Enter "&" Symbol into a Text Label in Windows Forms

Enter & symbol into a text Label in Windows Forms?

Two ways:

  • Escape it with another ampersand (&&).

  • Set UseMnemonic for that label to false. This causes all ampersands within the text to be taken literally so you don't need to double any of them. You'll lose the underlining and access key features though.

    You can set the value either in the designer, or in code:

    myLabel.UseMnemonic = false;
    myLabel.Text = "Text&Text";

Displaying ampersand in form label - C#

you need to escape it with use double ampersand && for displaying single ampersand &

Note : single & has different meaning that it will be treated as ACCESS KEY PREFIX character and you need to escape it with another &

Try This :



you can set UseMnemonic property of the label to false, and give only one ampersand & .when you set UseMnemonic to false ampersand will be treated as normal literal and displayed.

How can I show an & (ampersand) in button or label text?

If you are trying to display & in button text, use &&. A single & is used for keyboard shortcuts, and a double ampersand will escape that.

The article Escape ampersand (&) character in C# mentions that you can leave the caption unaltered with single & and just set UseMnemonic property of the button to false.

Cannot display && in the text of a button in C#

You can solve this by setting the button's UseMnemonic property to false.

The UseMnemonic property gets or sets a value indicating whether the first character that is preceded by an ampersand (&) is used as the mnemonic key of the control. So setting it to false will allow you to use the & character without escaping the character that follows it.

For further reading.

& sign in LinkLabel Text

& is a shortcut key from winforms controls.

"a&b" means; shortcut key for alt+b

Check out: Create Access Keys for Windows Forms Controls

To include an ampersand in a caption without creating an access key,
include two ampersands (&&). A single ampersand is displayed in the
caption and no characters are underlined.

// Set the letter "P" as an access key.
button1.Text = "&Print";

Also I found Label.UseMnemonic property.

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control interprets an
ampersand character (&) in the control's Text property to be an access
key prefix character.

&' is being shown as '_' in a string c#

You need to double up the & character.

Traditionally, & in strings (that are going to be displayed in the windows UI) is used to precede the keyboard accelerator character. Which when rendered is underlined. If you'd not had a space after the &, you'd have seen whatever character followed underlined, rather than seeing it as the & being replaced by a _.

Artists missing characters in string

You most likely need to escape the ampersand.

  • If you're using windows forms and displaying it in a label, you can technically do it without escaping the ampersand, by switching the UseMnemonic property to false on the label.
  • If you're using anything other than a label it can be done with a TextFormatFlag if you don't want to escape it
  • You can escape just that character, by using &&
  • If you're displaying it on the web, you'll need to escape it using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode() or by switching all & to &
  • If you prefer another way to encode it, you can use WebUtility.HtmlEncode() which does not have a dependency on System.Web

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