How Deterministic Is Floating Point Inaccuracy

How deterministic is floating point inaccuracy?

From what I understand you're only guaranteed identical results provided that you're dealing with the same instruction set and compiler, and that any processors you run on adhere strictly to the relevant standards (ie IEEE754). That said, unless you're dealing with a particularly chaotic system any drift in calculation between runs isn't likely to result in buggy behavior.

Specific gotchas that I'm aware of:

  1. some operating systems allow you to set the mode of the floating point processor in ways that break compatibility.

  2. floating point intermediate results often use 80 bit precision in register, but only 64 bit in memory. If a program is recompiled in a way that changes register spilling within a function, it may return different results compared to other versions. Most platforms will give you a way to force all results to be truncated to the in memory precision.

  3. standard library functions may change between versions. I gather that there are some not uncommonly encountered examples of this in gcc 3 vs 4.

  4. The IEEE itself allows some binary representations to differ... specifically NaN values, but I can't recall the details.

What could cause a deterministic process to generate floating point errors

In almost any situation where there's a fast mode and a safe mode, you'll find a trade-off of some sort. Otherwise everything would run in fast-safe mode :-).

And, if you're getting different results with the same input, your process is not deterministic, no matter how much you believe it to be (in spite of the empirical evidence).

I would say your explanation is the most likely. Put it in safe mode and see if the non-determinism goes away. That will tell you for sure.

As to whether there are other optimizations, if you're compiling on the same hardware with the same compiler/linker and the same options to those tools, it should generate identical code. I can't see any other possibility other than the fast mode (or bit rot in the memory due to cosmic rays, but that's pretty unlikely).

Following your update:

Intel has a document here which explains some of the things they're not allowed to do in safe mode, including but not limited to:

  • reassociation: (a+b)+c -> a+(b+c).
  • zero folding: x + 0 -> x, x * 0 -> 0.
  • reciprocal multiply: a/b -> a*(1/b).

While you state that these operations are compile-time defined, the Intel chips are pretty darned clever. They can re-order instructions to keep pipelines full in multi-CPU set-ups so, unless the code specifically prohibits such behavior, things may change at run-time (not compile-time) to keep things going at full speed.

This is covered (briefly) on page 15 of that linked document that talks about vectorization ("Issue: different results re-running the same binary on the same data on the same processor").

My advice would be to decide whether you need raw grunt or total reproducability of results and then choose the mode based on that.

How can floating point calculations be made deterministic?

Floating-point is deterministic. The same floating-point operations, run on the same hardware, always produces the same result. There is no black magic, noise, randomness, fuzzing, or any of the other things that people commonly attribute to floating-point. The tooth fairy does not show up, take the low bits of your result, and leave a quarter under your pillow.

Now, that said, certain blocked algorithms that are commonly used for large-scale parallel computations are non-deterministic in terms of the order in which floating-point computations are performed, which can result in non-bit-exact results across runs.

What can you do about it?

First, make sure that you actually can't live with the situation. Many things that you might try to enforce ordering in a parallel computation will hurt performance. That's just how it is.

I would also note that although blocked algorithms may introduce some amount of non-determinism, they frequently deliver results with smaller rounding errors than do naive unblocked serial algorithms (surprising but true!). If you can live with the errors produced by a naive serial algorithm, you can probably live with the errors of a parallel blocked algorithm.

Now, if you really, truly, need exact reproducibility across runs, here are a few suggestions that tend not to adversely affect performance too much:

  1. Don't use multithreaded algorithms that can reorder floating-point computations. Problem solved. This doesn't mean you can't use multithreaded algorithms at all, merely that you need to ensure that each individual result is only touched by a single thread between synchronization points. Note that this can actually improve performance on some architectures if done properly, by reducing D$ contention between cores.

  2. In reduction operations, you can have each thread store its result to an indexed location in an array, wait for all threads to finish, the accumulate the elements of the array in order. This adds a small amount of memory overhead, but is generally pretty tolerable, especially when the number of threads is "small".

