Error: "Cannot Modify the Return Value" C#

Error: Cannot modify the return value c#

This is because Point is a value type (struct).

Because of this, when you access the Origin property you're accessing a copy of the value held by the class, not the value itself as you would with a reference type (class), so if you set the X property on it then you're setting the property on the copy and then discarding it, leaving the original value unchanged. This probably isn't what you intended, which is why the compiler is warning you about it.

If you want to change just the X value, you need to do something like this:

Origin = new Point(10, Origin.Y);

CS1612 Cannot modify the return vaue because it is not a variable

you are trying to make assignment to CmdTest.Location. check my fix

CmdTest.Location = new Point(
CmdTest.Location.X + 20, CmdTest.Location.Y);

Cannot Modify Return Value because It is not a Variable

There is probably never going to be a "shortcut" for this since it's a feature of the fundamental difference between value types and reference types.

Cannot modify the return value error when modifying content of List T

Welcome to the wonderful world of evil mutable structs!

Change ThreadCheck to a class and everything will work fine.

Impossible to modify the return value of 'Selectable.Colors' because it's not a variable

The root cause of the error is that ColorBlock is a struct, i.e. a value type.

When you access colors property of ButtonLeft, a copy of the struct is made, i.e. ButtonLeft.colors is a copy of ColorBlock inside ButtonLeft. Although assignments to properties of colors could theoretically succeed, they would have no effect on the colors inside ButtonLeft, which is certainly a programming error. That is why the language triggers an error, prohibiting the assignment.

That is why you need to use ClolrBlock in the way described by the documentation:

ColorBlock cb = ButtonLeft.colors;
cb.normalColor = newColor;
button.colors = cb;

Cannot modify the return value of a collection of rectangles

Rather than working directly with Rectangles, how about adding a BodyPart class, with some manipulation methods:

public class BodyPart
private Rectangle rectangle;

public BodyPart(Rectangle rectangle)
this.rectangle = rectangle;

public void MoveY(int value)
rectangle.Y += value;

public void MoveX(int value)
rectangle.X += value;

public class Snake
public List<BodyPart> Parts = new List<BodyPart>();

public class AppSnake
public void Run()
var snake = new Snake();
snake.Parts.Add(new BodyPart(new Rectangle(760, 25, 8, 8)));

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