File Write Permission Issue Under "Program Files" Folder

file write permission issue under Program Files folder

You should write user specific config data to the Application Data folder for the current user, using the special folders enum and the Enivronment.GetFolderPath.

Allow access permission to write in Program Files of Windows 7

Your program should not write temporary files (or anything else for that matter) to the program directory. Any program should use %TEMP% for temporary files and %APPDATA% for user specific application data. This has been true since Windows 2000/XP so you should change your aplication.

The problem is not Windows 7.

You can ask for appdata folder path:

string dir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);

or for TEMP path

string dir = Path.GetTempPath()

Visual Studio, best way to compile directly to Program Files (access denied issues)?

I ended up running Visual Studio as an administrator. That was the simplest solution for me. Thanks everybody that contributed.

Security concerns for writing to application directory under Program Files

Most anti-virus programs will throw a fit if they see any updates under the program files directory.

You'd be better off writing your data to a folder under the AppData folder

Should I give my app write access to Program Files?

The answer, as stated by @PanagiotisKanavos in the comments, isn't to give write access to Program Files. The correct way to implement this is using the tempfiles module of python.

import tempfile

def functionA():
temp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
temp_file.write("hello world")
contents =

def functionB():
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
file_path =

Note that tempfile deletes a temporary file when it is closed. If you intend to use the file on a windows platform it must be closed before it can be read by another process. To do this use the delete=False flag when instantiating the TemporaryFile object. Note that you will have to delete the file manualy. This is easily done by using a named temporary file and deleting the file at that path once you are done with it.

import tempfile

def functionC():
temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
temp_file.write("hello world")
temp_path =
os.system(f"echo {temp_path}")

Privileges/owner issue when writing in C:\ProgramData\

No, C:\ProgramData, aka FOLDERID_ProgramData, has restricted security settings. Standard users can create files there. But these files are, by default, secured so that only the user that created the file can subsequently modify the file.

The recommended solution is for your installer to create a sub directory of C:\ProgramData for your shared storage. And that sub directory must be given a permissive ACL by the installation program. That is what grants the desired access to all standard users.

I do wonder whether you really need shared writeable data. Normally I'd expect to see shared configuration be something that is specified at install time and modified infrequently by administrators. Most configuration data tends to be per user.

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