How to Include External Font in Wpf Application Without Installing It

How to include external font in WPF application without installing it

I use such XAML code:

<Style x:Key="Hatten">
<Setter Property="TextElement.FontFamily" Value="Resources/#HATTEN" />

#HATTEN - reference to hatten.tft in Resources.

Using the Style:

 <TextBlock x:Name="lblTitle" Style="{DynamicResource Hatten}" FontSize="72"></TextBlock>

Include Fonts in WPF Application

Embedding fonts in WPF as resources, is pretty simple. However, there are few gotchas that you need to be aware of.

Here is a step by step process that I followed in a sample app:

Added Resources/Fonts folders to my project

Dragged the Source Sans Pro .ttf files into the Fonts folder

Visual Studio automatically set their Build Action to Resource

Note: You don't need to copy them to the output directory if they are being used as resources

Created a Fonts.xaml ResourceDictionary with the following code


<FontFamily x:Key="Regular">pack://application:,,,/WpfApp4;component/Resources/Fonts/#Source Sans Pro</FontFamily>
<FontFamily x:Key="Black">pack://application:,,,/WpfApp4;component/Resources/Fonts/#Source Sans Pro Black</FontFamily>


Then I merged in the Fonts.xaml resources into my App.xaml file.

<Application x:Class="WpfApp4.App"
<ResourceDictionary Source="Fonts.xaml" />

The first problem you have is an incorrect Pack Uri format.

pack://application:,,,/YourAppNamespace;component/Resources/Fonts/#Font Family Name

The second problem you have is an incorrect font family name

The font family name is usually not the same as the .ttf file name!

To get the right family name, I highly recommend using the dp4 Font Viewer.

I hope this helps!

How to add custom fonts in Visual Studio and show fonts in the properties menus?

  1. Add the (external) font to the solution. You can add it as a resource too which is the best practice.
  2. Close the XAML and associated files.
  3. Reopen the file and go to properties and you will see the added font
  4. If not close the solution and do the above. You should see the font

If it doesn't work for any reason you can specify the relative path of the font as shown in the image:

Sample Image

Also, check How to include external font in WPF application without installing it for other best practices which include using Style

Sample Image

Using a custom font in WPF

I tried your code with this

  <Setter Property="TextElement.FontFamily" Value="fonts/#Arial Narrow Bold"/>

and it worked successfully.

Have you marked your font as 'Resource' in the Build Action? If you haven't, do that now and try your code again.

How to load external font file in WPF on runtime

Unfortunately it's not possible to directly reference the font file path. You need two things: The directory where the font file exists and the font name.

So in your case you can set the font family using the following code:

btn.FontFamily = new FontFamily("file:///d:/Fonts/#Ashley");

For reference see chapter Specifying Fonts in Alternate Directories in the MSDN document "FontFamily Class".

WPF load font from Resources

There's a memory leak you need to be aware of.

Any font reference which uses a relative path will cause a memory leak.
The way to do this is to use an absolute path.
And yes, that is a nuisance.

See this:
WPF TextBlock memory leak when using Font

I've recently been working on something which uses fancy fonts and investigated the issue. It's still there with .net 4.7.
I wouldn't use a temporary folder, deliver your ttf to the same folder as your exe or into local appdata if you have several apps which will use the same ttf.

My plan, when I get round to this specific aspect of our app, is to write a custom markup extension which will allow me to pass a short name and go find the absolute path on the user's machine. I'll be using appdata.

Your immediate problem is because you're not using a relative path. Put a / in front of your path there.


But you will then have a memory leak.

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