Enum.Getvalues() Return Type

Enum.GetValues() Return Type

You need to cast the result to the actual array type you want


as GetValues isn't strongly typed

EDIT: just re-read the answer. You need to explicitly cast each enum value to the underlying type, as GetValues returns an array of the actual enum type rather than the base type. Enum.GetUnderlyingType could help with this.

Confusion about return value of Enum.GetValues()

GetValue returns an enumeration value object. This object is of a class (Enum class) that will cast to a string with its name, or cast to an integer with its value. So when the string formatting expects a string, it gets that. When it asks for a decimal (Format specifier D), the enum value gives it the default underlying value which is Int32, which easily casts to a Decimal.

Enum.GetValues(typeof(....)) not returning the proper enum values

Because under the covers Enums are just ints - the second returns the values of Enum1, but really those values are just 0 and 1. When you cast those values to the type Enum2 these are still valid and correspond to the values "A" and "B".

Why does Enum.GetValues() return names when using var?

Enum.GetValues is declared as returning Array.

The array that it returns contains the actual values as ReportStatus values.

Therefore, the var keyword becomes object, and the value variable holds (boxed) typed enum values.

The Console.WriteLine call resolves to the overload that takes an object and calls ToString() on the object, which, for enums, returns the name.

When you iterate over an int, the compiler implicitly casts the values to int, and the value variable holds normal (and non-boxed) int values.

Therefore, the Console.WriteLine call resolves to the overload that takes an int and prints it.

If you change int to DateTime (or any other type), it will still compile, but it will throw an InvalidCastException at runtime.

Enum.GetValues() doesn't return what you (I) would expect

0X16 is a hexadecimal value which is equal to 1*16 + 6 = 22.


0x32 = 3*16 + 2 = 50

0x64 = 6*16 + 4 = 100 and so on.

Try changing hexadecimal values to decimal ones, i.e,

public enum CoinSizes
[Display(Name = "0.01")]
OneCent = 1,
[Display(Name = "0.02")]
TwoCent = 2,
[Display(Name = "0.05")]
FiveCent = 4,
[Display(Name = "0.10")]
TenCent = 8,
[Display(Name = "0.20")]
TwentyCent = 16,
[Display(Name = "0.25")]
TwentyFiveCent = 32,
[Display(Name = "0.50")]
FiftyCent = 64,
[Display(Name = "1.00")]
OneDollar = 128,
[Display(Name = "2.00")]
TowDollar = 256,
[Display(Name = "5.00")]
FiveDollar = 512,
[Display(Name = "10.00")]
TenDollar = 1024,
[Display(Name = "25.00")]
TwentyFiveDollar = 2048,
[Display(Name = "50.00")]
FiftyDollar = 4096

It would be unwise to use Flags enums with colliding values. If used, Oring or ANDing them would produce undesired results.

How to use the result of Enum.GetValues() method?

If you want an array of names, you can just use Enum.GetNames Method

Retrieves an array of the names of the constants in a specified enumeration.

using System;

public class Program
public static void Main()
string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyEnumList));
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", string.Join(",", names));
public enum MyEnumList
egg, apple, orange, potato



If you want a string[] of the numeric values:

using System;
using System.Linq;

public class Program
public static void Main()
string[] enumAsStrings = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyEnumList)) // strongly typed values
.Cast<int>() // Get the _numeric_ values
.Select(x => x.ToString()) // conv. to string
.ToArray(); // give me an array
Console.WriteLine("[{0}]",string.Join(",", enumAsStrings));
public enum MyEnumList
egg, apple, orange, potato



Difference between Enum.GetValues and Enum.GetNames

GetValues will return an Array of the underlying integer values for each item in the Enum.

GetNames will return a string array of the Names for the items in the enum.

The Array returned by GetValues implements IList while the string[] returned by GetNames does not, which explains the binding differences.

How do I convert an enum to a list in C#?

This will return an IEnumerable<SomeEnum> of all the values of an Enum.


If you want that to be a List<SomeEnum>, just add .ToList() after .Cast<SomeEnum>().

To use the Cast function on an Array you need to have the System.Linq in your using section.

How to enumerate an enum?

foreach (Suit suit in (Suit[]) Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)))

Note: The cast to (Suit[]) is not strictly necessary, but it does make the code 0.5 ns faster.

C# HttpGet Enum.GetValues return liste

While commented hints are not wrong, You have here a walk through edition, using xUnit for the extended version first

public enum NotificationTemplateType
Undefined = 0,
Pigeon = 1,
Shout = 2,
Mail = 3,
Team = 4,
Skype = 5,
Slack = 6,
Viber = 7,

public void VerifyIsAListTest()
var undefinedArray = Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationTemplateType));
var specificArray = (NotificationTemplateType[])undefinedArray;
var elementsListThoughArrayWillBeFineWhenReturningBesidesForTheController = specificArray.ToList();

So Your method could be (please format better with linebreaks)

public async Task<IActionResult> GetTemplateType()
var liste = ((NotificationTemplateType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationTemplateType))).ToList();
return Ok(liste);

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