How to Consume a Blazor Component as a Web Component Within a Regular Non-Blazor HTML Page

Can we consume a Blazor component as a Web Component within a regular non-Blazor HTML page?

MS has addressed this limitation, but the solution requires .Net 6.

This was done by the man himself, Steve Sanderson.

Is it possible to embed a Blazor component in a non .NET website?

Yes. This is possible. Once you publish client-side Blazor application using dotnet publish resulting files can be served from any static file hosting. For example you could serve the results using http-server . from the folder where results are published.

To control appearance where Blazor application would be visible in the final HTML application, you can augment index.html as you see fit. <app> tag would be replaced by Blazor application.

Use Blazor as a Component

I would put this as a comment but I don't have the rep. I have been wondering the same and can only seem to find examples of rendering js/react components from inside a blazor app, not the other way around. A related issue has been raised on GitHub at

Component tag does not render blazor component when the razor page is not directly in the pages folder

Instead of adding the blazor script on each page, I added two things in the _Layout.cshtml page.

In the head tag

<base href="~/" /> 
<component type="typeof(HeadOutlet)" render-mode="Server" />

Below the footer tag

<script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script>

How to render a Blazor component into an HTML string

Yes, you can use the test library provided by Steve Sanderson and adapt it to your needs.

This article explains how to use it : Introduction to Blazor Component Testing

The library can be use to generate the HTML of a component.

exemple :

var host = new TestHost();
var component = host.AddComponent<YourComponent>();
var html = component.GetMarkup();

And you can inject services you need.

host.ConfigureServices(services => 

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