unchecked((int)0xe0000221),
MachineUnavailable = unchecked((int)0xe0000222),
NoConfigMgrServices = unchecked((int)0xe0000223),
InvalidPropPageProvider = unchecked((int)0xe0000224),
NoSuchDeviceInterface = unchecked((int)0xe0000225),
DiPostProcessingRequired = unchecked((int)0xe0000226),
InvalidCOInstaller = unchecked((int)0xe0000227),
NoCompatDrivers = unchecked((int)0xe0000228),
NoDeviceIcon = unchecked((int)0xe0000229),
InvalidInfLogConfig = unchecked((int)0xe000022a),
DiDontInstall = unchecked((int)0xe000022b),
InvalidFilterDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022c),
NonWindowsNTDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022d),
NonWindowsDriver = unchecked((int)0xe000022e),
NoCatalogForOemInf = unchecked((int)0xe000022f),
DevInstallQueueNonNative = unchecked((int)0xe0000230),
NotDisableable = unchecked((int)0xe0000231),
CantRemoveDevinst = unchecked((int)0xe0000232),
InvalidTarget = unchecked((int)0xe0000233),
DriverNonNative = unchecked((int)0xe0000234),
InWow64 = unchecked((int)0xe0000235),
SetSystemRestorePoint = unchecked((int)0xe0000236),
IncorrectlyCopiedInf = unchecked((int)0xe0000237),
SceDisabled = unchecked((int)0xe0000238),
UnknownException = unchecked((int)0xe0000239),
PnpRegistryError = unchecked((int)0xe000023a),
RemoteRequestUnsupported = unchecked((int)0xe000023b),
NotAnInstalledOemInf = unchecked((int)0xe000023c),
InfInUseByDevices = unchecked((int)0xe000023d),
DiFunctionObsolete = unchecked((int)0xe000023e),
NoAuthenticodeCatalog = unchecked((int)0xe000023f),
AuthenticodeDisallowed = unchecked((int)0xe0000240),
AuthenticodeTrustedPublisher = unchecked((int)0xe0000241),
AuthenticodeTrustNotEstablished = unchecked((int)0xe0000242),
AuthenticodePublisherNotTrusted = unchecked((int)0xe0000243),
SignatureOSAttributeMismatch = unchecked((int)0xe0000244),
OnlyValidateViaAuthenticode = unchecked((int)0xe0000245)

internal struct DeviceInfoData
public int Size;
public Guid ClassGuid;
public int DevInst;
public IntPtr Reserved;

internal struct PropertyChangeParameters
public int Size;
// part of header. It's flattened out into 1 structure.
public DiFunction DiFunction;
public StateChangeAction StateChange;
public Scopes Scope;
public int HwProfile;

internal class NativeMethods

private const string setupapi = "setupapi.dll";

private NativeMethods()

[DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DiFunction installFunction, SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, [In()]
ref DeviceInfoData deviceInfoData);

[DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, int memberIndex, ref DeviceInfoData deviceInfoData);

[DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
public static extern SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle SetupDiGetClassDevs([In()]
ref Guid classGuid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]
string enumerator, IntPtr hwndParent, SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags flags);

[DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, [In()]
ref DeviceInfoData did, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)]
StringBuilder deviceInstanceId, int deviceInstanceIdSize, [Out()]
ref int requiredSize);
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(
IntPtr DeviceInfoSet,
ref DeviceInfoData did,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder DeviceInstanceId,
int DeviceInstanceIdSize,
out int RequiredSize

[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
[DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(IntPtr deviceInfoSet);

[DllImport(setupapi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle deviceInfoSet, [In()]
ref DeviceInfoData deviceInfoData, [In()]
ref PropertyChangeParameters classInstallParams, int classInstallParamsSize);


internal class SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid

public SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle()
: base(true)

protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
return NativeMethods.SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(this.handle);


public sealed class DeviceHelper

private DeviceHelper()

