Dynamically Generate Linq Queries

Dynamically generate LINQ queries

Here is a solution with expression trees:

var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SomeObject), "p");
var exp = Expression.Lambda<Func<SomeObject, bool>>(
Expression.Property(param, "Name"),
var query = someObj.Where(exp);

I know it's much more complex, but this may be useful in times.

Dynamically building LINQ queries from string

Here is my implementation of converting your query into a Func. Since I wasn't sure what type was in your collection, I made an interface to represent objects that had an attributes Dictionary<string, string> and processed that.

Basically I added a method to QueryClass to convert it to an Expression. It uses a helper dictionary string->lambda that builds the appropriate comparison Expression for each operator.
Then I added a class to convert the List<object> into a Func<IItem,bool> suitable for a LINQ Where filter.

public interface IItem {
Dictionary<string, string> attributes { get; set; }

class QueryClass {
public string FieldName { get; set; }
public string Operator { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }

public QueryClass(string pInput) {
var returned = RegexHelpers.SplitKeyValue(pInput); //just returns a string like "Make = Honda" into three parts
if (returned != null) {
FieldName = returned.Item1;
Operator = returned.Item2;
Value = returned.Item3;

static MethodInfo getItemMI = typeof(Dictionary<string, string>).GetMethod("get_Item");
static Dictionary<string, Func<Expression, Expression, Expression>> opTypes = new Dictionary<string, Func<Expression, Expression, Expression>> {
{ "==", (Expression lhs, Expression rhs) => Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.Equal, lhs, rhs) },
{ ">=", (Expression lhs, Expression rhs) => Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual, Expression.Call(lhs, typeof(String).GetMethod("CompareTo", new[] { typeof(string) }), rhs), Expression.Constant(0)) },
{ "CONTAINS", (Expression lhs, Expression rhs) => Expression.Call(lhs, typeof(String).GetMethod("Contains"), rhs) }
static MemberInfo attribMI = typeof(IItem).GetMember("attributes")[0];

public Expression AsExpression(ParameterExpression p) {
var dictField = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(p, attribMI);
var lhs = Expression.Call(dictField, getItemMI, Expression.Constant(FieldName));
var rhs = Expression.Constant(Value);

if (opTypes.TryGetValue(Operator, out var exprMakerFn))
return exprMakerFn(lhs, rhs);
throw new InvalidExpressionException($"Unrecognized operator {Operator}");

public class LinqBuilder {
static Type TItems = typeof(IItem);

static Expression BuildOneLINQ(object term, ParameterExpression parm) {
switch (term) {
case QueryClass qc: // d => d[qc.FieldName] qc.Operator qc.Value
return qc.AsExpression(parm);
case List<object> subQuery:
return BuildLINQ(subQuery, parm);
throw new Exception();

static Expression BuildLINQ(List<object> query, ParameterExpression parm) {
Expression body = null;
for (int queryIndex = 0; queryIndex < query.Count; ++queryIndex) {
var term = query[queryIndex];
switch (term) {
case string op:
var rhs = BuildOneLINQ(query[++queryIndex], parm);
var eop = (op == "AND") ? ExpressionType.AndAlso : ExpressionType.OrElse;
body = Expression.MakeBinary(eop, body, rhs);
body = BuildOneLINQ(term, parm);

return body;

public static Func<IItem, bool> BuildLINQ(List<object> query) {
var parm = Expression.Parameter(TItems, "i");
return Expression.Lambda<Func<IItem, bool>>(BuildLINQ(query, parm), parm).Compile();

Once you have this, you can pass in a List<object> expression and then filter your collection. Given a query q and a collection of IItems cs, you can do:

var ans = cs.Where(LinqBuilder.BuildLINQ(q));

How to build a dynamic FROM clause for a LINQ query?

You can use Expression Trees to build dynamic LINQ queries. Here is an example: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb882637.aspx

Another approach is to use Dynamic LINQ library:

Both approaches are illustrated here:

Predicate Builder from this example uses Expression Tree approach.

In general, Dynamic LINQ is easier to implement but Expression Tree is more type-safe.

Dynamic Linq Where statement with Relation

After a lot of research and trying things, this is an easy and friendly way using the same Dynamic Linq library:

List<Publication> results = new List<Publication>();

// Just an example, previously calculated dynamically
string filterQuery = "(Id = 1 and Number = 2)";
string filterQueryChildren = "Products.Any(Id == 1)"

IQueryable<Publication> query = db.Publications.Include(i => i.Product).Where(filterQueryChildren);

query = query.Where(filterQuery);

results = query.OrderBy(orderQuery).ToList();

Build LINQ queries dynamically - force using sp_executesql instead of raw query

In order to let EF use a parameter instead of constant value, you need to introduce a closure (similar to what C# compiler does for compile time expressions).

One way is to create anonymous type and bind it's property:

var closure = new { value };
var body = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, property),
Expression.Property(Expression.Constant(closure), "value"));

Another way is to actually use the C# compiler to create a closure expression and bind it's body:

Expression<Func<TValue>> closure = () => value;
var body = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(param, property),

How to dynamically build up a query in linq

You can use PredicateBuilder

Dim pred = PredicateBuilder.True(Of Profile)()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameValue) Then
pred = pred.And(Function(x) x.name = nameValue)
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationValue) Then
pred = pred.And(Function(x) x.location = locationValue)
End If

Dim query = profiles.Where(pred)

(Note: this solution assumes profiles is an IQueryable<Profile>, e.g. an Entity Framework DbSet or ObjectSet; if it's just a normal collection, use profiles.AsQueryable() instead of profiles)

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