  3. Find ways to hoist the parallelism. Instead of computing 24 matrix multiplications, each one of which uses parallel algorithms, compute 24 matrix products in parallel, each one of which uses a serial algorithm. This, too, can be beneficial for performance (sometimes enormously so).

There are lots of other ways to handle this. They all require thought and care. Parallel programming usually does.

Dealing with floating point inaccuracy

I think you should just switch to Decimals instead of using floating points since, by definition, floating point numbers accurately represent only fractions that have a power of 2 in the denominator while Decimals don't have this specific problem.

Floating point determinism when reading text files

IEEE floating points are deterministic.

Many C++ compilers do intermediate results in higher precision than what you ask for. This can cause differences between compilers asto what value is calculated.

Asking for a file to be compiled with strict IEEE eliminates that.

Whatever IO library you are using could guarantee what you want regardless; but you could just read the value as a string, then convert to fixed point yourself to avoid having to enforce compiler flags or rely on your library's guarantee.

It is plausible that some library converting a string formatted like 123.4567 to a float could get a different value than some other library and compiler for some dedimal value. Most won't, but I'm imagining a case where adding 6/1000 is done at higher precision on one compiler, and the difference is enough to cause a rounding difference when finally converted back to a 32 bit float.

As a guess, it would be extremely rare.

And as it is rare, libraries might not even know they have such a bug, and either not document it or document that they are deterministic and be wrong about it for 1 out of billions of cases.

Can precision of floating point numbers in Javascript be a source of non determinism?

Although the ECMAScript language specification 5.1 edition states that numbers are primitive values corresponding to IEEE 754 floats, which implies calculations should be consistent:

4.3.19 Number value

primitive value corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value

A Number value is a member of the Number type and is a direct representation of a number.

As BlueRaja points out, there is a sort of caveat in section 15.8.2:

The behaviour of the functions acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, exp, log,
pow, sin, sqrt, and tan is not precisely specified here...

Meaning, these are at least some cases where the outcome of operations on numbers is implementation dependent and may therefore be inconsistent.

Are floating point operations deterministic when running in multiple threads?

Floating point (FP) operations are not associative (but it is commutative). As a result, (x+y)+z can give different results than x+(y+z). For example, (1e-13 + (1 - 1e-13)) == ((1e-13 + 1) - 1e-13) is false with 64-bit IEEE-754 floats. The C++ standard is not very restrictive about floating-point numbers. However, the widely-used IEEE-754 standard is. It specifies the precision of 32-bit and 64-bit number operations, including rounding modes. x86-64 processors are IEEE-754 compliant and mainstream compilers (eg. GCC, Clang and MSVC) are also IEEE-754 compliant by default. ICC is not compliant by default since it assumes the FP operations are associative for the sake of performance. Mainstream compilers have compilation flags to make such assumption so to speed up codes. It is generally combined with other ones like the assumption that all FP values are not NaN (eg. -ffast-math). Such flags break the IEEE-754 compliance, but they are often used in the 3D or video game industry so to speed up codes. IEEE-754 is not required by the C++ standard, but you can check this with std::numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559.

Threads can have different rounding modes by default. However, you can set the rounding mode using the C code provided in this answer. Also, please note that denormal numbers are sometimes disabled on some platforms because of their very-high overhead (see this for more information).

Assuming the IEEE-754 compliance is not broken, the rounding mode is the same and the threads does the operations in the same order, then the result should be identical up to at least 1 ULP. In practice, if they are compiled using a same mainstream compiler, the result should be exactly the same.

The thing is using multiple threads often result in a non-deterministic order of the applied FP operations which causes non-deterministic results. More specifically, atomic operations on FP variables often cause such an issue because the order of the operations often changes at runtime. If you want deterministic results, you need to use a static partitioning, avoid atomic operations on FP variables or more generally atomic operations that could result in a different ordering. The same thing applies for locks or any synchronization mechanisms.

The same thing is true for GPUs. In fact, such problem is very frequent when developers use atomic FP operations for example to sum values. They often do that because implementing fast reductions is complex (though it is more deterministic) and atomic operations as pretty fast on modern GPUs (since they use dedicated efficient units).

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