/// <summary>
/// Enable or disable a device.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="classGuid">The class guid of the device. Available in the device manager.</param>
/// <param name="instanceId">The device instance id of the device. Available in the device manager.</param>
/// <param name="enable">True to enable, False to disable.</param>
/// <remarks>Will throw an exception if the device is not Disableable.</remarks>
public static void SetDeviceEnabled(Guid classGuid, string instanceId, bool enable)
SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle diSetHandle = null;
// Get the handle to a device information set for all devices matching classGuid that are present on the
// system.
diSetHandle = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetClassDevs(ref classGuid, null, IntPtr.Zero, SetupDiGetClassDevsFlags.Present);
// Get the device information data for each matching device.
DeviceInfoData[] diData = GetDeviceInfoData(diSetHandle);
// Find the index of our instance. i.e. the touchpad mouse - I have 3 mice attached...
int index = GetIndexOfInstance(diSetHandle, diData, instanceId);
// Disable...
EnableDevice(diSetHandle, diData[index], enable);
if (diSetHandle != null)
if (diSetHandle.IsClosed == false)

private static DeviceInfoData[] GetDeviceInfoData(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle handle)
List<DeviceInfoData> data = new List<DeviceInfoData>();
DeviceInfoData did = new DeviceInfoData();
int didSize = Marshal.SizeOf(did);
did.Size = didSize;
int index = 0;
while (NativeMethods.SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(handle, index, ref did))
index += 1;
did = new DeviceInfoData();
did.Size = didSize;
return data.ToArray();

// Find the index of the particular DeviceInfoData for the instanceId.
private static int GetIndexOfInstance(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle handle, DeviceInfoData[] diData, string instanceId)
for (int index = 0; index <= diData.Length - 1; index++)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1);
int requiredSize = 0;
bool result = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), ref diData[index], sb, sb.Capacity, out requiredSize);
if (result == false && Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
sb.Capacity = requiredSize;
result = NativeMethods.SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(handle.DangerousGetHandle(), ref diData[index], sb, sb.Capacity, out requiredSize);
if (result == false)
throw new Win32Exception();
if (instanceId.Equals(sb.ToString()))
return index;
// not found
return -1;

// enable/disable...
private static void EnableDevice(SafeDeviceInfoSetHandle handle, DeviceInfoData diData, bool enable)
PropertyChangeParameters @params = new PropertyChangeParameters();
// The size is just the size of the header, but we've flattened the structure.
// The header comprises the first two fields, both integer.
@params.Size = 8;
@params.DiFunction = DiFunction.PropertyChange;
@params.Scope = Scopes.Global;
if (enable)
@params.StateChange = StateChangeAction.Enable;
@params.StateChange = StateChangeAction.Disable;

bool result = NativeMethods.SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(handle, ref diData, ref @params, Marshal.SizeOf(@params));
if (result == false) throw new Win32Exception();
result = NativeMethods.SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DiFunction.PropertyChange, handle, ref diData);
if (result == false)
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if (err == (int)SetupApiError.NotDisableable)
throw new ArgumentException("Device can't be disabled (programmatically or in Device Manager).");
else if (err >= (int)SetupApiError.NoAssociatedClass && err <= (int)SetupApiError.OnlyValidateViaAuthenticode)
throw new Win32Exception("SetupAPI error: " + ((SetupApiError)err).ToString());
throw new Win32Exception();

Note that when you get an Index-Out-Of-Bounds exception on the line int index = GetIndexOfInstance(diSetHandle, diData, instanceId);, you might have used the wrong classGuid for the device or the wrong instanceId.

Also note that when you run this code on a 64-bit Windows platform, you should target the 64-bit platform when you build your application. Otherwise - i.e. when running your application as a 32-bit process on a 64-bit Windows platform - you will get an SetupAPI error InWow64 (ERROR_IN_WOW64).

When targetting a 64-bit Windows platform, you might also have to make changes to other parts of your application, e.g. when doing pointer arithmetic, in order to prevent overflows.

Enabling / Disabling a Hardware Device in Windows using C#

After alot of headache and trial and error, the best solution was to simply use devcon to handle my device management and handled the execution of devcon through my program with the proper arguments.

Enabling/disabling a device in Windows 10 from command line

Due to security 'improvements' in Windows 10 and certainly since Windows Vista and the introduction of User Account Control I assume you would need to Run as administrator, not just be a member of the Administrators group.

It should generally be read that Run as administrator means Run as the user with the account name Administrator not Run as any user who holds membership of the Administrators group.

To Run as administrator, right click on the batch file and select Run as administrator from the context menu.

There are other ways of running as Administrator too.

  • You can use a self-elevating batch file, which usually uses a PowerShell or WSH helper function.
  • You can use Task Scheduler and choose the appropriate triggers and account information, (possibly using the SYSTEM account).

Additionally you need to ensure that DevCon.exe is either:

  • Along side the batch file, "%~dp0DevCon.exe" Disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_687F*"
  • At a location defined within %PATH%, DevCon Disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_687F*"
  • Invoked using its full path, "C:\Tools\DevCon.exe" Disable "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_687F*"

In all cases above please note the asterisk which is missing from your examples

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