Dropdownlist in MVC 4 with Razor

DropDownList in MVC 4 with Razor

List<SelectListItem> listItems= new List<SelectListItem>();
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
Text = "Exemplo1",
Value = "Exemplo1"
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
Text = "Exemplo2",
Value = "Exemplo2",
Selected = true
listItems.Add(new SelectListItem
Text = "Exemplo3",
Value = "Exemplo3"

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.tipo, listItems, "-- Select Status --")

MVC 4 Razor - Creating a dynamic DropDownList

There are a couple ways of doing this without forcing you to store all the possible data items in the model, my preference is to use Javascript/JQuery. Here is an example of a Country/State cascading drop down:

Javascript used to get states when a country is selected:

<script type="text/javascript">
function AppendUrlParamTokens(url, params) {

for (var param in params) {
if (params[param] == null) {
delete params[param];

return url + "?" + jQuery.param(params);

function OnCountriesChange(ddl) {
jQuery.getJSON(AppendUrlParamTokens('@Url.Action("GetStates", "Data")', { countryId: ddl.options[ddl.selectedIndex].value }), function (result) {
var target = jQuery('#states_ddl');
jQuery(result).each(function() {
.attr('value', this.Value)

Country dropdown:

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Country, new SelectList(Model.Countries, "Value", "Text", Model.PreviousCountrySelected), "(Select One)", new { id = "countries_ddl", onchange = "OnCountriesChange(this)" })

State dropdown:

Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.State,
Model.States != null
? new SelectList(Model.States, "Value", "Text", Model.PreviousStateSelected)
: new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>(), "Value", "Text"),
new { id = "states_ddl" })

Controller method to retrieve states:

public ActionResult GetStates(short? countryId)
if (!countryId.HasValue)
return Json(new List<object>(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

var data = GetAllStatesForCountry(countryId.Value).Select(o => new { Text = o.StateName, Value = o.StateId });

return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

The idea is that on selection of dropdown 1 you use ajax to go retrieve your second dropdown's value.

Edit: Forgot to include utility method for constructing urls

How to Implement Dependent Dropdownlist in MVC4 Razor

This might help you.

Try to implement like example given in that tutorial.

How to generate dropdownlist in asp.net MVC razor

Use it like this

@Html.DropDownList("Direction", new SelectList(listItems , "Value" , "Text"),new {onchange = "getAlldata()"})

How to fill dropdownlist for MVC4 razor views (C#)

Add a SelectList to your ViewBag in the Controller:

ViewBag.ProfileId = new SelectList(db.UserProfiles, "Id", "Username");

then add this in your View:

@Html.DropDownList("ProfileId", String.Empty)

Moreover you should have used "model" instead of "Model" in your lambda expression.

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